General Discussion

General DiscussionEra QW Invoker (Meteor Hammer) against OG

Era QW Invoker (Meteor Hammer) against OG in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Given that there was a storm spirit....he goes QW with METEOR HAMMER?! was he trolling?! how does one do such a gimmicky build in a pro game? Guy he thinks he's ddz or something. I would have changed tune if he pulled it off successfully, but he didn't so....

    Do you think the build has any viability at all? He didn't even get EULs to prepare against Disruptor, Tusk, or Storm's Orchid.

    Ова тема је измењена

      The real man is topson u 1k

      jeremy meeks' personality

        Meteor Memer is now literally core on Invoker.

        Lruce Bee

          Op are You high? It's literally the only way to play invoker.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Era is good