General Discussion

General DiscussionMost cancerous community ever/disable reports in turbo mode

Most cancerous community ever/disable reports in turbo mode in General Discussion

    This community is such a fucking joke. Ever since volvo introduced new behavior system, games are like pure cancer. I get normal bh score (like I always had), play a few games, get 3 green cards in a row, each 10+ comments, perfect - then I get a game with 4 russians, one of them a kid prolly not more than 12+ years of age (his voice hasn't mutated, thats how I knew), anyway we won, but we had some disagreements and yea I get 4 reports, since russians are the WORST TRASH on this planet, I play 2-3 more games, get blamed for losing 2 since of course mid is always to blame, even though we have 0 wards and a jungler, classic story. Anyway I end up in LP for like the 2nd or 3rd time in a matter of days since 4k bracket is such a goddam joke, everyone blames you for everything, no matter how good you play, you get blamed. You comment on other ppl's build - you get report, you comment on how we should push because our draft is strong early and weak late - you get report, yadadada always same bullshit.

    And then of course, the worst JOKE is the latest story, you get a report in a freaking turbo mode for trying to save the game with a divine rapier (not to mention that it was a long shot even with that extra damage) since your draft is so weak and they got like 4 cores... and you end up in LP. In which you play 9000 games because you get leavers and trash ruiners every game, with zero chance of winning.

    then you get out of LP - 2nd game in turbo mode - you pick your fav hero, you mark your lane, 30 seconds later 1 more idiot marks your lane. You tell him nicely that its your lane, but since you cant steal someone else's lane now, it will be double mid. He says sure fine stay. In the end we have triple mid... vs their triple mid. After he gets killed 3 times he says you got a report....

    fucking toxic dogshit, we play a TURBO mode, where I TAKE MY LANE you come in uninvited and now you are going to report me?

    yea, this community is a community of toxic animals, who have no respect for other people, and the behavior system is broken.

    turbo should have disabled reports, cos I'm sick of ending up where I don't belong for no reason just because someone is an arrogant typical invoker picker. He didn't get what he wanted so he proceeded to report. what an ape, I would have gladly posted his profile here if he wasn't invisible on dotabuf

    shame on you for being such a cancerous community

    зачем я начал поиск

      4 reports from 1 party hold little impact on whether you'll end up in LPQ.
      However, consistently being arrogant may easily get you LPQ.

      My guess is you lecture your teammates every game and comment on something, which really isn't your business too frequently.

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        tl ; dr


          Turbo mode is actually great for behavior score boosting. I got my main from F to C- in half a week just from playing turbo mode since people are less likely to report you because of the non-serious atmosphere, and the fact that each turbo mode is like 15 min and are weighted as normal games.
          So you effectively increase your behavior score twice as fast.


            Literally all you have to do is not run down mid or just start flaming and getting into arguments, which should be easy for anyone not retarded enough to take turbo mode seriously :thinking:


              @technical difficulties.

              it wasn't a single party. it was 4 different guys since it's solo mmr. all russian though.

              @lone dog

              yea you are correct, I did the same with turbo, but as you can see, I picked my lane, hero and then some idiot jumped in and said he would report me when he started dying. What was I supposed to do? ruin someone else's lane?

              My guess is that you have to avoid playing mid lanes, as every time their mid does something it's somehow your fault. Same with carry role. I've seen numerous times ppl flaming their carries in global chat for their lack of farm, yet they lacked farm because their lane had no supports/roamers - so the wrong people got reported - the whole system is just broken sorry.

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              Player 153433446

                Mute and play...gtfo here kid...this forum is for grownups with real shit to post


                  Im 17 and my voice havent changed yet :/