General Discussion

General Discussion5 Worst Heroes in Dota2

5 Worst Heroes in Dota2 in General Discussion

    I've been told that Skele (Or Wraith) King of boning works a lot better if you don't play him as the main carry.


      Phantom Ass
      Crystal Maiden


        I wonder why heroes with mana probs don't build soul ring.


          most cases the problem with mana is caused by incompetent player who cant manage his mana?

          mike rommiter

            1. Tusk
            2. Sniper
            3. Pudge
            4. Wisp (only because he's the most boring motherfucker to play)
            5. Brewmaster


              [Emmanuel] Auburn5 days ago
              I wonder why heroes with mana probs don't build soul ring.

              because they don't make health items either

              Face not Washed

                Weaver , his inv is so annoying
                sniper , keep right clicking , mini stun and KS
                Brood , no use
                Ogre magi , need rework
                Invoker , too much crowd control

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                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  1) CM
                  2) shadow demon
                  3) skywrath
                  4) TA
                  5) Morphling

                  Why CM... People FP him just for aura. He feeds in a skilled game, cuz that's all he is good for. Lysander doesn't call Crystal Feederin for nothing. The aura, cuz noobs are too lazy to buy flask. SD, feeder late game to [insert hero here]. Skywrath falls off once players hit 300+ damage. TA... easily counterable, usless even with 6 slotted cuz he's usually 1v4 or 1v5. Morphling is nerfed to mediocrity.

                  Other honorable mentions: Invoker... any noob that goes euls & force staff on this hero deserves a report. AM in low ranked tier. and finally those One man chronosphere by faceless void pickers.

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                    Bone Chilling

                      IF we're talking about pubs:

                      game is bad

                        In pubs:
                        1. Meepo - too hard to play for most people, and too easily countered.
                        2. Chen - most people don't watch their maps, and don't get their ults off. Can't micro worth shit.
                        3. Shadow Demon - people disrupt at wrong times, messing up team fights.
                        4. Furion - too many people choose and AFK farm. Don't watch minimap so never helps in ganks. Spam ult rather than save for team fights, so all lanes are pushed and carries can't farm.
                        5. Sniper - too many people suck with it because they don't heed missing calls and don't watch for ganks.

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                        amigo pool

                          Sniper, Brewmaster, Medusa, Warlock and Meepo


                            Earth Spirit
                            Ember Spirit


                              Some of the heroes mentioned are weak in general but are good situational picks. I love skywrath against a a defensive trilane that has an antimage or a PA. He's also very good mid against a Pugna. lol @ people including Tusk. Tusk is cool as fuck and and Allaince showed last week how you can use him to make shit of a safe farming Luna.

                              My 5 in order of worst.

                              1) Wraith King. (Garbage one button hero with frustratingly slow attack speed. Under what circumstances is this this a good situational pick other than going for a lvl 1 Rosh, which you can do without anyway?)

                              2) Sniper. Low skill cap squishy piece of trash. Impossible not to feed unless playing against newbies.

                              3) Broodmother. Absolutely broken in 6.79. Difficult to punish even very bad players when they can escape to places on the map you cannot get near.

                              4) Earth Spirit. Could have been a cool strength support type hero with a reworking of his abilities. Instead he's just the most boken, OP annoyance DOTA 2 has ever seen. If this hero makes it into captains, it will be nothing like what it is now.

                              5) Bloodseeker. Ok, yeah, diruption + force staff is a fun and cool as fuck, but seriously, after 25 minutes, what are you actually contribution to your team with this hero. Probably nothing.


                                1. Sniper: no escape, no life, easiest hero to gank in the whole game
                                2. Broodmother: wasted slot, other heros can push better, spiderlings give too much gold, easy to counter with a lot of heros, can do nothing except feeding gold if you have someone to counterpush (axe, kotl, clock, es, sd, sf etc etc)
                                3. Bloodseeker: easy to counter, mediocre skillset, falls of midgame
                                4. Medusa: Simply useless, cause she needs too much farm to carry a game, can be countered by other hardcarrys like am or spectre without problems, has no presence during midgame, ult is easy to counter.
                                5. Wraith King: DK is better, Ck is better no reason to pick him


                                  ^ Current Brood doesn't deserve a spot among the worst. You try to kill her, she runs off the map. You go away, your tower goes down...

                                  IMO the really shit heroes at the moment are Drow, Sniper, PA, Medusa. The latter cause they need two 5k items each to start fighting, and the former because they're squishy fucks who can't lane anywhere. Also the current Meepo is really weak after the nerf.


