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    highests kills and highest tower damage, literally carried the whole team with cancer


      Should be an easy game with miracle

      el niño peruano

        what a sad game I think


          Won a game and speaks spanish!


            Hey, just a few advice I have on playing Spectre. One of my most favorite heroes.

            1. Dont go Phase Boots. You already have a gap closer in the form of Spectral Dagger, so go Treads instead. The power of Spec comes in the form of just how tanky she is, so Treads goes better with her kit. Also, lets you farm faster with PMS.

            2. Get a Ring of Aquilla! It is an absurdly good item on Agi carries during the early game. Not much reason for you to not get it.

            3. Diffusal Blade is a situational item on Spec, but Manta is pretty core IMO. You want items that makes Spectre tankier AND lets her deal more damage. Diffusal is all damage, while Manta helps with both. That's why Skadi is considered a better item on her than Heart nowadays.

            4. Vangaurd is actually considered legit now with the changes to her passive! Don't be afraid to get that if you have a bad early game and feel like you need to be in the fights 10 minutes early. Radiance is not skippable though - get it at SOME point!


              I would've gone ethereal blade instead of Hex. Although I'm not very experienced with meepo.


                The 700 gpm with little in the way of kills/assists tells me you had space to farm and managed to do a good job split pushing. Good team win, but it really feels like you guys just ran away with it at a certain point

                smol brain

                  Nice spectre game T_T. Basher makes no sense.

                  el niño peruano

                    where's the damage?


                      Carried by OD


                        Nice KDA

                        KGBlue Lives Matter

                          Looks like your team was afflicted with a bad case of Windcancer. Nothing you could have really done.

                          Player 124137522

                            You gave leshrac some of that nyx assassin booty. Carried your shitstain teammates to victory. Well played.

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                              SSR Formula AERO MESH

                                You got refreshers on Silencer.. thats brutal

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                                  A shitstomp where you just couldn't bring your negative KDA team out of the gutter. Looks like you might have had it for a while there but then you fed a streak and that was that, am I right?


                                    Seems like Naga gaming one man carry to victory. Well done!

                                    smol brain

                                      Mage had a rough early game? Very solid invoker good comeback.


                                        You and SF and CM fed hard, only SF and AM did anything close to resembling farming. Also you had no hero healing on Huskar which is dumb.

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          GPM insanely low
                                          Outcarried by a DS (lol)
                                          only 1.8k TD as a luna is low
                                          No Lasthits either
                                          Aghs octarine core Luna is braindead doto
                                          At least u were in almost all fights...

                                          SSR Formula AERO MESH

                                            With Tinker, Techies and Anti-Fun on the enemy team im surprised you didn't lose, although you did come close to losing it


                                              Nice win played very well. Looks like your SB and Necro tried to keep the other team in the game. But seriously though 770 tower damage. That's just horrible. I mean yeah you have 688 xpm (highest) 668 gpm (highest) 6.0 kda (highest). But for realz though work on that tower damage because objectives win games :P


                                                i wud skip crimson guard and get kiting items like glimmer and euls.
                                                mek/greaves isnt good on lina either.


                                                  Not really sure what to say about your game there! Only got 7 min to go off of.


                                                    Good job there, but I feel Blink Dagger is an immensely better item on Tiny than Drums. You really shoudl take advantage of Tiny's guaranteed kills with his combo during the mid game.


                                                      The sf storm spirit line up, I think it was the right choice to go get manta but a satanic wouldve fit this game since you can activate when legion duels you

                                                      smol brain

                                                        Pretty routine stomp but there was the shitty viper picked against pa.


                                                          Tough game. Looks like your team let the TA get out of control. Imo TA is one of the hardest heroes the reign in if she has a big early game lead. Also there is no heal on your team other than the urn (no mek or gg). You have no damage mitigation items such as ac, Pipe, Crimson Guard. There was a vlads at least. Sometimes it's hard for me to play es even tough it's a great hero and I do enjoy playing him, because you normally don't build those support items on him but they are needed. You were the only support from what I can tell maybe NS helped. Better luck next game m8


                                                            Very nice game


                                                              Nice SF dude, you carried those shitstains hard.

                                                              SSR Formula AERO MESH

                                                                That team comp really depended on techies creating space and you getting farmed/fed from that space(along with bh ult). Not surprisingly that pa snowballed and just carried hard from there.


                                                                  I have no clue how this game was so even for so long, barely anyone on their team has positive KDA, shit farm on most of them (even alch) and you did work all game long it looks like, but hey, you pulled through I guess. Also REFRESHER ECHO ^_^

                                                                  Rush(2nd ACC)

                                                                    Last 4 games alch D: Also good winrate


                                                                      no wand no win


                                                                        Dota is cool game


                                                                          Moonshard + Divine Rapier :)


                                                                            Bad alchem player on radiant

                                                                            smol brain

                                                                              You annoying alchemist you. Well carried ,quick farm nice.


                                                                                Nice game and win but I'm sad you didn't go for the super bomb. Get aghs and radiance on LS. Then swallow pudge with rot on and go inside a ancient creep or in your case you probably could have just stayed inside the tinker and let him run around kill everybody. Pretty funny and broken. Looks like you skipped the fighting this time and just took care of towers.


                                                                                  Team had good early game pickoff potential but no real lategame or teamfighting potential. Enough push to rat for a while but not enough to sustain and no real way to counter the CK due to many single target heroes.


                                                                                    Poor farm, bad kda and pretty much 0 impact in the game. Since Luna is your top played and most sucesefull hero, it's sad to see that happen in normal skill bracket.

                                                                                    KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                      WP! Looks like you helped to carry your team although while tehy didnt do bad their itemization was questionable at best *cough* radiance Lina


                                                                                        u did ur best to win the game, but the sniper gotten alot space to farm


                                                                                          Forget you and your stupid sun strike! just kidding. Nicely played a good invoker is always great to have on the team. Fell bad for the WR though though loss for him. But proof that team play wins over individual skill. Nicely done.

                                                                                          The Nugget Collector

                                                                                            cheesus! in all honesty not sure if you feeded at the start or if someone else did and the game spiraled out of control, I'm assuming noone feeded but rather you were playing against a really aggressive team.

                                                                                            KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                              Holy fuck people on both teams not realizing that deso and Lifesteal don't stack 0_o Anyways wp looks like you and sniper sorta just snowballed outta control.


                                                                                                damn dude, teach me your ways. I always suck major d*** at nyx, but I really like the hero concept. In any case, very well played! Even against a BH too.


                                                                                                  Alch stomp the game. Nice farm speed. Just, how do we do alch? I can't use him xD


                                                                                                    Not much to say, you seem to have supported your team well. The other team got rekt.


                                                                                                      You should put ur wards not display in ur inventory

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!