General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff EU Amateur Series Starting

Dotabuff EU Amateur Series Starting in General Discussion
Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

    Got bored, reminded me of 4FC, made logo. I have no life,



      Someone loves their drop shadow tool.

      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

        I REALLY DO. haha.


          When is this? Id play but idk if I can

          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

            Did you read the post?


              Yes, next sat. I also read something about a practice week. Didnt know if that changed anything + im at work cant thoroughly search.


                @yoshi: "saturday 23.05.2014" does not exist... I assume you meant saturday 24.05.2014?


                  Yep, you've got 1 practice week and the next one the tournament begins
                  Saturday 24.05.2014 - 19.00 +1GMT Time

                  Remember guys that the team slots are still available, we can always add more teams if needed.
                  Let me know if you've got a team, otherwise, you can even join a group with those in "stand-by" listed as single guys.

                  This is going to be fun.

                  Also, going to change the team name again Havoc/Melody, sampson is going to be delighted

                  EDIT: Thanks for clarifying Socram, my bad :))

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                  Miku Plays

                    gonna watch it :) gdluck to participants


                      i'm gonna be asleep so someone else go commentate


                        time is not final, I'll make a poll as soon as I get home and we can vote


                          alright guys, my engeneers managed to build a pefect strawpoll


                          Let me know what timing is better for you, and if you have another suggestion, write below in the comments


                            Wouldn't it be better to have more varying times? One time for everyone to come on and all is nice but playing a match anyway when both teams are online seems more useful as it can cut down waiting and is more flexible. Although, casters would have to be online all day.

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              That's a good possibility, but I'd also like to see what the teams say, still waiting responses.
                              We might extend the tourny through the whole week to make it easier that way if you guys want to. As soon as 2 teams are ready we can play, some matches can be played simultaneously but its less interesting.

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              lil nerd

                                Okay, my roster if finalized, riflekiller said he could join, and it's all good!

                                Also team name is "Eagle of the Ninth" Acronym "Eo9". riflekiller will have a standin tag though.


                                  Mooyes give me the team list and roster as the team examples pls :)
                                  Ill just update it


                                    So uh, what are we stand-by dudes supposed to do now? I guess we, uh, wait 'till we get picked?


                                      There are plenty of you guys, you could even form a team, just talk to each other and you are ready to go! :)


                                        Are the standins for all positions or for specific roles? As I guess a team could be a significant advantage/disadvantage depending on who's standing in.

                                        Also could we increase the prize pool with rares or other items?


                                          Standins are for everyone, on a first pick first serve.
                                          They can also make their own team.

                                          As for prizes I cannot offer you anything else myself, sorry
                                          Trying the best

                                          lil nerd

                                            Team "Eagle of the Ninth" - MrMoose + Lupix + Riflekiller + Nurthur(or whatever he calls himself now, he keeps changing it) + Setokaiba


                                              I picked other

                                              Basically, I'm GMT+8. I can sleep late on Saturday or wake up early on Sunday but 2am isn't a possible time.

                                              @people who didn't pick 12:00 because they don't want to get up at 7am: ):


                                                How can I participate? I would volunteer for standby.


                                                  i got a team if you got any more space


                                                    Updated your team as requested

                                                    Added as Stand-in

                                                    Bring it on mate, just liste the name as Moosesey did - Team name - x +y +z player


                                                      the team name is "Scrubs R' Us" shortened "SRU"


                                                      koalaty player

                                                      possible standins:

                                                      Edgar Allan bro

                                                      lil nerd

                                                        Our hard carry lupix won't be able to make it, he thought the tourney was this week and not next one. We will have the new member of the team, rice, join us and rifle will standin.

                                                        So team is now

                                                        Team "Eagle of the Ninth" - MrMoose + rice + Riflekiller + Nurthur(or whatever he calls himself now, he keeps changing it) + Setokaiba

                                                        Sorry for the constant roster changing.


                                                          Ok Moosey, I changed it again, no problem

                                                          @Mufasa, updated the roster

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            check the main page for the tournament direct elimination setup!

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              dats lame man, should be a round robin so people can actually play against other people. There will be a bunch of people who get 1 match.....


                                                                I am totally open to suggestions,

                                                                what do you mean by round robin? I am not practical unfortunately.
                                                                Keep in mind we've got 8 teams to let play, so might be a good idea to have multiple matches simultaneously

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  Have each team vs each other once then add up the wins and the top teams fight again for 1st 2nd and 3rd

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    the commentator can just pick whatever random matches for the round robin


                                                                      I like that, but once again, what do you suggest? simultaneous matches being played or 1 single match at a time?
                                                                      Saturday 19.00 is the starting time, it'll be hard to accommodate everyone with their schedule by playing 8 matches.

