General Discussion

General DiscussionOrganize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match

Organize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match in General Discussion

    Shred - are you retarded? :D middle of 2k vs middle of 3k is EXACTLY what makes it legit and shows that there is a big difference between 2k and 3k bracket and matchmaking system works. 3k's won easily right? What else did you fuckin expected?


      Just smaller MMR gap man. Like, there is a reason why you don't get 2500 mmr vs 3200 mmr average in solo ranked.

      How do you expect 2k mmr team to stand a chance if their team is made of 2100 and 2500 MMR players going mid, while on 3k team you get like 3500 mid and 3800 mmr offlane.

      Does this sounds fair to you?

      Lanes were lost just purely based on mmr gap between mid and offlane players, for example.

      I think it would be much more fair if 2k team had:

      2900 mid, 2800 offlane vs 3200 mmr mid and 3300 mmr offlane.

      SImply smaller difference in average MMR.

      I highly doubt that 2800 MMR player is way worse than 3200 MMR player, for example.

      Also, I highly doubt that 3800 MMR player can't handle 4200 MMR player.

      If you want to make 2k vs 3k fair match, you either give both teams handicap, or you give both teams chance to win.


        I mean, let's say you make 4k vs 5k.

        And average MMR is made of 1000 MMR difference.

        5.8k guy goes Invoker and lanes against 4200 MMR guy.
        5.5k guy goes offlane and rapes 4.1k and 4.3k MMR guy.

        4ks have: 4.1k and 4.6k supports

        5ks have: 5.5k and 5.8k supports

        Doesn't look fair to me.

        Like, if you want to give 4ks a chance, you'd find 4.8-4.9k MMR mid to lane against 5.8k mid, or you'd give both teams handicap.

        Like, 4700 mmr mid vs 5100 mmr mid sounds much better, for example.

        And both are still in range of 4k and 5k.


          Yo deadweight give me a break man, you as the caster know what happened in my team. Afcourse shred had the edge over me , but that does mean we could not win the game if we played as a team.. We could have a rematch if everyone wants, but this weekend let's have some 3k vs 4k and 4k vs 5k matches maybe!


            As I said, a lot of things needs to be taken into coinsideration if you want to make decent 2k vs 3k match.

            For example, even tho my main MMR is 3500, it's because I don't play much of ranked here, because for past 3 months I've been practicing and I got better, like, noticeably better than true 3500 MMR player.

            Back when I was trying to climb back 4k I lost, even then, my average MMR was like 3700-3800. So how the fuck Ashes can lane against that?

            Note that I really did got better during last 3 months, so now I assume my MMR is at least 4100-4200.

            I really belive that MMR is actually accurate if you have decent sample size. So, after @ 100 games on my smurf, I managed to stay in 4.2-4.3k range.

            Each month on my main I was around 3700-3800 MMR. Every time I'd climb to 3900-4000, I'd go down. Same happens when I try to climb 4.4k+ MMR on my smurf now.

            My point is, you can't put 1800-2200 MMR guy to lane against 3800-4200 MMR guy and expect that he won't get crushed.

            Best player in their team played SUPPORT(emotionaldrift), and you also said that he's much more 3k than 2k(and I agree, I give him 3300-3400 MMR atm)

            So one more time: if their BEST 2k MMR player plays SUPPORT and their WORSE mmr player plays SLARK-CARRY(2100 MMR), how do you expect that to be fair?

            Is emotionaldrift gonna carry brainless 2100 MMR Slark with his Omniknight or Dazzle?

            Or maybe if you send 2 useless 2800 MMR players to lane against me(I coinsider myself to be high 3k low 4k), are you really expecting that they'll win their lanes just purely based on fact I have hard lane?

            Tried my best to explain myself.. Hope it worked.

            Овај коментар је измењен

              @WDB Nice, would love to hear your scrub insights :D Are you gonna cast with Deadweight or how?

              @World Kumbo is back on main account, the end of dota world is here guys :O WutFace

              @Shred Exept for that Zen guy it was pretty good representation with average MMRs resulting in about 1000 difference between the teams which is perfect! But we can always try a rematch one day if you want to, this time we wont play if someone from my team is ineligible for it and add random player, so only 100% legit 2ks! Thats to prove you wrong.. Cause you should win again easily.. But lets see, I dont know what you trying to say honestly xD

              Also he didnt expect anything, I think he was just kidding when he saw our team preparation match which we owned (another 2k not 3k team) :P

              No official stuff needed this time, let that be for 4k vs 5k match which Im hyped too see so much please guys Y U MAKE NO TEAMS? :D

              Овај коментар је измењен

                Well yeah, i agree best players should play core, but a good support does a lot more than you think it does. Good supports win games :) Idk, i still blame it on that undiying - he wasn't by any means 2k mmr. If he was decent 2k, bot lane wouldn't have lost - not that hard. And Ashes played with high ping - but that's the problem of captains, they should know those kind of things and pick players who can play normally on servers we played on.