                                    Morph is bad, bad early, bad late game and need too much farm.


                                      Riki, uh.. riki, uh moar riki and un sniper and drow.

                                      Jorges Sanz

                                        1. Axe
                                        2. Centaur Warrun
                                        3. Sniper
                                        4. Drow
                                        5. Wraith king

                                        Not withstanding individual player skill, these heroes just bring too little onto the table and are generally burdensome.


                                          Wow I love how people rate "worst". Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they are bad. I have noticed that there is a hero for everyone. Just because you get killed by some heroes often doesn't mean they suck. It means that they are actually good. Every hero can be great if used correctly, with the right team. It says a lot when people are putting axe, blood seeker, sniper and all the other greats up on this forum.
                                          One last time, just because you don't know how to use them or get killed by them often doesn't mean they suck. Quit being butt hurt.


                                            brood is getting a big nerf next patch, if "seen by the enemy" she cannot go through trees. Ouch.

                                            one and half gun

                                              wisp invoker brood pudge pa


                                                Why are scrubs saying Morphling is useless these are the kind of people who put all their points into agility at 3 minutes and rage and die to then to the opposite by putting all their points into strength and raging because they hit like a wet tissue. He's my best hero and as long as my team isn't complete trash is practically a free win.

                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                  On topic the most broken heroes are

                                                  1.) Huskar- The retard that made this hero must of be an incompetent brain deficent retard who thinks its funny to put a hero into the game that has full magic resistance past 50% health who also has a synergizing "fire" spears that can do 200 damage per second.

                                                  2.) Drow Ranger- This hero is almost just as broken as Huskar give her 2 wraith bands, and power tread with her ult to then hit for over 150 damage early game. It's not like you can get to her either because she will simply throw these arrows that slow you to a crawl.

                                                  3.) Sniper- This retarded hero just sits back at 700 range "sniping" (otherwise ksing) everything he sees. In the average pub with supports too brain deficient to buy sentries at dust he get dadelus w/ desolator, takes all your health, snipes you and vanishes before you could even blink.

                                                  4.) Chaos Knight- Most people are too blind to see how broken this hero is, get an armlet, drum, manta and a lvl 3 ult and all these illusions are dealing 800 damage each. You can't even fight this guy because you have no idea which one is real, then you have a 4 second stun in your pocket ready to throw. Can't run from this guy either because he'll keeping pulling you back to get butt-raped. Honestly this hero is sooo broken, and sooo underused.

                                                  5.) Phantom Lancer- More like phantom cancer get diffusal and manta and he will zap all your mana to then rape you with these excessive amount of cats clawing your to death, its not like you can run either he'll just use diffusal and you'll be crawling around while this catman laughs at you.

                                                  That's my 2 cents.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    dno if trolling or ... :>


                                                      Nope =P


                                                        You are supposed to put heroes who are useless/ruin the most games.


                                                          thats what he did


                                                            every furion in my game.

                                                            Erkekliğin 10da 9u kaçmaktır

                                                              1.Drow Ranger
                                                              2.Wraith King
                                                              5.Phantom Assasin

                                                              All useless piece of shit. Also posters should make a list of that not OP heroes.

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Axe, Centuar and Wraith King are bad? Really?

                                                                Axe and Centuar are too of the best initiators. Axe has amazing lane presence and CW has extreme dmg at early levels. Wraith king is a legit carry, IDK why people disagree. He has ranged stun and at 6 is unkillable without mana drains. He's like sven but tankier with less burst. People don't hate on sven.

                                                                My Aim Sucks(Yaong)

                                                                  5.Night Stalker

                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                    why did no1 mention LC till now?^^ (mb did but i didnt read/missed it)

                                                                    i have a 100% loose chance when 1 of my mates pick LC and cries "me wood". they are so dump, Midas first (thats the first 10min 4v5), then getting ganked, failed duels and has a score of ~0:7 at min 20. now its alrdy 4v6 cuz he feeded, has no item progression, did spent some flat dmg to enemy heros cuz of failed duels) generally thats the loose, LC ending with ~0:15 score flaming the whole team

                                                                    when an enemy picks an LC. he is on lane or mid and carries the game...


