General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of F score ?

How to get out of F score ? in General Discussion

    Im F on my main acc and ranked is unplayable.How many clear summaries need to get to C or normal ?

    casual gamer

      use turbo also stop being retarded and or cancer

      also stop making brag threads every time you encounter someone higher than 2k mmr ty


        Okay mr almighty 6k

        casual gamer

          i mean i gave you useful advice

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            Bad Intentions

              wondering bout that too, my total matches are also F lol

              Bad Intentions

                come to think about it, maybe i just have too many games heh

                Riguma Borusu

                  not matches analyzed, he meant behavior score jesus christ


                    im talking about behaviour score not dotabuff matches lmao :/

                    Bad Intentions

                      wtf! well then..

                      Bad Intentions

                        maybe be nice?


                          Never knew that behavior score changed from number to grade now after checked console command, but what is the best grade you can have? mine is just normal one.


                            normal behaviour score is best,F worst.


                              Whats with the concern regarding behavior score, would it matter if your score is F or an A?


                                Ofcourse it does,you get toxic,game ruiners,griefers,leavers and etc at F,and normal teammates at Normal.Its unplayble with F on ranked.


                                  Then why did you had an F rank? are you also toxic?


                                    play unranked, or ability draft for 10 games, no one reports there


                                      my score became normal out of nowhere after the update. i thought they reset it.
                                      stop abandoning, stop being toxic, mute everyone, stop playing selfishly. because even if u dont say a word but u play like an ass, people will still report you.

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Just mute everyone in the options menu if you're behavior score is that low, if you don't say anything, your chances of being not being reported increase exponentially, do NOT try to converse with these shitty human beings or give them fair or logical arguments, even when you are right, you are wrong arguing against them. This is something I really, really have to work on, knowing i'm right, but just not saying anything. Also play well, support when you know your team needs a support as well, cause you're less likely to be reported if you're supporting, cause people at low behavior score brackets tend to be shitters who instalock carry and are there for a reason.

                                        It goes F, D-, D, D+, C-, C, Normal.

                                        I went from D- to Normal in a week and a half cause I play alot, games were very winnable in normal, and I was just climbing again, sure enough, once I started losing, lost 600 mmr in a week, I became more frustrated, got reported more, ended up in D, and every game was a rage fest for my teammates, sitting at C- right now.

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                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          how about u ask ur mum op


                                            I love how the best score is normal. In a way, they're saying: Act like a normal decent human being and you're all good. That's normal. That's expected. If you're less, you're not normal, and you'll be put in a booth with other less normal cre... people.

                                            But seriously, don't talk, and don't play playmaker heroes (Enigma, Void, Earthshaker, Axe) until you're back to normal. If you can be a scapegoat, murphys law suggests that you will become one. God knows that it's never gonna be the hard carrys fault. If he's alone and dies, he blames the support. If he dies in a teamfight, he'll blame whoever has a stun or a heal, and if he dies with someone, he'll blame that person. If he can't find any, he'll blame the opponent for being too OP.