General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions regarding this game.

Questions regarding this game. in General Discussion
Nasir Khan Jan This game was a complete fuss. I'm 90 percent sure the Rubick in this game was an account buyer. He could not perform a single pull during the laning phase. He tried to pull the large camp but we know this isn't possible since the largeneutral camp no longer draws creep agro ever since 7.07.The only possible way is to chain pull.This, coupled with Brewmaster's Drunken Haze made my laning phase an absolute nightmare and I ended up with 15 last hits at the 10 minute mark. Post Battlefury and I was being flamed by my DK for not taking fights while all I did was trying to push bot and farm creeps and makeup for my farm deficiency. He actually wanted me to push tier 3s at 20 minutes into the game when I only had a Yasha. I felt like I should have build an early bkb this game. Well , I kept my farm going , getting pickoffs and eventually got ourself 2 pairs of melee barracks. I tried to rat and successfully got ourself megas. When i tried to tp back we had an ancient with 50 percent HP. We couldn't win a 4 vs 4 fight and when I tried to tp back it was too late although we managed to get 2 kills but the ancient died. How should I have carried this game ? Would it have been okay to take fights with Batttlefury Yasha ? Or maybe I need a change in build in games like these?

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    Giff me Wingman

      So you think we want to spend 1 hour of ur precious time spectating a retards game because you deluded shit cannot accept a loss?

      Stop posting crap you animal.

      Nasir Khan Jan

        Well , I do accept my loss. I'm asking for what could I have done better which could have possibily changed the result of this game. I'm trying to learn here.


          how's your 90% winrate going lul

          Giff me Wingman

            Where is diox?


              there are no account buyers in archon man lmao

              Nasir Khan Jan

                Oh well streaks are meant to be broken I guess.


                  to answer your question, am should just rat. ignore your dumbass teammates.


                    ACKCHYUALLY, its possible to preform a large camp pull with rubick if you use telekinesis on one of the creeps and drag him towards the lane.


                      Yeah what happened to 80% wr this one game shouldn't matter much brah