General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do u think about 7.09 patch???

What do u think about 7.09 patch??? in General Discussion

    Happy news for support....50 gold for courier n stack gives 15%gold!!! I think we will see epic fight for bounty rune early game


      Support naga seems broken as hell now. She can stack like 3 camps (5 if it's a pro game) at the same time and get gold from all of them.

      casual gamer

        race to find which supprot will have 60% winrate. my moneys on kotl but im not sure at all

        yeah support naga could be amazing. her agi gain already got a retarded buff

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          bane kappa

          SOLO ¥0L0

            It's good for players in normal skill to improve stacking skill


              The patchnotes seem short but this patch is honestly a huge change. Buff to supports are always welcome though.


                carry buy courier, support give him 2 tango, (so you can keep having 5 tango during laning).

                btw there's disgusting shit with heroes such as rubbick when they stuck a neutral out of the camp (easy 15% gold at each respawn)

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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  15% gold from a camp is honestly almost nothing. even if you stack like 20 camps, you will get around 300-400 gold depending on what camp it is. exp would have been much more useful for the supports. cheaper courier is nice, you can actually get sentries as pos 5 now.


                    matrice, il a arreté de ranked regis ?


                      U can no buy cour as pos 1 easy


                        they always do anything do fuck up our start build :/

                        Yung Beethoven

                          i also think it has some huge potential in changing the early game drasticly! Supports getting a lot more money now --> a lot stronger early on. Helm of the Dominator may be getting really good again.


                            free gold income seems nice always


                              This "new patch every 2 weeks" will keep the game fresh, but won't changing so much every 2 weeks cause instability?
                              For a comment on the patch itself... Support buff. After 7.07 made supports go extinct(particularly in SEA sub 4K bracket), this change may have been needed.


                                This whole patch is garbage. They Buff a Hero Nerf a Hero then re-buff them. SF, Tinker and AM have been toxic as fuck this patch.


                                  517th patch in a row where supports get a global buff for absolutely no reason
                                  pango and lycan still untouched

                                  classic icefrog


                                    ^wards change and courier becoming 200 g was not a buff, and them changing assist gold and levels also made it harder


                                      @わたし わ .zaB です
                                      You wanted to write : わたし は .zaB です
                                      or even 私 は .zaB です
                                      Ses "mains" prennent des queues > 1h en party, et >20 min en solo, du coup il me semble qu'il joue sur des smurfs

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                                        first i thought is "what happened to flying courier"

                                        Swap Commend (Il Separatio)


                                          AM has been ignored in the Pro meta for a "good" time :D :P :3


                                            what do you guys think about the t1 tower mid movement? it's really close to the hg now


                                              I'm super excited considering its a buff too multi stackers.. Kotl, wisp, rubick, jakiro etc.

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                first game of 7.09, courier is so cheap but no one wants to buy it. mid is pissed, buys it and doesnt deploy it. how is this still not fixed?


                                                  All right, gotta play tb since stacking has been buffed


                                                    Why the fuck is meme hammer still an item in the game?


                                                      Well at least now, we can buy stout, tango, salve, mango

                                                      Palmen aus Plastik

                                                        i like the bounty rune idea. securing 3/4 is a huge boost to start off with for the entire team. all in all a support oriented patch. wish they gave extra gold for stacking camps as a mid too. As TA and SF I obviously stack in my free time, now it's better to let the supports do it? haha


                                                          This will make 2ks life better. You can buy cour and tango for yourself. However i doubt that support will be more generous in giving mid tangoed

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            I don't really understand why they keep fiddling with the number of tangoes in a stack.


                                                              @Abyss watcher
                                                              Read again, it doesnt give bonus if the one who stacks it takes it.

                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                supports get constant buffs cause all they do is cry all the time for they cant afford a blink in 12 minutes unlike cores do :blink:

                                                                chat banned :)

                                                                  sea asia will have cour every game!!!