                                                                      1. Anti-Mage, he is countered by a lot of gankers and enemy carries I feel. He can be outmatched by a Phantom Assassin or Faceless Void; and unlike Phantom Assassin's or Faceless Void's gap close, his blink doesn't provide him anything other than mobility.
                                                                      2. Stealth Assassin: his ultimate provides him absolutely nothing of worth except the ability to run around invis until he's discovered. His other skills are pretty good, but compared to another carry or ganker he's subpar at best.
                                                                      3. Broodmother: She's been reworked, but that hasn't stopped her from achieving one of the lowest win rates in Dota. Her stat gain is pretty bad. I also think her pushing potential is highly overrated, when comparing her to other power pushers like Nature's Prophet, Leshrac, or even Lone Druid.
                                                                      4. Phoenix: He's been reworked a few times, but right now I think he's not all that great. Yes, he has some major teamfight potential, but all his damage is DoT rather than burst like it used to be and that makes it tougher for him to gank than say, QOP or Storm Spirit, for example.
                                                                      5. Huskar: He gets stronger when he has less HP. Somehow I think this is counterintuitive to survival. The passive magic resistance is nice, but one burst autoattacker or physical damage dealer will utterly destroy him. He starts off as a pretty strong ganker and has terrific 1v1 power but he becomes really irrelevant when late game rolls around and the real carries come to play.

                                                                      Like people above me have said before, there aren't really any BAD heroes. Any hero if played properly can make a game its bitch. But some heroes have slight advantages over others.

                                                                      Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                        If you pick Anti-Mage, your support will try to steal your last hits and then go intentional feed. True story, happened twice already within a few days (and it wasn't me who picked anti mage).

                                                                        And calling Phoenix bad? Just look at my games. My Phoenix deals more damage than most lategame carries.
                                                                        Phoenix is not a (pure) Support hero. He's a freaking damage dealer. His role is to deal as much hero damage as possible. In a way, he's carrying the game.


                                                                          Lol people in this thread calling meepo worst just cause you cant micro.

                                                                          Worst Heros are

                                                                          Antimage (After the team had hoped he farmed so hard he ends up dying in 5 seconds)

                                                                          Armada Fantasma

                                                                            1 - Antimage
                                                                            2 - Sniper
                                                                            3 -morphling
                                                                            4 - Tusk
                                                                            5 - omniknight


                                                                              well, when you build dagon on any hero they become a "damage dealer", lol.


                                                                                Meepo best hero)

                                                                                Have a cow

                                                                                  wisp, abaddon, slark, lion, lina

                                                                                  Vanity  ツ

                                                                                    wisp and slark worst heroes, lol

                                                                                    Have a cow

                                                                                      if good wisp or slark are playing versus you, they are worst heroes

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                        i think worst hero is morph and io russian in my team)

                                                                                        Sup m8

                                                                                          Omniknight... What a useless hero. If you want to heal people go dazzle or Chen


                                                                                            ^ Just because you got 0-10 with him last week does not make him bad.
                                                                                            Just gotta l2p.


                                                                                              i really don't know why a lot of people are hating on broodmother shes really not that bad considering that she is
                                                                                              1. one of my best heros
                                                                                              2. she is very good at pushing lanes
                                                                                              3. she can become invisible in her web
                                                                                              4. her ulti isn't that bad either considering you can get a shit tonne of spiders with it by attacking creeps
                                                                                              5. and she's pretty good at killing heros caught up in her web

                                                                                              now im no dota expert since i only have like 100+ hours played but whats the hate for??? xD

                                                                                              NOW HERE IS MY LIST
                                                                                              1. Shadow Demon seriously wtf?
                                                                                              2. Ogre Magi..
                                                                                              3. Bat Rider
                                                                                              4. Centaur Warrior
                                                                                              5. Brew Master

                                                                                              now i know a lot of you will disagree but these are my heros i have had bad experiences with


                                                                                                just because he has the highest winrate in 6.81 doesn't mean you can necro threads


                                                                                                  1) Sniper - Specially when he has IMBA attack speed and mini-stuns you constantly.
                                                                                                  2) Huskar - All his skills are annoying!
                                                                                                  3) Ember spirit - Over powerful, when people can play him well its instant GG.
                                                                                                  4) Earth spirit - He is pretty much pointless...
                                                                                                  5) Faceless void - The chromosphere is OP.


                                                                                                    1 - Nyx Assassin. Support's instagibed immediately.
                                                                                                    2 - Weaver. Annoying, fast, force a lot of resources to kill
                                                                                                    3 - Slark. you already know
                                                                                                    4 - Witch Doctor. Very annoying in lane
                                                                                                    5 - Pugna. Ward

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!