General Discussion

General DiscussionFeature Request

Feature Request in General Discussion

    1. Can we get a comparison of hero specific statistics of yourselves as opposed to the rest of the world in a single view?
    2. Can we have an export feature of the data made available for the users? at least for their own data?
    3. Would it be possible to track the statistics against the length of the matches themselves? for instance, averaging a 500 gpm on a hero with an average game length of 30m is far more impressive than averaging 500 gpm on the same hero with an average game length of 45m
    4. Is it possible to personalize the best versus and worst versus features available in the heroes links? as in provide the same stats at a user level only (based on one's own matches alone)?
    5. Is it possible to identify the best 5 hero compositions? An e.g. of a similar implementation would be the 5 man unit performance analysis at
    6. Would it be possible to determine which build works best for a hero based on the stats? for instance, does getting tranquil and ring of sacrifice work better on a hero when both are present in the inventory as opposed to say treads and a ring of aquila?
    7. Would it be possible to provide filters on top of the existing statistics pages? For instance, maybe i want to see items sorted based on win % for a particular hero only if they have been bought in at least 1000 matches so far?

    These are just some stuff that i think would be useful and came up with after spending a little time thinking about them. So feel free to discuss/dissect/add/build upon the ideas raised above.


      Can't really go into detail on all your points, but I'll try to answer none the less:

      - We're working hard to add several features (both big and small) to DOTABUFF, some of which are on your list.
      - While some of the suggestions you made are valid, they might be too specific of a feature for us to prioritize on right now. For example, the extended filters on top of existing pages would be underused compared to the development time needed for them, which is why we prioritize on getting bigger features out first.
      - We can't give out our database unfortunately, but the Dota 2 webapi is freely available by Valve and should help you in case you need anything.

      Hope that answers some of your stuff!


        hey thanks for the reply.. can u guys post a guide on hw to use the dota2 webapi then? or is a guide available out thr already?

        also.. is it possible to volunteer to help with the statistics and the like (not the collection but the analysis part of it)

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          There's a 39 page thread at , that should give you enough guide to get started.

          We don't really need volunteers at the moment, but when we do, we'll definitely let you know!


            Can we have an export feature of the data made available for the users? at least for their own data?

            I think exporting data would be great!!! is this possible to set this up in doitabuff?

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!