General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Offlaner

Best Offlaner in General Discussion

    Hi mates,
    What are your FAVORITES HEROS for offlaner?



      Pugna, underlord, Legion commander


        Beastmaster, Omni(IDK tho he got nerfed now), Underlord, Tide and Cent. <- My hero pool right now

        Lruce Bee

          Omni and doom and enchantress. The patch where the offlaners are the most obnoxious cancerous heroes known to man.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Cent is pretty braindead below 4k I must say


              Doom, LC if ez lane for ez snowball, ench, brew, pitlord and darkseer


                Why not watch at their supports so you see what you dealing with and pick accordingly there is not really universal offlaner that can deal with everything, some are pretty vulnerable to hard CC so if they have lion/shadow shaman support you gonna have a bad time if your hero is not durable or have an reliable escape.


                  Razor, LC, Void

                  Yung Beethoven

                    Really? No love for ma boy batrider?

                    Batrider, Abaddon (at this patch hes decent), pango


                      Beastmaster is love, Beastmaster is life.
                      Also Windranger, Enigma, Axe, Bristle.

                      Forget me not

                        Pangolier and wr .


                          Monkey King !


                            u forgot Nature Prophet


                              First pick broodmama. Love that cute spidy


                                John bot.

                                ♛ King Mulyono from Oslo ♛

                                  raigor, rattletrap, and pit lord :)

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                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Nah clock is an amazing roamer he will be wasted in the off

                                    casual gamer


                                      Solo Leveling

                                        is puck offlane still viable

                                        love that glittery little fuck

                                        bum farto

                                          Axe, Underlord, Doom, Enchantress are all super good this patch. I play anything, and as long as you can utilize jungle, runes and counterganks you can play anything offlane tbh

                                          ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                            Clock is good both as pos 3 or 4