General Discussion

General Discussion[SEA] Dota 2 Guild, register now!

[SEA] Dota 2 Guild, register now! in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    IGN: [A]dmiralBullshit
    Primary Position: 2
    Secondary Position: 3-4-5
    Weekdays Playing time: 24/7
    Weekends Playing time: 24/7
    Trademark heroes:
    1) Ninja SK
    2) Ninja Tiny
    3) Stats/Bracer Brewmaster
    Member of existing amateur team? No
    # of offline tournaments joined: None
    # of online tournaments joined: None
    Dota 1 experience (yrs): 5
    Dota 2 experience (yrs): 3
    Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 2626

    other important details:
    3.3k solo rank, 3k party. Will not play 4 or 5 if carries are lower skilled. More of a bait & rhasta player that focuses on 2v3, 3v3 action.

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    la the yeezy

      IGN: Wooolfgang
      Primary Position: 2
      Secondary Position: 1
      Weekdays Playing time: depends kinda busy on school
      Weekends Playing time: friday 3:30 pm onwards saturday 12:00 am onwards
      Trademark heroes:
      1) Luna
      2) Weaver
      3) Rubick
      Member of existing amateur team?
      # of offline tournaments joined:0
      # of online tournaments joined:1
      Dota 1 experience (yrs): 3 but mostly playing with classmates on weeekends
      Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1
      Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1000+

      Овај коментар је измењен

        IGN: MidOrMeepo
        Primary Position: 2
        Secondary Position: 3,5
        Weekdays Playing time: Afternoon
        Weekends Playing time: Afternoon, Night
        Trademark heroes:
        1) Rubick
        2) Invoker
        3) Templar Assassin
        Member of existing amateur team? No
        # of offline tournaments joined: None
        # of online tournaments joined: None
        Dota 1 experience (yrs): 2
        Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1
        Dota 2 experience (# of matches): Around 600

        other important details: I can play Offlane, Carry roles too. Just not as confident about them. Also position 4 too.


          Seems I haven't received the friend request yet :((, I'm gonna send you instead :D


            since there's quite a few of us already and i mentioned that the main goal of this guild is to practice the roles you want to excel at, i think we could start of by practicing this Navi-inspired lineup:
            - 1: Luna
            - 2: Puck
            - 3: Bristleback
            - 4: Visage
            - 5: Enchantress

            we start playing this in normal matches so that we don't start off being pressured of getting the win because of our MMR score.

            P.S. note that this guild doesn't limit us to above mentioned. We also play ranked MMR parties, play for fun and stuff.


              ^ Added Wolfgang and MidorMeepo..

              LightNight and [A]dmiralbullshit please add me, can't find you properly in Steam..


                anybody else online? let's play


                  Hey bro why when I am online almost nobody else is online, I think everyone hates me :'(


                    bump! bump!


                      bump bump again!


                        IGN: Jake_adex
                        Primary Position: 2 (Mid)
                        Secondary Position: 1 (Hardcarry)
                        Weekdays Playing time: Currently Im on almost 24/7.. Although I Id usually be in game with other friends, or just be busy in general..
                        Weekends Playing time: ^Same as above
                        Trademark heroes:
                        1) BloodSeeker/Ursa
                        2) ShadowFeind/OD
                        3) Storm Spirit/Naix/PA
                        Want to be captain/drafter: I can draft, But dont need to.
                        Member of existing amateur team? Nope
                        # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                        # of online tournaments joined: 0
                        Dota 1 experience (yrs): ~4 years.. Not too sure xD
                        Dota 2 experience (yrs): (0.5) 6 Months.
                        Dota 2 experience (# of matches): >666

                        other important details:

                        Well.. Idk ._. ... I play my best heros in a semi competent fashion, albeit I haven't really used them much if at all during my ranked games thus far.. My friends hardly take ranked seriously, so my ranked MMR is pretty shit on party, and I used a bunch of my least played heros during Solo ranked.. o-o..
                        Id be more than happy to join :D Although at least by dotabuff standards, Id be considered as shit ._.

                        Jaenudin Ngaciro

                          IGN: Paws
                          Primary Position: (2)
                          Secondary Position: (4) (5)
                          Weekdays Playing time: 12pm ~ 12am
                          Weekends Playing time: 12pm ~ 3am
                          Trademark heroes:
                          1) Puck
                          2) Shadow Fiend
                          3) QoP
                          Member of existing amateur team? No
                          # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                          # of online tournaments joined: 0
                          Dota 1 experience (yrs): 6 years
                          Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1 year
                          Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 961

                          other important details:

                          I'm a casual player with high learning rate

                          3900 MMR both solo and party (does it matter?). I'm best at mid, but can also play 4 5 whenever my team needs support (THEY ALWAYS FUCKING PICK CARRIES!) especially with rubick.
                          I WAS love playing Pudge, but i think he's too easy to use. There are too many "DENDI WANNABE", so i stopped playing pudge since then.
                          Invoker was my trademark hero in DotA 1, but now i'd prefer Puck QoP or SF because there are too many hipster invokers who started playing invoker right after watching youtube videos.

                          P.S.: I'm a bit sarcastic, so don't play stupid on me :D

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                            Paws, can add me instead? hard to find you..

                            add me: BlackXargon

                            @Jake added..

                            Ples Mercy

                              IGN: IFeedWithPassionBrah
                              Primary Position: 9
                              Secondary Position: 7
                              Weekdays Playing time: 24/7 im a robot
                              Weekends Playing time: 24/7 im a robot
                              Trademark heroes:
                              1) omnifeeder
                              2) shadowfeed
                              3) feedermaru
                              Want to be captain/drafter: yes, i want to makz godz dratingz
                              Member of existing amateur team? no only proteam
                              # of offline tournaments joined: 3234
                              # of online tournaments joined: 3456
                              Dota 1 experience (yrs): 1min
                              Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2min
                              Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1337

                              other important details:
                              my passion for feeding is amazing.


