General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I not feed in the laning stage? (Offlane)

How do I not feed in the laning stage? (Offlane) in General Discussion
O.C.T. - Life After Death

    I have been looking at a few of my matches recently and I notice that in a large majority of them I mess up pretty severely in the laning stage, then do pretty well in the mid game but because of the deficit created by my initial feeding our team is still behind and we're playing at a disadvantage. Should I just be alot more passive? Should I be blocking their small camp so I dont have to be under their t1 to get xp? Help please


      wtf is this nickname :/

      O.C.T. - Life After Death

        Forgot to mention, in games where I dont die before level 6 (at least on phoenix) I tend to do very well until about 35 minutes where I start to loose my big power spike. Should I just sit in the trees? In my bracket they cant really do anything about thqt.

        O.C.T. - Life After Death

          @kowareta I lost a bet


            install dotaplus, consider the enemy most played heroes, pick a good matchup


              I lost a bet

              so what?
              get over urself buddy


                it's not 2013, sitting in trees leeching xp is not viable anymore when denies give you less xp and also gold to the enemy.

                dying isnt as bad as it seems, if you get something out of your death. it is better to die and shift the creep equilibrium towards your tower so that you can get uncontested xp than just leech xp and give the enemy a free lane for 10 minutes.

                id rather be 0-3-0 with level 6 than 0-0-0 and level 2 because that's what'll happen if you get zoned at level 1 and just sit by your tower. go skip the creep wave and then double wave it if the lane is too far forward.

                if you're dying a lot in a favourable matchup that you should be winning, then you need to figure out what you're doing wrong. whether that's playing too passively and not using your spells to leverage an advantage in the lane, or playing too aggressively and throwing away your advantage e.g. feeding kills when you've already zoned the carry and got an uncontested lane.

                mana and health are resources, use them to trade. don't be afraid to use spells to cs. if u watch pro players they'll even use things like sun strike at lv 1 to guarantee ranged creeps. I see it way too often in low mmr games, they will only use their skills for kill attempts which never happen because they don't use their spells and make the enemy use their consumables so they're always at full hp.

                if you get the enemy low, even if you die it can be still a good trade if you tp back to the lane and you now have full hp / mana and they don't have a salve, because you have a window where they can't enter the lane and you now have free farm for 1-2 waves, and if they do get greedy, you can kill them.

                even if it is a bad matchup don't be content with using that as an excuse. theres still something you can do if you can't approach the lane without dying. go jungle even if it's really slow, stack camps for your team to farm so you get the stack gold, roam if your hero can.


                  its a bet for fun ofc

                  if you feel your offlane is unwinnable block enemy creepwave and stack it/pull it to your t1-t2 range

                  going boots first item also helps


                    You have dive and fire spirits so you should let the support zone you (if they do but they won’t in archon). And trade with them. They will inevitably fuck up the creep equilibrium. Then wait for the double wave to come under your tower.


                      "Forgot to mention, in games where I dont die before level 6 (at least on phoenix) I tend to do very well until about 35 minutes where I start to loose my big power spike. Should I just sit in the trees? In my bracket they cant really do anything about thqt."

                      buy a midas if u win your lane,so u can solo carry your lategame


                        Phoenix is very strong late game no? ESP with something like shivas aghs


                          yea but if you go to lategame with less than 600 gpm you usually just aint that impactful rather than in the first minutes


                            How are you feeding in offlane this patch? i feel its easiest lane to play, u can play strong hero with another disabler and stomp their carry+shadow shaman or other shit easily if u just pick powerful offlanes duo lanes.


                              if u just pick powerful offlanes duo lanes.

                              sadly nobody wants to play duo lane in low mmr, when u can pick a pudge and have fun!

                              Where is my Hu Tao

                                you should not be thinking about how not to feed. Sitting back and doing nothing is the worst thing ever. When you die you come back full hp full mana. Before you die you should do damage so that when you come back you bully people with no reg or you have creeps to farm.

                                low prio master

                                  One our famous Czech 6k streamer (johnycrypton) said its ok to feed offlane since you making space, hes a kid tho


                                    if your 1v2 its ok to feed to get exp, in 2v2 its not ok to feed you will be underleveled like fuck, well unless you trade into their carry and support gets the levels and kill.