General Discussion

General DiscussionAnswer to how to get vhs in the first few game

Answer to how to get vhs in the first few game in General Discussion
I am ratmole

    I now realize how to get vhs
    create new acc
    choose I ever played dota 2 before
    play and win games
    the most important part is


      did you just lost vhs after you made this thread?
      its so sad my fellow braindead friend

      I am ratmole

        hahahaha yeah its not meant to be main acc tho

        I am ratmole

          playing with friends


            dont ruin the joke with excuses :(

            (Bot) Beerus

              umm u have to dumpster the shitstains really badly. i get matched with top 500 immortal players on my 3rd game, so basically, git gud