General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP !!!!

HELP !!!! in General Discussion
pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

    hi guys : im behaviour score F , how can i give it back to normal or A or dunno what is the best behavior score ?

    how many games i need or how many commends ? or what i need to do to fix this behaviour score F ?

    because i play with bots and cant win game ,they r just diving or feeding , too bad that i played like 150 games on that behaviour score ..

    on behaviour score normal i raised my MMR from 4100 to 4800 in 10 days , now on behaviour score F i raised my mmr from 4100 to 3800 :D

    just need to say WP valve u got us.. ;)

    Ова тема је измењена

      Just play lots of turbo and don't speak.

      pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

        lots of means ? 10 ? 40? how many games i need and can i get behaviour score A with turbos?

        Rektdalf the White

          I heard making another thread with identical "problem" will help...

          pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

            i heard ur 2k ..

            Rektdalf the White

              Lmao, you should also hear that I don't really care, and that i have way more enjoyable games because I'm not getting triggered by everything - hence I'm not playing in behavior shitfest.

              pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                :D why u dont care? i can explain u everything what u need from this game...just ask , and try to be normal at least... ur not getting triggered by everything coz u didnt play high rank games ,if u do u will cry if ur carry miss 1 creep in 5min , ok? :) kk

                Rektdalf the White

                  Not caring is personal preference, helps a lot in games like this and not so suprisingly it helps irl too. Thats why my behav score was always - when it was numerical atleast 9,8 - 9,9k - there you get feeding idiots like you met in your last few games on very rare occasions. And if you consider "high" rank games, games inbetween 3,5-4k like you are playing right now, I've been there and yet i didn't cry when my carry missed a lasthit. The behavior shitpool that you got yourself into is primarily your fault, bcs you let people get into your head and its consequences visualised as bunch of feeding retards you now face. So im gonna go there again and say it - change ur attitude, switch to unranked/turbo games for awhile or you won't get out.

                  pos5 with carry hero,ez g...

                    i was playin 8k + games so pls when i mean high i mean high , not 3-4-5 thx, ye the problem is when u know something right u need to say it so we can be normal,otherwise i flame so i get mass reports, they know why they did it , coz best players r flamers :D , so this games what im watching now on "watch" average 7 8 k , i mean this is true 3-4 k FOR REAL ...y i need to change in options talk and chat (disable) gg wp valve


                      how to check behaviour score ??? wonder if this is the problem matching me to those ruiner

                      Mid and Safelane Only!

                        just play good and don't whine