General Discussion

General DiscussionIs TECHIES Broken?

Is TECHIES Broken? in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    i dont see how you can win that game with him


      Techies games are won by your team playing like absolute horseshit and the enemy overextending and getting cocky which causes them to run into mines. You kill both cores and a support with one stack of mines at a tower and you get a free lane of racks. The process repeats itself until the game is over.


        no, but silence is


          Try to max Suicide first and lane with him. Many people do not respect his kill potential and die easily.

          Овај коментар је измењен

            With the mine movespeed u can root and explode 4-5 mines at a time


              Techies is actually pretty strong in this meta. He is one of the best nukers in the game. His level 25 talents are so OP. I prefer the +251 damage almost always. I have a guide on dotafire that you may check it out for more information XD.

              Michael Axeson

                Yes. with ags u cant push


                  Be smart with mine placements. hide in under cliffs, blind spots and terrain. Least you can do is play full support to win the game.


                    His level 25 talents are so OP.

                    Techies reaching lvl 25? Only in archon lmao. He's not a real hero. Complete dog shit.


                      Techies is the best pick in the elo hell.Which technically is anything under 4500.
                      You just have to grab 6 fast and get aghs and lens



                        lmao my techies went mid won the lane and tilted the fuck out of them

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Does Kaya work with Techies mines damage?


                            no, its for the mana cost reduct

                            GRANT MACDONALD

                              you can stack like 17 red mines and insta-kill roshan with the level 25 talent. It basically makes proximity mines like the mines before the 7.00 rework.

                              I only wish though that the talent also removed the proximity restriction since you're probably just stacking them anyways. Lay 6 in a star, give a unified order command and they all stack on top of each other at that location. You've now got a nice prize for a support who wants to steal one of your bounty runes.

                              I even saw one dota wtf video I think where the techies just hid in the trees near the enemy base, stacked like ~25 mines on each other and blew up the ancient through backdoor. kek


                                Unlike kost people think techies can level up and farm extremely fast especially after getting to level 7 !
                                He has a XP boost talent (which i don’t take most if the times). Usually techies players dont reach level 25 because they don’t play correctly! Becase they think that they should stay back and put mines the whole time leaving their team in a 4v5 situation! That’s not how you should play techies.