General Discussion

General Discussion5 Fastest farming heroes

5 Fastest farming heroes in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    Tinker isn't in this discussion?

    casual gamer

      Terrorblade (more consistent than alch)


        Oleksandr, im from south america aswell, so whats ur point


          Oleksandr- You stupid piece of shit retard i am not from sounthamerica and i play dota more than4 hours you retard !!!
          Mark- No matter how is big your CS, the GPM is what matters !!!

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            anyways why are you guys feeding the troll?


              1. Alch
              2. Naga
              3. TB
              4. AM
              5. Luna




              great minds think alike..

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                @Sleave: Most southamerican people have very little understanding of the game because:
                1. They are old dota 1 players that have good enough mechanical skills to do decent with their shitty knowledge.
                2. They are kids playing from internet cafes.

                My point is OP has 0 understanding of the game which is expected from a southamerican. (I'm from southamerica as well).

                @Gordo Granudo: You definitely speak spanish so you're from either latin america or spain. Anyways, your understanding of the game is trash as well as your fastest farming heroes list.

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                Dire Wolf

                  Cus enigma only farms a couple core items then his farm falls off fast, mainly cus he is acquiescing it to the other carrys. But also cus carrys later will farm quicker than his edilions.

                  "Mark- No matter how is big your CS, the GPM is what matters !!!"

                  Yes but your thread title is top 5 best farming heroes and there is a huge difference between a bounty hunter going 10-0 for 700 gpm and an anti mage farming up 10 cs per min for the same gpm. One is farm the other is ganking and this thread was about farming heroes, not which hero can hit highest gpm.

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                    sand king is super fast too... sadly he cant do ancients

                    Dire Wolf

                      Slark should maybe be mentioned, though most people neglect farm on him. But with maxed purge he can down creeps really fast and he moves insanely fast between lanes.

                      Dk has really nice lane clearing power too, he's probably as good as sven, nice when ancients are stacked.


                        OP do u do coaching? if so how much?

                        GENGHIS KHAN

                          Oleksandr- Stupid retad piece of shit estupido stfu noob scrub.
                          Mark- No this thread is about highest GPM, what mean farms in overall, and i cont in it farm heroes (ganking) and farm creeps, for example with hard carry like sven you can sometimes ganks with stun (farm hereos) and after sucesful gank you just go afk farm woods/lanes, what really improves sven insane overall farming potentional.

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                              i got banned for saying faggot once and this guy keeps posting lol


                                So, you run out of arguments and then insult? ROFL.
                                Naga, tb, meepo and even pl can farm much faster than sven simlpy because they can farm multiple lanes/camps at once. Naga clears the entire jungle plus one lane creepwave in the same amount of time it takes sven to clear two camps.


                                  i can no longer tell if the guy is trolling or not

                                  Quick maffs

                                    He is i need to think that he is


                                      i think he is trolling when he calls everyone scrub and things like that
                                      but maybe he is not trolling when he talks about the game mechanics

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Jesus dude that is not what you said at all, you mention farming heroes multiple times in your op never who has most gpm. You're just a stupid troll. So to troll you back, Bounty obviously has the highest theoretical gpm due to his ult. Kill a hero once a minute and you get an extra 250 gpm. Add in a battlefury to clear waves and walah, top gpm.


                                          @Rambo - I think you looked at your personal graphs. if you look at the dotabuff overall graphs, it goes NP, Alch, SF, Doom, Void.


                                          GENGHIS KHAN

                                            Mark- I say farm as overall u tard what mean farm hereos and creeps all !!!
                                            Oleksandr- Lol, you are scrub, all this heroes to farm that fast like naga, tb, pl need firstly get radiance and must get 3 800 golds first, what sometimes its not that easy and fast, and btw. all this yours farmed illusions hereos will kneel before Sven god strengh crit cleave and die easy like a bitch agaisnt farmed sven.
                                            regulator- Lol, are you retard idiot? I am legendary Butthurt Dweller Gordo Granudo, no one will dare ban me !!!! Just look here how i am famous:


                                              Terrorblade needs 3 wraith bands and 1 quelling blade and by min 20 he will outfarm sven LOL.

                                              GENGHIS KHAN

                                                Sunrise- Lol what a noob, TB without cleave, radiance, maelstrom and with that your build will farm fucking slow lmao.


                                                  But your thread wasn't about who can kill who, it was about fastest farmers. Naga is WAY faster than Sven farming, as well as pl, tb and meepo. Simple.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                      you missed pl,tb,naga,luna,AM

                                                      Shit thread


                                                        I think butthurt should better define his parameters of when a hero is more effective farming instead of you guys feeding him. I agree with his order except medusa, and should be replaced with tinker... anyways heres some asian meme's instead of butthurt scandinavian guy memes (I thought the guy was american, and found he was European in his profile pic. Oh thank god... europeans just lie about being fit.. hahahahaahahaha!!)

                                                        GENGHIS KHAN

                                                          Mark- That just prove my statement that farion is fastest farmer in game and alch and doom are also among top 5 and medusa too farm fast tard.
                                                          Cpt. Caveman- I am not from scandinavia tard and I AM SEXY AND I KNOW IT !!!



                                                            "TB without cleave, radiance, maelstrom and with that your build will farm fucking slow lmao."

                                                            nah just 16 last hits per minute, 975 gpm

                                                            bad troll is bad

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                                                            GENGHIS KHAN

                                                              Zenoth- Bad cheater is bad, so stfu scrub.


                                                                yes, everyone better than you is a cheater, everyone worse than you is a scrub

                                                                best logic there

                                                                GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                  Zenoth- You are not better than me scrub.


                                                                    AM is probably the fastest hero in farming if you take into account that theres no other heroes around in the map.

                                                                    GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                      DAVAI DAVAI CYKA BLYAT- So you saying that only AM will farm and rest of the team will not farm, lol good luck win game with 4 underfarmed hereos :D

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                                                                      harvard graduate

                                                                        How is prophet the fastest farmer in the game lol. Naga farms faster, Tinker farms faster; Antimage does, Alchemist, Luna, SF and gyro all farm faster too...


                                                                          "Terrorblade no cleave, radiance ,maelstrom" LMFAO AHAHHAahAHAHahhah. Dude gid gud at being troll. Bad troll is bad.

                                                                          GENGHIS KHAN

                                                                            GRILL ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)- Here is proof that Prophet is fasterst farmer in game scrub-
                                                                            Sunrise- Bad scrub is bad.


                                                                              Haha, and where is sven :D, your mega farmer, like 100gpm lower than terrorblade(no cleave lmao). rekt.


                                                                                I like how he tried several time to prove his point by showing global economics, which is highly influencate by people that don't know how to last hit at all, thus get them only with random spell :)


                                                                                  @matrice rekt x2 :D

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    lol he doesn't realize I was trolling his troll with that link


                                                                                      Tinker meepo naga

                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!