General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice from dotabuff community

Need advice from dotabuff community in General Discussion

    How do you deal with trilane as:
    1.Solo offlaner
    2. Lane support(pos 5)


      Are you the lane support playing in a trilane? Or the enemy is running a trilane, and you’re the pos 5 on the other side?

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        If you’re the 5 try to make your carry as independent as possible. The less you’re in the safelane babysitting the better. That means you can help out the other lanes


          ^I think he means if you're vs a trilane in both cases.

          Imo as solo offlaner you just can't, there's no sustain from shrine anymore, retiring to jungle has not only become slower now that they removed talon but most importantly you can't just let carries deny every creep without contesting the lane 'cause of the change in exp granted from denies. In this case someone should always rotate or, worst case scenario, you have to pray your other 4 teammates are destroying the solo midder and their offlaner.

          If you're the pos 5 I think it's very situational, you can swap lanes with your offlaner to grant your carry farm, if you're a strong lane support, especially a healer like WW, you can give your carry a bit of sustain but never leave him alone hoping he will at least get full exp. Your pos 4 should rotate to your lane and make it a 3v3 situation 'cause carries need to be helped in the laning phase more than anything else in this patch. In general my suggestion is to pick strong laners whether you'll face a trilane or not.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Idk if first wave jacking and dragging them to your tower is possible or viable anymore

            chicken spook,,,,

              Honestly offlane seems horribly unplayable rn due to the limited choices


                Against a pretty disgusting tri-lane as a solo offlaner what you can do is either start blocking the following waves so that eventually the wave ends up pushed more towards your tower to where you can safely get xp.

                Or if they're bad you can just sit in the trees and soak xp.

                OR you can cut the wave and bring it to your tower.

                Also if you have abilities that can kill at your level then you can also just roam mid and gank.


                  dragging wave to your tower is totally doable/risk-free with bear.

                  casual gamer


                    just go look a couple games

                    if u care pick out games where they have 3 people marked safe and/or strong trilane

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                      picking offlaners that can gank seems to be the wave
                      like why bother sitting in some cancer safelane, just kill the enemy mid at lvl 2 rofl

                      casual gamer

                        seriously bro go look replay if u really care a lot, my clock/nyx winrate on that acc is insane and they’re pretty high mmr games so the supports are not awful

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          Not intended to offend jdf, but I'd rather watch this guy's replays.

                          Literally any hero.
                          He's a pro player offlaner, who also plays only offlane pubs.

                          Used to watch his streams very frequently.
                          His replays are like guides for most offlane heroes in both pubs and 5x5 CMs.

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Case 1 there are 4 solutions:

                            1. Attempt to kill the trilane.
                            2. Fuck off to jungle.
                            3. Leech XP in trees.
                            4. Rotate elsewhere/force enemy sup to TP-safe, TP back to lane 1v2.

                            casual gamer

                              im not offended at all

                              5. Is important: disrupt lane eq

                              If u can get it so the lane pushes under ur tower that’s amazing, there’s a couple ways to do it and it’s a lot easier depending on how the supports play

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                At my rating I just draw supports to harass me near creeps, so the lane pushes to me.
                                I waste regen, but get the lane pushed to me.

                                Not sure if that would work at higher pts though.
                                I think high skill players wouldn't get baited into that.

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