General Discussion

General DiscussionConvince valve to bring back the old ranked system please

Convince valve to bring back the old ranked system please in General Discussion

    The new ranked system sux dix. Anyone know how to make an online petition?

    fear is the mind killer

      you suck + its useless + you still have a mmr rating + you're being an old fuck


        well the update today about the new rank system is good and fair for everyone :)
        See you been playing example you're in 3k bracket for almost a half year then you now in 3.5k
        well in this update you can play anyone in you're bracket its either 3k or 4k depending that you have the same medals like you're in Divine , all divine medals player you can play with, you can either play with miracles and other top pro players. :)

        Fuka suginai o nīchan

          ha ha ha fair.
          I played with legends and archons while having 2,5k guys in the enemy team ^^


            yeah its fair lol you're only calibrating mate.
            Fact here is that the medals you earned or you belong after calibrating is the league you will be you can played either the previous mmr of player is 4k then u are only 3k example then you can be played like that, unlike before that when you are in 4k bracket you can only played with same MMR like 4k.

            I always see ppl who keep always on complaining is around Normal Skill > High Skilled you'll be stuck forever in that league if you don't change your mindset. Move on if you are not comfortable anymore then leave enough blame.


              the system is exactly the same, except now you get a badge




                Friendly player

                  the system is exactly the same, except now you get a badge

                  And all these people are mad about new ranking system even though nothing has changed.


                    theyre mad about the calibration.

                    Mlada i Luda

                      how is it the same cuki? real question , cause ihave not calibrated yet dont time to play that much. but how it works after you calibrate? so you win a star now instead or ( even mmr) , and how much mmr is a star converted in the old mmr ? if you can climb badges by wining 5 stars, is it 1 win 1 star? if so that means you can climb and drop milestones with much more less games than you used too.

                      im not debating or something , making some real questions cause idont know how it works yet.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        lol nothing has changed other than mmr bell curve being reduced

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          oee i didnt get my 5k oee

                          Mlada i Luda

                            @HDHR, how it works than how do you exactly climb star and badges ? you tested this already or you know shit same as i do , and you wasting our time with nonsense talking lul.

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              The old system was total dogshit.
                              It was eternally inflatable and non-seasonal.

                              This system has a clear limit and clear positions.
                              There is no inflation/stretching of the bell curve, everything's way more centered.
                              If you're just salty, because you lost blue star (who cares about fucking db blue star anyway, on a serious note) or lost a few hundred of points, then you're fucking retarded, hence these points are readjusted and don't match the old MMR in real terms anyway.

                              Old 5k is at around 4.7k now. Everyone above 2453 got dragged down, everyone below - dragged up.
                              The system now has way more symmetry with 2453 being the most average value (top point of the curve).
                              Number is just a measurement of skill, not the other way around.
                              No matter what the system is, you'll get back to where you were. Regardless of poor calibration or w/e.

                              New system is better and different to the old one, because:
                              -It is seasonal (that is a big fucking change)
                              -It is adjusted for inflation by having discrete skill measurements (divisions, which are finite), instead of a number, which can possibly go infinetely up).
                              -It is now centered around the supposed average skill measure, instead of being stretched in an unnatural way due to inflation (you can go to Opendota solo MMR tab to see this stretch).

                              How is it "the same", again?

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Mlada i Luda

                                still not having an answer for my question.
                                @Scfd. .. have you played any game after calibration yet ? how it works, you win/loss 1 star for a game, or that star represent some amount points of mmr, and you need that exact number of matches win/ loss, to climb or lose 1 star? its a big difference in between, those scenarios.


                                  anyone else just annoyed that when you're spectating all you see are ? medals?

                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                    anyone else just annoyed that when you're spectating all you see are ? medals?

                                    yeah cant see ur friend's mmr after game end anymore >:(

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      im i muted ? damn !!! or you guys dont know shit about it ? as always i need to be the one to test things myself and comme with some decent conclusions for this forum ?
                                      i was hoping getting some free info this time . damn you useles kids .

                                      in and out

                                        making new account to smurf lol im happy ur on ur way to herald 5 :D