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23 коментара
Machine Gaslighter (Proom...

    "Initially this Blog Post was to be dedicated to finding a way for players to train some skills which will directly transition to actual Dota gameplay."

    Hardcore Ninja, blyat. Your host will be russian. One of your teammates will leave before round 5. The others will proceed to feed horrendously. But you don't give up! Instead you try to kill the entire enemy team with right-clicks for flair points. This game is everything that is life in the trenches.

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      I'm waiting for x hero siege.

      Great Explosion Murder God

        HLW was my W3 favorite

        Comrade Squirrel

          "Probably one of the most complex TD games I have ever played. It is only rivaled by Elemental TD which is not yet ported to Dota 2."

          Ever tried YouTD? For me that was the ultimate TD experience, but seems the original creators don't plan to port it on Dota 2. Hope that someone will eventually do though.


            I'm still counting on Orc gladiators. Beautiful game.


              need more TD & new rpg,also update CASTLE FIGHT PLEASE,thx!


                waiting to play trolls vs elves T_T


                  Dissapointed with the lack of skillshot wars, thats a perfect example of a simple game but extremelly fun with fast gameplay and very rewarding for good players


                    Castle Fight has actually been ported to DotA 2, but it is still quite buggy - all 3 matches of me suddenly stopped while there wasn't a huge amount of units spawned yet.


                      Me and my mates, usually warm up with a round of 5v5v5 Overthrow. Before playing any dota'ish game. (Ranked/Imba etc)


                        I'm kind of disappointed by Epic Boss Fight. Melee heroes don't contribute at all until they get one of the new survivability items, and they are forced to get one as their first item. You spend the first couple rounds running around and the ranged heroes do all the work. Also, the author buffed all heroes from their base status and allowed all of them to be in the game. I'd rather he unlock a few heroes and put focus on balancing them and making them good for Epic Boss Fight, and then work on others at a later time. There are too many heroes that are straight up terrible.

                        I think the only reason people play this mod is because they like attacking 10 times a second. It's considered a beta so hopefully it improves.


                          i would like to see LEGION TD ported in dota 2 platform :D


                            update castle fight pls


                              The one's i'm waiting for: Castle fight, X Hero Siege and Vampirism Fire

                              True Hero of the Soviet U...

                                FOOTMAN WARS


                                  I want Power Towers to get a facelift, that one was always fun and visually snazzy.

                                  Derp's missing tax files

                                    Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 37.94% win rate. Although it is a challenge, together the Dota 2 Community has the ability to fix this tragedy. Please help. As gamers, we can make Dota 2 a better place.

                                    Peter Panda

                                      Elemental Tower Defence. Island Defence. Best versions of both genres.


                                        Where is my VampirismFire? Keepo

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                                          Sprout TD 4Head

                                          реднек прайм

                                            Give me Naruto battle royal


                                              Gem TD is just a multiplayer copy of Gemcraft.......


                                                gem td is a wc3 map, and the dota version is... not very close to the original.