General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to carry?

How to carry? in General Discussion

    How to do it?


      lift it up and start moving XD

      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

        pump pump pump pump me up!


          Nice, but seriously how to be an efficient carry? It seems however i do i cant manage to do it, either we lose or someone else carried me.


            Git gud at last hitting


              Survive and farm in laning phase, try not to die. In 3k mmr range try to survive more then farm. Then once you get few basic items try jungle and to push towers safely. Once all outed towers r dead ask ur team for further push with rosh, if they don't help keep farming till u get farmed and reach ur peak then rosh and push every chance u get. I'll recommend WK or Luna for this patch. Good luck


                since you're a support player, you should definitely know the right things to do as a carry


                  Be greed , dont wait for others to pick carries. First pick supp into last pick core ? Nah thats not gonna happen in our pubs, even when you marked your lane, theres always someone who picked am(or other safelane core) and steal ur lane.
                  Try to not missing cs in the first 10 min, more than 50 should be fine. And also dont play so passively, learn to dominate your lane. GL grinding in our beloved server

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    our beloved server

                    can you people please bring your SEA circlejerk somewhere else, thanks
                    Be greed , dont wait for others to pick carries.


                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Just play core more, watch how pros play certain hero and figure out why and how they do specific things



                        If my lane isnt contested i can get shit like a 14 min vanguard octarine core on bristle


                          in lower tiers, they mostly have 1 Safelane Carry, 1 Jungle Carry and 1 Offlane Carry, with an occasional Offlane Semi-Support [SB - Undying - Venomancer] etc.

                          Now you guys are telling a 2-3k player to have 50+ cs with an antimage against a CK + Venomancer lane. Anyone suggesting this is more mentally challenged than Twitch chat lmao.

                          chat banned :)

                            first pick carry always and say "ill carry you" and get 4 reports per game after losing... or just farm and def


                              Promocode bsj


                                Focus more on cs than kills in lane unless the kill is promised or you have a free couple of seconds to auto attack the enemy a few times, have good game sense which is most important. It doesn’t matter how much farm you have if you are solo pushing a lane while the entire enemy team is missing and you have no wards to see rotations. Only show up to fights you know you can win. If your team takes a fight that you know being there would only stop your item timing, then let them feed.
                                Know your heroes limits, as well as the heroes you are playing against. Just because you have treads battlefury antimage does not mean you can’t solo kill an enemy support if you know they are alone. Pressure towers at the correct times, if all lanes are pushed and you do not feel comfortable to hit a tower, don’t force yourself to, just jungle.
                                Learning to abuse creep aggro in hard lanes is a must, denying creeps when you can is good, and being able to judge what items you need per game will win you many more games than following the same build over and over would.
                                Keeping it positive, and not flaming a teammate If they mess up.

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                                  It all depends what hero you are playing.


                                    watch bsj