General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy i have rank beside my profile in dotabuff

Why i have rank beside my profile in dotabuff in General Discussion

    I didnt play any single rank match because i did not reach 100 hours yet. No calibration, but dotabuff gave me rank already and its archon 3 i dont why archon 3. I have played against divine ancient legend players.

    Doea it mean that after 100 hours playing dota, my shoudld be archon?

    Please help me about this i am confused


      After some years out, I came back to play, mostly with lower skill players, and it happened the same to me. I used to be Ancient V, and my last rank was Ancient I if I recall correctly. On my profile it also shows archon 2, which I also don't know why. Did my hidden mmr decay or something?


        Wow we have the same problem bro. I dont understand why i played against immortal player and my teammates sometimes is immortal. I have a high winrate but my dotabuff say my rank is archon III , even though i didnt calibrated any single match because i didnt reach 100 hours


          probably a bug or Dota buff guessing from the algorithms trhough the other players ranks in your games.




              Well i dont bro if it is a bug i hope so it is a bug because i dont belong in archon. My gameplay is not for archon even i outplayed immortal with my previous games.