General Discussion

General Discussionhelp pls 23123123213

help pls 23123123213 in General Discussion
Tomas Morato

    how do i update my current mmr? i have 5170 and dotabuff shows i have 5067.


      Prove it.

      Tomas Morato

        what do you mean by prove it ?

        Tomas Morato


          Tomas Morato



              You are Divine 1, every smart person knows that you have to be at least above 5138,666

              Tomas Morato

                @schrant im asking how do i update my solo mmr it says 5043 Last Updated a month ago

                Potato Marshal

                  Can't, impossible to update MMR ever since the medal update. Dotabuff only knew your MMR because you displayed it on your profile, but you can't do that ever since they introduced medals.

                  Yapulal Zorjeet

                    the only way is to have your solo mmr displayed on your profile in-game before the patch, if you didn't have it enabled before they removed it you can't update it