                                lol blunt.. how's the casting??

                                Ples Mercy

                                  its fun and nice, but why the offtopic brah?


                                    IGN: Phoenix.SC
                                    Primary Position: 3,5
                                    Secondary Position: 1
                                    Weekdays Playing time: after 6pm
                                    Weekends Playing time: the same
                                    Trademark heroes:
                                    1) Nyx
                                    2) Mirana
                                    3) Luna
                                    Member of existing amateur team? No
                                    # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                    # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                    Dota 1 experience (yrs): 1
                                    Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                    Dota 2 experience (# of matches): ~800

                                    other important details: can solo offlane pretty well imo. Can also play hard supports such as Bane, Lion


                                      hope we can get more people in the guild so we could play lobby matches.:|


                                        ^ added Phoenix.SC

                                        Current list:
                                        1 - BlackXargon, Egeenz, Zenoth
                                        2 - SweetDeviL, YMVN, Wooolfgang, MidOrMeepo, Jake_adex
                                        3 - emaneman, , MADBOTTLER. DK.Pker, Phoenix.SC
                                        4 - |FEVER| PAPAJAHAT, GameIsHard, ROTTI/solanin, Dadisingkit
                                        5 - gabrielgayok, jayneyfc, Aristeia, Pilot

                                          Овај коментар је избрисан.
                                          Ples Mercy

                                            Wat why cant i play position 7 and 9, im profeeder, u need me.


                                              IGN: Flop
                                              Link Steam :
                                              Primary Position: 3(offlane)
                                              Secondary Position: 2
                                              Weekdays Playing time: currently 24/7 (holiday)
                                              Weekends Playing time: the same
                                              Trademark heroes:
                                              1) Mirana
                                              2) Timbersaw
                                              3) Slark
                                              Member of existing amateur team? No
                                              # of offline tournaments joined: 1
                                              # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                              Dota 1 experience (yrs): 2
                                              Dota 2 experience (yrs): 1
                                              Dota 2 experience (# of matches): around 700 matches

                                              other important details:
                                              My solo rank : 4,6k
                                              Party rank : 4,7k
                                              ps : I love V i s a g e


                                                ^ added you flop

                                                hey guys, can anyone play consistently starting 9 or 10 PM onwards? i'm trying to setup a nightly practice against a team who was able to join the joindota league.. kinda hard to just check whoever is online at that time


                                                  accepted broh


                                                    IGN: GIMME_THE_L00T
                                                    Primary Position: 3/4
                                                    Secondary Position: 1
                                                    Weekdays Playing time: 2-5 hours per night
                                                    Weekends Playing time: Sat & Sun all day
                                                    Trademark heroes:
                                                    1) Silencer
                                                    2) Clockwerk
                                                    3) DP
                                                    Member of existing amateur team? No
                                                    # of offline tournaments joined: 2
                                                    # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                    Dota 1 experience (yrs): 5+
                                                    Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                    Dota 2 experience (# of matches): about 750

                                                    Other important details:

                                                    I play much better with a team than I do solo. I am best with offlane/ganking/initiating heroes and I also excel at playing mid as well.

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                      IGN: Air
                                                      Primary Position: Offlaner
                                                      Secondary Position: Hard Carry
                                                      Weekdays Playing time: 7 hours
                                                      Weekends Playing time: 18 hours
                                                      Trademark heroes:
                                                      1) Clockwerk
                                                      2) Bounty Hunter
                                                      3) Weaver
                                                      Member of existing amateur team? Yes
                                                      # of offline tournaments joined: 1
                                                      # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                      Dota 1 experience (yrs): 4
                                                      Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                      Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 1000+


                                                        IGN: Astral Desire
                                                        Primary Position: 5
                                                        Secondary Position: 4/3
                                                        Weekdays Playing time: 10 hrs
                                                        Weekends Playing time: 12-20hrs
                                                        Trademark heroes:
                                                        1) Shadow Shaman
                                                        2) Dazzle
                                                        3) Nature's Prophet
                                                        Member of existing amateur team?
                                                        # of offline tournaments joined:
                                                        # of online tournaments joined:
                                                        Dota 1 experience (yrs): A few games
                                                        Dota 2 experience (yrs): 9 months
                                                        Dota 2 experience (# of matches): 540 games

                                                        other important details:

                                                        Want to be captain/drafter: No, but I can pitch in my thoughts
                                                        Member of existing amateur team? No
                                                        # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                                        # of online tournaments joined: 0

                                                        other important details:


                                                          I'm back. I want to play again! Anyone interested? Add me up!

                                                          Eddie Morphling

                                                            Is this still alive?

                                                            IGN: Corporal Butthurt
                                                            Primary Position: Solo Mid
                                                            Secondary Position: Carry (I can carry, but rarely do because pubs have an overabundance of them)
                                                            Weekdays Playing time: 7 - 9 PM
                                                            Weekends Playing time: Sat (1-5 PM, 9-3 AM) Sun (1-5 PM)
                                                            Trademark heroes:
                                                            1) Puck
                                                            2) Invoker
                                                            3) Tinker
                                                            Member of existing amateur team? No
                                                            # of offline tournaments joined: 0
                                                            # of online tournaments joined: 0
                                                            Dota 1 experience (yrs): 1
                                                            Dota 2 experience (yrs): 2
                                                            Dota 2 experience (# of matches): Somewhere near 1000 if I combine my 2 accounts, 1600 hours

                                                            I used to play offlane for my guild, using heroes like BB, Tide, Bat, and Phuck.

                                                            Need safe matchmaking :D

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