General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes your IP location affects matchmaking?

Does your IP location affects matchmaking? in General Discussion

    Tired getting matched with russians. Changing country in steam doesn't work. Having only english as search language and queueing in western europe doesn't work. Tried to use VPN (for a search time only, of course), seems working. So, regionlock confirmed?


      check your game stats on opendota.
      i get matched on luxembourg servers no matter where in germany i am as long as i queue eu west. there is still russians tho, it might be coincidence


        What's wrong with Russians? Using Region lock makes sense. But you can never just completely avoid a group of players unless that Group of players are disallowed from queueing in a server. Why how would you do that?


          You're really asking what's wrong with russians? Same as peruvians and pinoys I guess, they mostly suck at games featuring teamplay cause of their huge ego and usually decide to play their own game. Obviously I'm not speaking of all third world countries citizens, after all I'm russian too, the problem is they usually queue on RU while having EU as option so their mmr is inflated. There is a massive difference between 5k earned in EU West and 5k earned in RU, same as 5k earned in US and 5k earned in Peru. So when I see all of my allies are western european and my enemies are russian, I know I can safely go pos 4/5 without any fear and get a free win. And vice versa.

          Овај коментар је измењен

            the mentality of russians and east europeans is very different and hard to get used to as average central/west eu citizen

            to me it seems like they put more mental pressure and emotions into the game, while being used to it and ignoring each other/not taking it serious. i personally get distracted by that

            /e thats not only a dota thing, but a difference in culture(?)

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            Story Time

              east europe also has lower levels of trust and social capital, so yes :D good luck grinding there


                Looks like only using VPN works. In all other cases all my teammates are russian, even if matchmaking language is set to english.


                  they might have added sth recently, europeans complained about getting matched with "russians who dont wanna play dota with their own kind and queue eu west because of that"

                  the amount of russians i have in my games greatly decreased a few months ago

                  Овај коментар је измењен
                  SASA POPOVIC

                    I feel you mate, i play on EU west servers i live in Slovenia just south of Alps near Austrian and Italian border, 1000+ km from Russia, yet i get at least 2 suka blyats in my game who disconnects, lag regulatory, refuses to speak anything but russian, rages and calls abilities in Russians, its so annoying and disruptive that i cant believe why in 10 years of dota this is not addressed ?????? Also i get even some Iranians and not rarely Turks?

                    If i ever quit dota 2 it will be because of this and i think that massive EU west players decline is because of this! Whats the point of playing teambased strategy game if you cant even communicate with your teammates?

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      At least you don't live in this shit country XD believe me, every poor eastern europe country lives better than Russia, so you're still lucky. Now the only way for us to play without blyats is to use some free VPN service to have german/uk ip when searching for the match.

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        VPNs are easy to obtain its 2018, but it wont do much difference since i still get people in my team from Iran Turkey and Russian regularly on EU west, i bet they even play in US and Africa for reasons only known to them...


                          So your Russian but don't want to play with Russian? Then what's stopping all the Russians from setting their preference to English and queueing eu?

                          Tomas Morato

                            i use to play at japan server and russians everywhere

                            Mlada i Luda

                              so it is real that russians queue in europe servers cause they dont want to play with russians . megalul.

                              jack it's right, how can this problem be fixed than ? damn and i was blaming gaben why i have 9 russians always in my eu server every game.

                              Giff me Wingman

                                Russia 2,660 54.55%

                                Tired getting matched with russians.

                                You stupid m0therfucker.


                                  Go get a life?


                                    yeah, use vpn

                                    casual gamer

                                      your name is kremlebot

                                      putin is sending polonium teammates to give you cancer

                                      Player 215168758

                                        lol. putin is playing dota? xaxaxa