General Discussion

General DiscussionIs ranked even playable atm?

Is ranked even playable atm? in General Discussion
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    Wanna know, whether game quality is good or not in RMM right now (not calibration, but climbing medals).

    I got 2 afk junglers (dual jungle from lvl 1) on my first after-calibration queue and feel hesitant to go next.
    Am I afraid for nothing?

    Because maybe that was just an unfortunate coincidence.

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      gonna pray before play ...

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        Wanna hear some Legend-tier matchmaking feedback.

        Fuck Dota 2's Devs

          no u can't
          no one is picking sup
          every one core
          most time duble mid or duble carry
          dont play
          i was 3700
          now i got legend no star


            yeah i got mid literally every game


              Actually not too bad, I would even go so far as to say the mmr gap difference now is bigger.
              Me for example, a 4.4k could match with anyone from 4k to 5k.
              That said, past few games have been pretty good for me. People instantly volunteer to supp and some even do a pretty decent job.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Very unstable games, usually very one sided


                  I've played like 20 matches, and everygame feels like the compendium mmr, people that was on the same rank as me, and didnt played for months are coming back, so ye, you will play with people that are clearly not on your skill bracket, and many game ruiners. But keep playing i guess, im focusing on my mistakes for now, not even talking in the game.

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                    It's a shitshow. Last game double mid trash talking each other in some weird asian language and no courier, the game before it ended 36-8 and I went 2-4 with Lifestealer which means my entire team fed 32 kills and got 6. Afk jungling Warlock, 1-10 SB and shit. Awesome ranked games after (and in the middle of) the calibration.


                      Mmr is hell now. All ppl want to play core for gpm and xpm that doesnt even proved to be one of the factor for calibrating. Gj valve

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                        I honestly think Valve should lock calibration time.
                        Like, you could calibrate only 2 weeks into a season and after that it's locked, until the next one.
                        Or something like giving late calibrations a cap of calibration games played per day, etc.

                        I know, they ain't going to do it, because it is very unprofitable, but still.





                            supps rush midas to get high gpm..which is so dumb in all aspects, doesnt even work that way

                            everyone picks greedy cores that are associated with high GPM. then you end up with 2 cores that need to splitpish, a greedy offlaner and a midas supp. ofc the enemy team runs down your base at min 20.

                            next game is the same but in reverse.

                            people never group up but splitpush on their own to get gold. ofc they die all the time and get 300 GPM but whatever

                            2nd game was. stomp, PA buys 2 rapiers looses both within a minute.

                            that was thursday, in m experience games get even worse with weekend players and kiddies starting up dota