General Discussion

General DiscussionLag hackers in dota2

Lag hackers in dota2 in General Discussion

    Match id : 3733069358
    Please someone help me post this in dota2 dev as iam not able to.
    This was was going smoothly with a 2 side mega and when we went for the 3rd side this lag shit happens to all of the dire team.
    I playing void go in and crono and suddenly there is heavy lag. We all end up dying and they 1 push end. My team mates told me it was lagging in gank only. This has to be some klnd of hack. I suspect tide has his profile commuity is itself not set up. But no concrete proof available. :(


      Is it possbile to make your enimies lag in ganks? i read somewere its possible.

      rip Akyuu

        As the great "Chi Long Qua" once said, "Once you reach a certain level, valve employees will personally try to fucking DDOS you and ruin your gameplay.", just get used to it.


          there is smth going on with dota. Last 2 games heavy lags at around min 50 for few players.


            i have some problem issues, my ping in command prompt is normal but wtf is going on in dota 2 fucking high loss make i cant enjoy that game anymore


              Well the same thing happened with my team yesterday and i believe it happened when Monkey king used his ultimate it started lagging for my entire team


                yes there are certain interactions with mk, morphling and pango that causes lags. valve is on it as usual^^
                hint: sea servers are trash (not players on servers but servers and their connective stability)

                Giff me Wingman

                  Stop playing dota on a fucking potato, kill your hamster and buy proper internet you fuck.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Holy wow that's some intense teamfight line-up
                    MK and Spectre ult still gives me lag

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Speaking of killing hamsters,

                      Ahh classic