General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg counters

Jugg counters in General Discussion

    Everyone loves crying about the new jugg, lets talk jugg counters.

    Starting off, naturallly high armor cariers or buffers (ogre/lich/disruptor) can make juggs ult pretty crappy. Same goes for minion creators like NP splitting the ult.


      Riki's smoke screen makes makes the typcial juggernaut panic. Also if you ult a riki and he goes invis again that's a wasted ult.
      Prophet like you said can split the ult, but his sprout can also keep a wild juggernaut at bay.
      Doom for his, well, doom.


        meepo works reasonably well.

        other carries, its a toss up.



          Hes just another slark solo killer with his ult. stay grouped and win.

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          Pom Pom 🍕

            Invis won't normally work since he can use items (dust) during the omnislash, but yeah any silence hero wrecks him since he's easy to burst down when he can't bladefury. Like Drow, Orchid Clinkz/brood, Night Stalker, Skywrath Mage, Silencer.

            Wraith King for reincarnation
            Pugna for decrepify (although he's a strong diffusal blade carrier)
            Meepo if you can stop him from farming a battlefury
            Phantom Lancer - Even if he has battlefury you can just use doppelganger to end omnislash.
            Sven for warcry

            edit: shadow demon and OD can similar to PL remove themselve or any ally for a short duration, which helps ending omni prematurely too. Slark ulti works too.

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              Good supports, don't let him farm. Like any carry.

              Lion and Skywrath combo, kill him fast

              Omni ulti of course, Oracle is very strong

              Riki actually is pretty good, cloud, backstab, and he can blink far enough away to get out of ult

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                3 booty cheeks

                  Get euls. You're good man.


                    dragon knight?


                      only chen is a strong counter cos he fights with early units all other counters can be somewhat worked around through itemization
                      omni 5 man somehwat

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                        Best counters Wraith King,Doom,Meepo,Riki etc.

                        黑鬼 [我不好]

                          Riki, Drow Ranger, Lion, Pudge when farmed (LOL)




                              I don't level up bladefury
                              Checkmate atheists


                                Heroes :
                                any illusions based hero ( naga, tb, phantom lancer , ck)
                                Wraith King
                                You could also say good laners but if jugg is going jungle that isn't going to matter

                                Items :
                                Ghost scepter ( can be countered with diffusal though )
                                Shadow Blade ( can be countered with detection )
                                manta style if you're a carry

                                Most dangerous jugg is the rat jugg which is quite difficult to counter since it needs a bit of team communication ( which is why you need to counter pick wisely if you're against a jugg because you can't trust your teammates )
                                He isn't that imbalanced against good players

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                                  u can purge a cycloned unit out


                                    Lion no Kappa

                                    Everyone loves Chibi

                                      Void is actually damn good counter to Jugg. If he ulties you, just jump away - ulti waisted ;)


                                        Omni counters Jug pretty well.

                                        Repel early, no Blade fury.
                                        Degen goes thru Blade F.

                                        You see Jug ulty, press R.


                                          Honestly I should just go riki every game until jug is nerfed. Or drow.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Jugg is soo fucking broken


                                              I think the most funny counter to juggernaut is Slark. That hero is ridiculous in his own right and Juggernaut is going to cry if you shadow dance out of his ultimate. :P


                                                Slark is not a counter. I have tried: it doesn't work.


                                                  Slark is a better counter to jug then any invis hero lmao
                                                  just shadow dance when he ults for crying out loud


                                                    I'm pretty sure anybody with half a brain won't use omnislash against Slark unless he's doomed or something.


                                                      Have u ever played a 3k mmr game?

                                                      I see that like 4-5 times this week

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Items counter jug much better than heroes, ghost, euls, manta.


                                                          Play some storm spirit or doom get hex or silence depending if he gets a manta if yes get hex if not get silence if you have a lot of farm get both.


                                                            Lion is the counter if you want to go as non-carry

                                                            cy ka 619

                                                              the best counter to jugger is to pick it when ur garbage


                                                                any long range initiation disable that can't be dodged with omnislash

                                                                hexes instacast silences and so

                                                                invisible heroes or naturaly insanely tanky heroes

                                                                cripling him at laning stages hurts him badly

                                                                having mek/ghost scepters hurts him mid/lategame alot

                                                                Anonymous mode- No chat

                                                                  sven works. Just dont buy MOM and stack your armor and health. I have 78% winrate this month thanks to juggernauts at 5k mmr. warcry+satanic+ ac, and I stand in jug's ulti alone laughing my way home.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Well I can tell you it's *not* lifestealer.


                                                                    Once jug got mom and basher I was stun locked for days.


                                                                      Omni, Tusk and slardar are some of my favorite counter-jug heroes.
                                                                      They all have their own strengths against him.


                                                                        Crimson guard fucks him up pretty badly.


                                                                          his call works during spin
                                                                          also u can call while he's ulting u and u take reduced damage...


                                                                            if u want to counter him on equal farm try slark,void

                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                              Axe can tank aghs omnislash

                                                                              waku waku

                                                                                The Butcher


                                                                                  Why does everyone say "new jugg" like he got a complete rework or something... Far as I know they just increased his bat and agility and then needed his armor and ulti range....... Tbh he's always been pretty op. He just scales into late game better now


                                                                                    Nerfed his armor*


                                                                                      1 armor for agility carry that has 2.85 agility gain per level means litteraly nothing


                                                                                        No one mentioned weaver? He is the best counter of jugg has escape and his great ulti and drow according to dotabuff omni is not even close scrubs

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                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          They added 6 base agi. SIX! That is a ton, it's 6 IAS and 6 dmg. I mean when sb was nerfed they reduced his base str by like 3 or something and people flipped out. Razor's str gain was increased from 1.5 to I think 1.9 and people freaked. Small amounts are a big deal.

                                                                                          Or think of it this way, it's like having two slippers at start. If they buffed a hero and just said ok here you start with an extra 300g people would freak. That was the equivalent stat gain.

                                                                                          Also they added 5% to his level 1 crit which is a 25% increase and a big deal too. He was always quite strong but now he's absurd. His downfall before was bad stat gain but now you can just spec stats cus his crit is so good and his base dmg and BAT so good too.