                                                                      It's not going to be the last tournament, we might aswel try and see how this one is received by the crowd.
                                                                      What do you think?

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        multiple matches at the same time until you reach the 'playoff' section of it

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          I dunno its just might suck for some people who get to play 1 match....


                                                                            Yoshi I think my previous message was a bite vague, the question I asked was if we (the people) could increase the prize pool by donating and such.

                                                                            Edit: Also agree with Sampson, Round robins are also pretty flexible as there is no set schedule with them.

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                              round robin with 8 teams is gonna take 28 games. I suggest group a and group b of 4 teams each


                                                                                Yes it is possible, you can participate in the prize pool ofc. I just don't feel like making it something mandatory absolutely :)

                                                                                Actually that is a good idea, it may make everyone happy


                                                                                  Ok I've updated the brackets as you guys suggested, I find it a good compromise.
                                                                                  Also, I've updated the tournament schedule time, let me know what do you think (see below)

                                                                                  1. The tournament will be played starting Saturday 23.05.2014 starting around 19:00 +1GMT time - Subsequent matches will be organized with the 2 teams agreeing on a time and date schedule.

                                                                                  EDIT: We could still use a Teamspeak server where the 2 teams meet to discuss the details etc. as also the streamers.

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    Roster change for my team Satellizer will be replacing Hurricane.

                                                                                    Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                                                                      OD is the best hero!


                                                                                        "Roster change for my team Satellizer will be replacing Hurricane."

                                                                                        Nice stabbing in the back from the guys i thought had enough balls to say directly what the problem is and not just texing you a message you're out of the team. But actually i wasnt that surprised cause i quickly figure it out how some people work and what's their caracters like. I guess they always ban a guy who actually try to solve the problem why we hardly won any game in the pubs instead of just saying "it's allright, we're doing fine". That's a loser mentality and i dont want to be a part of it anyway.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          I sat down spoke to the rest of the team and we felt your ego was detrimental to the team, nobody wanted to listen to your self righteous attitude. Nobody on the team cares if we win or lose as long as we have fun. I spoke to you privately over skype to avoid your drama but since you want to make a big deal over the fact that 4 people dont want to play with you so be it, you are just showing future team prospects why not to give you a chance.


                                                                                            "Nobody on the team cares if we win or lose as long as we have fun." - that means you dont want to improve if that improvement is making the game less fun for you, and i just dont wibe that. Thats the real ego problem you guys got there and that's what holding the team back. I want to win a game and do whatever it is necessary to win - you call that "ego problem", but i dont really care about your opinion, since we have totally different expectations about the game anyway. I love having fun playing the game too, but i cant have fun if we play bad as a team. Anyway - i hope you find whatever you seeks.


                                                                                              Roster updated.

                                                                                              Don't worry, we can still all play together inhouse, unfortunately for now 8 teams are more than enough but you never know, some teams might need a replacement and it might be your time to shine mate!

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                Sigh I am done being nice about this to you Hurricane, you lost mid to a melee as viper, your map awareness is fucking awful and your item choices are hurtful to the team. You scream and yell like a 6 year old if you die (due to your poor positioning) and the rest of the team has to carry your ass to make up for all of the above, I pity anyone who has the misfortune of having you on their team


                                                                                                  Rofl 4 Friends + Sampson, nice name !


                                                                                                    Sampson - it's pointless even speaking to you, cause you're too retarded to actually take in the facts and then make objective conclusions. You're the ONE that said countless of times we need new mid, blaming the guy pretty much in every game, rage quiting the games cause lanes didnt work, etc, and i'm the bad guy here? I'm not perfect by any means and i hate if we play bad as a team, but people will figure it out in time where the real problem was and who's the actual problem.

                                                                                                    About that Viper game... Are you really so stupid or you're just acting like a fuckin 50 IQ guy? I said i was tired as hell, since i celebrated my B-day, drinking and working whole day to set up everything and then played the damn game on US servers with 250ms ping. Ench ganked me 4 times, i had no ward in the place and i died once (i could have reacted better, thats true). Whats the fuckin big deal here? I still manage to out last hit the guy even with 250ms ping, killed him once (so it was 1-1) and i'm not a mid player by any means. And thats what you throw at me justifiing that you somehow managed to put me out of the team cause you dont like me?

                                                                                                    I regret EVER playing with you and i'm not surprised you only play with Melody, since he's probably the only guy who can stand your ugly caracter. You dont have balls to say something directly and know i know why so many people hate you.


                                                                                                      have to pull out. going away next weekend. plenty of back ups to take my place i hope. glhf

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!