General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed guidance (no bullshit)

Need guidance (no bullshit) in General Discussion
in and out

    I played couple of unranked and party games and it went good and my 1st solo ranked is that sf on my recent game and i still have no idea what to do in order to move higher, i did my best to end it as fast as possible i cast all my skills on a hero jsut to make sure its gonna die and not think about the KDA, i risked my supports life just to make sure the carry stays alive and more, am i really just gonna be stuck here for a while or just stay here for a longer time???
    (need guidance no bullshit)

    Ова тема је измењена

      with a quick look i can see they have sniper which is a great high ground defender and your only tower killers (siegers) are u and viper and u both did a pretty shitty build for damage. if you are winning by a lot you should just zone them inside the base, ward agressively and farm all map and roshan till you are good enough to enter the high ground, as well as try to look for a smoke gank then enter 5v4 or 5v3 or something. Also linken rush is horrible


        also your builds in most games i checked is really bad. For example rushing linken's in medusa is superbad, it wont increase your farm or your damage, just your survivability. and starting lvling q at level 10 guarantees that u wont have full build in 40mins like proper dusa but u will have just a linken boots and another item on 40. Generally carries go either diffusal, deso. SB and stuff for fighting (eg. PA, Weaver, slark) or other similar items or they go mask of madness to increase the farm or battlefury (eg. sven, antimage, troll, medusa) never should you rush linkens. proper position and knowledge when to fight will cover the need for rush linken in order to not die

        in and out

          okay man ty