General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 heroes for practice? (not same hero)

1v1 heroes for practice? (not same hero) in General Discussion

    can anyone list them for me? the one you think super fair,the more you can list the better too

    thank you

    casual gamer

      rip puck qop matchups now that puck has 120 base damage or whatever


        yup,puck has like 999999999999 while qop has 10
        come ooon give me your matchups people

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          shouldnt you like practice unfair matchups? something like alch vs any other in-meta mid hero today


            Puck sf?

            Lruce Bee

              sf vs ursa is quite balanced


                unfair ones are okay but not that fun to either side
                puck sf,isn't puck will just destroy him from lvl 1?
                sf vs ursa,i prefer those who doesn't have insane kill potential but maybe that could work,doesn't seem fun tho

                i'll list the chaq one

                Puck vs QoP
                Puck vs Bat
                Puck vs Storm
                Puck vs Magnus
                Puck vs Windrunner
                Qop vs Magnus
                QoP vs Storm
                Qop vs Bat
                QoP vs Windrunner
                TA vs QoP

                some of them are pretty outdated tho

                anyone got other suggestions?

                Giff me Wingman
                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                    but my mother is good looking and pretty thin too


                      skywrath vs zeus - DansGame -
                      legion vs [enter classic mid hero name here], this might be personal preference tho
                      earthshaker vs short ranged (ta, storm, melee)
                      ember vs timber is really fun to me, on both sides
                      dk vs jug

                      Palmen aus Plastik

                        venomancer vs viper. Battle of the cancers. Or if you want a lore battle, try skywrath vs venge xD


                          thanks melt,that helps
                          sky vs zeus seems like just you spam all spells like crazy tho

                          poison battle and lore battle seems interesting,but no gud for practicee


                            mirana vs lina


                              Invoker vs arc warden
                              Od vs mirana
                              Od vs zeus
                              Joker vs od
                              Meepo vs puck

                              Story Time

                                ogre versus jakiro :D lel


                                  teeyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee veeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

                                  more more keep them coming


                                    sky vs zeus = whoever gets a magic wand first has a huge advantage. i think sky wins this if the players are at a similar skill level in a straight 1v1
                                    legion is amazing vs any hero that has to come reasonably close to the creepwave. she can harass with rightclicks and tank the creepwave at level 1 with E. high base movement speed, amazing damage, good animation, Q nukes for 140/200/260/320 when you hit a full creepwave+1hero, even more when enemy gets a doublewave

                                    again, that legion thing is a personal preferance. i love the hero.


                                      sk jugg
                                      drow troll
                                      not really mid heroes now but they're fun matchups to play