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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    559 LH on AM. It's like they didn't know how AM works


      Y U no die Lich?

      Bad Intentions

        Sneaky pick. Good job of ending the game quickly. U complimented the team fights well.


          You crushed them badly. Imma try going 4-1-1-1 with ursa next time.


            ^ well done playing techies. Must be difficult to engage with your lineup requiring too much positioning.

            i mean you being able to go octarine core is wow.

            Protato BBnoZAR

              solo supporting on the losing team sucks


                Good lane control I guess, or rubick is feeding

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                    5,5 actually

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                      Bad Intentions

                        Great last hit numbers, winning the game in 43min, not dying to much as am. overall good job complementing the team.


                          stop spamming ursa and so hot spectre as well
                          they didnt have hard carry and got late game www
                          i though radiance work at this match


                            Good job winning, I'm surprised you could get a BKB as the only support on your team, normally I would go for more cost-efficient items and buy wards and shit. Anyway, you won so who am I to judge.


                              ^^ Nebulous

                              You needed a bkb, vs that PL mana burn, Pudge, and Warlock, it was necessary. You Should work on farming under pressure your last hits on that long a game are not good (not judging I suck at that as well).

                              KGBlue Lives Matter

                                Pretty even match I would say. No one did terrible though it seemed to snowball out of control for their team later on. You had a good K/D/A and good farm wp!

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                                    Im gonna comment Stalinator last match as Mekarazium comment is pretty dumb and not insightful at all and I bothered watching half the replay.
                                    In 10 minutes you only watched ONCE what was happening on the other lanes and when you did (at 9:30) the enemy trilane was already diving and proxying for like 15 seconds. You could have helped your mates by tping and probably get at least one kill.
                                    Also you denied your creeps attacking mid tower when tinker was nowhere near them so : counter-productive.
                                    And finally maybe do some stacks when you have time to speed up you farm. You were on radiant side so its easy to stack the medium one and you can farm it fast with SF =)

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                                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                                        I was a bit terrified to farm as it felt like their were wards everywhere as they gibbed am multiple times in jungle so I became a bit paranoid. The last ten minutes where just them fucking around with us in base :(

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                                          A BKB instead of an Aghs after the mek would of done more. Their right click isn't that great for multiple uses of the Aghs. Their slows, slows, and silences must of done work against your team. A sheep or Silver edge would of been great to for their spirit breaker.


                                            you clearly defeated your teams other carry. looks like a dirty zeus combo but may as well take it

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                                              Blink slammin veil dagon cow action MOOO

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                                                Bad Intentions

                                                  Good venge style, the way venge should be played. Complimented slardar well. Tho its in HS, still a solid performance.


                                                    u rekt them with ur spectre , good job m8


                                                      nicely done with lesrac,

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                                                        Good impact on the game with Lina...
                                                        that dagger on qop though.

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                                                          Damn son 500 last hits :O

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            You fought a galiant fight. Did wat u had to do as clock, good bm pickup. You lost but u did your best.


                                                              You finally stopped playing ursa! I like the way you build spectre - tanky to make use of the dispersion. I tend to build for illusion damage (diffusal, radiance, manta etc) but you seemed to do well and with only one death I can't fault that. Well played.
                                                              [Please don't look at my venge game]


                                                                Ursa game, Your cs is extremely bad, offlane Ursa? Was the abbadon playing core, and were you fighting for cs on a dual offlane or something? You got kinda carried by PA and Lina.

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                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  troll sighting, rare, very rare. good job in picking ur fights, looks like you fought smart. you really complimented that sf.

                                                                  Bad Intentions


                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                      Pretty good game. Nice farm, 20 kills, maybe a bit too many deaths but given the fact how close that game was I guess its okay. Maybe if omniknight would have been more farmed tbey could've won

                                                                      KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                        Pretty stompy. Looked like your Zeus smashed them into pieces which gave you space/under farmed heroes to farm.


                                                                          Viper stomp. Easy win, easy life.

                                                                          Aeon Jib now we cruisin'

                                                                            Seems like you made another poor soul abandon because of techies


                                                                              that hero damage is insane, u snowballed super hard

                                                                              fuck valorant

                                                                                back and forth game but you finally pulled through in the end and you had highest hero damage.

                                                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                                  Nice stormballing. Don't think you really needed linken that game though since the only threats are concoction and orchid, but concoction is easily avoided as a storm (super slow projectile) and you had bkb that removed silence from orchid. A shiva would be better if you wanted to be tankier or a hex to pick off and delay their bkb activation more. Still you seemed to have carried your team pretty hard, good job.

                                                                                  KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                    My guess was that you got shat on in lane but your team managed to make space and you and bloodseeker got fed and managed to take good fights. WP on that comeback though, CK is a total bitch even for heroes like Sven.


                                                                                      Thanks for the reply, what happened was the PA got lifesteal then said fuck you guys and went to afk farm the jungle for most of the game, so I was forced to leave the jungle and go fight with the team 4v5. Fortunately we had good picks so we were able to do pretty well so PA could farm a heart but no BKB (I think she did get a bkb later anyway).
                                                                                      That was a valiant effort, you seemed to do really well as nyx is a great ganker. Have you ever considered an orchid against heroes like storm? In addition, I really recommend arcane boots on nyx. Anyway, well played, you did well but a storm with orchid/gem/bloodstone is hard to even get close to, perhaps you could try a blink? I haven't used it myself but I have seen pros use it on nyx and it does well.


                                                                                        Pa should have went for a skadi instead of a heart, idk , seems like a solid game , carries could have gotten more farm , lina could have picked up a hex to complement you better , your item choice was on point, and having bane to lock them down helped you guys i guess .

                                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                                          very high impact lesh, you did everything from hd to td. youre everywhere! good job.

                                                                                          Bad Intentions


                                                                                            KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                                              Pretty typical Ursa bear stomp. Other than Doom they had no counters to you and it looks like your team also did pretty well though it looked like they played ballsy as they have a lot of deaths (either that or the enemy defended well)

                                                                                              Night 夜

                                                                                                what a stomp. Seems like you farmed the enemy team instead of creeps. They were the creeps.

                                                                                                Dagoth Ur

                                                                                                  hahahahha, fucking alchemist. You either lose horribly or.... What you did. The absolute opposite. Great farm, great murdering of enemy heroes, gg.


                                                                                                    nice naga, creep cutting for the win. despite them having counter, you probably avoided fights and searched for pickoffs. Also, you're either a smurf or somebody who hasn't played ranked in a long time. nice winstreak

                                                                                                    Dagoth Ur

                                                                                                      What a strange game, where do I start? It's clear right off the bat that the Riki eventually became too strong and began to take over the game. However, your team has an insane amount of lockdown and you guys should've huddled up and baited the Riki if you could. I see you guys pulled ahead about 43 minutes into the game which is very much like my latest Leshrac game. When that happened my team just stayed on our high ground and made them fight us. I don't know exactly what happened, but maybe that fight was a fluke and you guys got rekt or you messed up. What really confuses me is your item build. I see only 1 truly suitable item on Medusa and especially against the Riki which is MKB. Other than that, the item choice is very strange and maybe even game losing. Skadi for bloodstone, manta for SnY, throw a divine in and you could've won that game I think.

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