General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with Broodmother at mid as tinker?

How to deal with Broodmother at mid as tinker? in General Discussion

    Can someone give some advice how to deal this hero at mid ? i cant do anything when he got lvl 4 , fck !


      change lane you are fucked unless the brood is super bad


        get ur lvl 3 + clarities?

        Mad Scientist

          useless, change lane, invoker and tinker stand no chance against brood mid

          Markeloff Jr.

            March of Madness spam that shit with a load of clarities and ask for additional support to stay mid for a while. Then rotate to jungle as Brood gets very strong around at early game, skip the soul ring get a bottle and go for boots. Your aim should be to get boots asap and be a free bird then.


              Brood is supposed to win lanes u can't deal with him just try to ruin his last hits with laser and use third lvl if he rushes u with spider it's ez if u get ult just refresh and use 3d again


                Ban brood



                  Oh you want something constructive?

                  Ummm, see if you have someone that will lane swap you or help support mid? Although not ideal, Tinker in a side lane might be better then getting stomped.

                  In terms of what to do against him?

                  All I can think of is play defensively early, get enough last hits for some regen and go a March centered build to push out the lane and make it hard for his spiders to kill you.

                  no tilt

                    you swap lanes
                    if you are playing any mid like invoker, tinker, OD, etc, and brood gets last picked, there is nothing you can do in the lane if brood is competent at all. that's how the hero is.


                      I remember playing this matchup as tinker except the brood was mega bad and somehow didn't rape me


                        must be my brood




                            Swap hero, force someone else to play the matchup, so you don't get blamed when the person you swapped with gets crushed mid


                              lol VERY informative comments. I respect u guys but if u dont have actual advice dont throw out whatever comes to ur mind

                              As tinker vs brood u wanna use the leverage u have at first minute or two when brood is low level and with not that many spiders. Get as much as u can in that short period of time. Then max march and from when her spiders can threaten u, but not kill u, stay under tower until u gotta get a cs. Get the cs abd run back. But from around level 4-5 brood, u dont do that anymore. What u do is:

                              Body block ur next wave coming
                              March even if it's under ur tower. Ppl forget brood doesnt care about tower.
                              After u marched only go for cs if u dont need to get out of position
                              Run back and block the next wave coming after staying and leeching xp from the dying wave
                              Dont go for cs when u dont have March, dont even get close to the wave. Hide until next march.

                              Do this enough times to get lvl6
                              Now u get ult and u'r free


                                ^you realize Brood just dives you at lvl 3-4 right


                                  Brood dives when she has enough spiders. Than wont happen until around when u'r level 4 getting close to 5, but she sends spiders to deal a lot of damage to u. She cant kill but can deal a lot of damage. Thats what the march into block is for. Trust me I've played this enough times as brood.


                                  Lruce Bee

                                    Very bad advice all around. You want to max march quickly and rush ghost scepter.


                                      For me Max ur 3rd and ask for help to ur support ..


                                        Kill the first spider with laser. The first spider is very very important for her. That will slow her down a little bit. After she creates a little army just abandon the lane. If Brood is not terrible, you will just feed.


                                          max 3rd and jungle you'll only defend t2 that's it


                                            I can't swap lane guys,, coz all lane just get rekt too -,-


                                              As a neutral observer I hope you both lose :-)

                                              i am REHI

                                                Brood is an early game hero. If the brood player is good enough, he can rekt any opponent easily. There are a handful of heroes who can pressure brood solo. Axe, BB, Omni and Timber.

                                                My suggestion would be to get your levels and immediately run to the jungle. Farm and stack. Giving the mid tower might be an option but dont let brood get your 2nd tower because you will lose your farming spots. Ask supports to camp mid and baby sit you. Never be aggressive against her unless you think you can kill her fast. Your supports will die to her spiders in a matter of seconds


                                                  If you can't counterpick her, just abandon lane before you feed. Without early feed, she wont be able to take t3 fast. If you can counterpick her, just do it. Put carrysven and support on mid or an axe/omni/timber. The most retarded thing, that sadly happen in 99% of all brood lastpick games is:

                                                  You stay mid, you feed her 2-3 kill. Supports start blaming you. Supports rotate. Feed her more kills. All lanes lost.