General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it actually possible to maintain 50% winrate at about 3,5k mmr?

Is it actually possible to maintain 50% winrate at about 3,5k mmr? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    So a couple of days ago I got up to almost 3,7k (3664) and then I just had a series of retards parding threw all of my games. Curriently at 3,3k there is at least 1 complete imbecil (or russian) who ruins the game. Its literally impossible to win if you dont pick support because all supports try to carry (leshrack no currier rushes aghanims 0/12) and if you pick support YOU HAVE TO PRAY GODLESS MOFOS to not get a retarded carry who rambos 1v5 just because he has aegis and rages on the entire team not diving T4 when we are all in front of T3 which is still up. You also have to pray that your mid doent decide to mass spam curriers because support didnt tp to help him as he was diving T1 at 1 min into the game vs 2 heros. The most hilarious part is when the carries start to complain to the support because he has no items and no farm when he has to ward and they still rambo towers to get kills with 10% hp.

    Is it actually possible to maintain the 50% win rate without stacking? I dropped from 51,5% when I was playing with 2 friends (both quit) and now I just keep dropping because of the mentally challenged retards every game.

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Another elo hell thread. Huh, figure.

      Овај коментар је измењен
      Low Expectations

        Had to make one at some point, impossibru with russinans I say nuke the whole country.

        Low Expectations

          And screw the guys saying "what about all the innocent" hey you want an omlet you have to break some eggs

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            You're racist and ignorant. Every game you lose is your fault.


              Here, here! 50%ish winrate peruvian player who stacks sometimes yes, but most of the times with this guy:


              So yes, entirely possible. /thread.

              Low Expectations

                Sorry bro, dota made me racist and ignorance is a bliss

                Miku Plays

                  NO you cant maintain 50% winrate. You can only make it go 51 or 49

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    u should try to kill yourself

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Ignorance is bliss?

                      Let Melody enlighten you.

                      I hate to break it to you in front of everyone Deadshot, have you ever considered the fact you aren't good?

                      Look at your own profile...
                      [*]Sub 50% winrate
                      [*]Plays impact heros and mids frequently
                      [*]Low kda's on mid's and other impact heros which frequently retain high kdas with skilled players.

                      Bro, we both suck playing invoker. The only difference is... you think you're good...

                      If you would like help on how to improve as a player, there are more than an abundance of skilled players that can help you that browse this forum. You are dropping from your mmr and your winrate because you don't belong there. If you are good you will climb, if you are bad you will fall, and repeat. If you need help with something let me know.

                      Quick maffs

                        How the fuck can someone make melody mad ? is that even posible ?

                        About the 50 % winrate i do think its posible, probably easy, another thing is to actually get a lot of mmr.

                        Sup m8

                          Sorry dude I'm afraid melody is right... Look up dunning Kruger

                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                            I'm not mad lol, racism is just really stupid over all.

                            Quick maffs

                              I lost my hopes on russians after the game where a luna bought gloves of haste and one set of tangos to the lane and tried to manfight a centaur.

                              SPOILERS: LUNA WAS RUSSIAN

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              Low Expectations

                                Like 40% of my invoker games I play on offlane solo nevertheless I know I am not good invoker player (just enjoy playing the hero) I understand I am not the best player in the world neither I am intending to become one. I am just pissed of the amount of people who select english in setting and then rage in russian about other people not being russian.

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  That happens in every mmo. Don't like it? Go LoL and bitch about another country.

                                  It's 2014. Welcome to the internet. There are different people from different places that all gather on the internet.

                                  Quick maffs

                                    Anyway, at least russians dont bitch about everything like 90 % of the american players with mic.

                                    Russians just say cyka blyat and everything is fine.

                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                      Lol, god dammit Dorkly.


                                        Who is the one dude on your team in every game you lost?

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          dorkly is so right

                                          Quick maffs

                                            Like why are people so emo ?

                                            Ok, you have a mic, GRATZ

                                            Miku Plays

                                              As Bastion says : " Nobody likes to play support, yet everybody likes to win. "


                                                Well I won from 47% winrate to 51% winrate (Windrunner 28% winrate to 47% winrate) so stop blaming other people and play better


                                                  I consider posting this image in every one of these threads:
                                                  Edit: I'm officially too stupid to post images on this forum. Well, the link with Joe's description is better anyway:

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    jesus fking christ. just delete your trash account and make a new one

                                                      Овај коментар је избрисан.

                                                          wow whats wrong with mel today

                                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                            Why do people think I am mad haha. I'm fine xD I didn't mean to come off hateful. :(



                                                                The dumb thing is, in a proper team and at higher levels supports are as fun (if not more) as carries and mids. In scrubby pubs hard support is hell.

                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                  More like this. Pm me your house address Satie.


                                                                    I've been from ~3600 to ~3300 and now I'm back at 3637 (see the Jakiro streak).

                                                                    It's not big deal, really. All you need to do is play your best heroes. If you random or pick heroes you have like 5 wins with, probably you'll lose unless someone on other team does same thing. In ranked, people actually try to win.


                                                                      Rusdians be grand m8.
                                                                      Nothing funnier than hearing in half broken English "I suck your mothers dick" as an insult

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        This game would be the most boring shit ever without russians


                                                                          I'm on 3900 and Have 54% WR and Going. I don't think WR matters since there's alot of 5k players with 50% WR


                                                                            you wanna climb rating?
                                                                            follow these simple steps
                                                                            1. queue solo ranked (all pick)
                                                                            2. game starts -> insta pick terrorblade
                                                                            3. press E
                                                                            4. win game

                                                                            or, since you play invo quite a bit, you can follow these steps:
                                                                            1. invoke tornado/emp
                                                                            2. use tornado/emp
                                                                            3. make sure to race all over the map with ghost walk/cold snap combo
                                                                            4. win



                                                                              First you start blaming yourself and not your team because that's where you belong. You've played 5 times as many games as i have and we have the same mmr


                                                                                Mid chen will skyrocket u to 6kmmr ez, and get you at least 100% wins.


                                                                                  my irl friend is at 3500 with 50,00% winrate.

                                                                                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                    What's racist about hating Russians? They steal other peoples countries!

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      идиоты блядушка


                                                                                        is necessary to see manga or anime like eenvy, satellizer... to be pro in doto?

                                                                                        amigo pool

                                                                                          LOL same DBPR


                                                                                            can you people stop posting gay anime please


                                                                                              It is possible.

                                                                                              I'm maintaining a 53%+ winrate at 3.5k.

                                                                                              Quit whining. :p


                                                                                                <- justrandomwordstogooverthe6characterslimit.


                                                                                                  ^you can just do space bar, it counts as characters




                                                                                                      Cheers, bud! :D

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!