                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                    Can someone explain the stacked camp change?

                                                                    SASA POPOVIC

                                                                      I hate this new patch since i play mainly on offlane, this patch buffed safelane and nerfed offlane i think suports will have stronger early game and bully offlaners more effectivly. I really need to git gud now but i cba paying coaching :(


                                                                        not sure why everyone is creaming themselves over the stacking gold. at best it is like 30 gold extra for a support each minute (15% of two camps)? doesn't feel exactly game breaking.

                                                                        ok there's a pentastacking support naga but even that is only 70-80 gold a minute assuming the camps are cleared regularly, none are blocked and naga is in the middle of the jungle at x:45 every minute.


                                                                          simple: your supports stacks the camp, it will make a sound and show his hero icon on the stack. Once another hero comes to farm it the STACKER gets the bonusgold. however, if the stacker and clearer are the same, no bonus gold is given to the stacker. same goes when an enemy comes and clears it. noone gets the 15%.

                                                                          tl:dr you need another hero to stack for you so he gets the bonus gold

                                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                                            not sure why everyone is creaming themselves over the stacking gold. at best it is like 30 gold extra for a support each minute (15% of two camps)? doesn't feel exactly game breaking.

                                                                            ok there's a pentastacking support naga but even that is only 70-80 gold a minute assuming the camps are cleared regularly, none are blocked and naga is in the middle of the jungle at x:45 every minute.

                                                                            Or make a helm of dominator, which is a legit item in this patch on any hero, and just do her thing, maybe some 2-3k trash will have problems with this but pros will make use of this.


                                                                              @Rocket you stack 2 camps at once as a support for 2 times (like kotl, wisp, vs who can do it with just one spell in seconds) and thats your earlygame boost of 120g which is huge for a support at minute 3-4. also im more concerened about the revitalization of flash farmers and even more sf's and tinkers... its not the fact that support life improved, its about you will see supports doing lots of stacking and you see 12 minutes tinker with travels, bottle, soulring and blink... and the support will have at least his boots, wand and some wards/smokes^^


                                                                                Medium camp is in average 80 gold.
                                                                                Big camp is around 100 gold.
                                                                                Ancients around 180 gold.

                                                                                That means that when you double stack twice medium and big camp you will have around 45-55 extra gold. Not enought for ward. Less than second bounty (2minutes in). If you stack for your medusa 6x ancients, you will have whooping 150-170 gold - worth 2 wards.

                                                                                To have boots out of this bonus gold (400g), you would need to stack ancients 15 times (or dual stacks big and medium). For dual stacking (if you dont have copies), you need to be on some concrete spot - close to radiant mid T2 tower, next to the shrine, otherwise you would be stacking small camp with big one. And that costs time. If you manage to snatch both runes at 10:00, you will get 180 gold, some XP and you are in the location shit usually happens. After 20 minutes it is 260 gold.

                                                                                So to be more precise - I dont criticise stacking. Just saying this is more of a psychological effect and letting people know stacking is good. But those 300 gold you earn during stacking through all game is not the important part.

                                                                                Imporant part are those stacks of ancients and few medium/big camps, which gives your core extra 2-3k in first 20 minutes to get an extra item to be ahead of other team.

                                                                                Medusa can clear ancients 10-12 minutes into the game with lvl 10 and MoM. If there are stacks ready for her (5 stack ancients, few other stacks and you start stacking other ancients), she can finish her next big item in next 5 minutes - being it Aghs, Pike, Manta, Skadi, linkens... So you can have the core which would need 30 minutes to farm able to fight 15-20 minutes into the game.


                                                                                  Yup, and i would add even more, for fuck sake, stop stacking the big camp near the safe lane. It just hinder your carry's farm for no reason.


                                                                                    ^this depends a bit on the hero imo
                                                                                    Don't stack that camp for ur am or shit, but if you have a Luna or Sven or smth then it's not AS bad