                Btw - type less next time Shred ffs, you type walls like Relentless XD

                Idk who is in charge for 4k and 5k team, i'm just a caster here :D

                Овај коментар је измењен

                  where is relentless btw?? hes been MIA for a while


                    looks like he...


                      maybe he's inhousing with 6k dota 1 pros Kappa


                        Deadweight, that's my point. Best players should play core. You cant put 2100 MMR Slark who's jumping to try out pounce to play pos 2 or pos 1.

                        Even if Drift can support to decent level, doesnt mean he'll win them the games. No matter how much space you create for idiots, idiots will always lose you the game.

                        Good example is my last match. :D

                        Овај коментар је измењен
                        THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                          Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the whole point of the matches to get dumpstered by higher mmr people to prove mmr matters?


                            That's exactly the damn point :D

                            I guess lowest mmr going on mid or sth is part of the low-skill too, you cant expect all 2k's would know that they should let highest mmr on mid. On the other hand if you put highest mmr to play mid and he's actually support player you have a problem too - cause i dont think he can play even as good as 2.3k mmr mid.

                            Just IF questions who dont really matter :)


                              It is, but you can't just randomly pick 5 people and expect them they'll have chance to win against higher ones.

                              Make it as fair as possible and let skill decide who's better.

                              Why would 2100 MMR player play Slark in 2.8k avg. mmr game, for example? Unless he wants to be deadweight.

                              He should try to support, and let 2.9k guy take care of carry role because regardless of what you think, 2.1k is much closer to 1k than you think.


                                Well ofc 2.1k is really close to 1k, isn't it obvious? :D I also agree they would have a bigger chance if they actually picked decent balanced team of core and support players and let highest mmr on cores. Well, maybe next time.

                                Btw - Deadweight, dumpstering kids and carrying till his back hurts since january 2013.


                                  Well exactly, that's all I wanted to say.

                                  Maybe in 1k it doesnt matter who plays what, because they all like completelysuck to the point you can't even recognize who's better and who's not, but I know a lot of high to low 3ks, and I can confirm that they are capable of playing this game decently if given right heroes and decent team mates.

                                  Ofc, you can't expect them to perform on 5k level, but they can lead their team towards victory if they lane against 3ks, for example.

                                  Because, regardless of what anyone think, both 2k and 3k sucks big time compared to any decent MMR, which is for me anything above 4.2k+

                                  And yes, if I fail to climb to 4k on my main, I'll admit I'm here for a reason. Just random thoguhts passying by, I know it's not relevant to this topic. xD

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    seeing as im currently 4k Ill be the captain for the 4k.

                                    we play on friday eu west around 8/9/10?


                                      10 days no Dota - make sure you get into shape till the weekend and dont embarash 4k players bro.


                                        and also, No fucking 4k under 4,6k BECAUSE THTA's the same as 3k and that shit aint fair fucking shits so don't even fucking try


                                          I believe that you have a mmr-skill for every hero, if you have a 6k mmr player randoming a hero he is not accustomed to vs a 4.5k player with a hero he is very familiar with can make for a very even match.. but that's just my opinion #givemePhoenixandIrapeanymmr

                                          2 games ago 4kPhoenix v 5.5k TA mid. Ez win.

                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                            So... is anyone making 4k and 5k teams for the possible weekend game? Guys, hello, talk to me.

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              I'm in charge for 5k team and Havoc confirmed that he will play, +3 5ks over here?


                                                Where are my 4k's?? I'm a chill guy come on, start applying ;) i give my arcana to you guys if we win ;). I know we will, ez as fuck just accept it and listen to me ;)!!


                                                  I know I'm not 4k on my main yet, but if Benao wants to take me to play for 4k I'm up.

                                                  Up to him tho. I'll try my best. :)

                                                  Ofc, if he can't find high 4k people to play with. If he can, I'll watch and pray for 4ks to trash 5ks. :P

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    I died of old age reading your books (yeah, not posts :P cuz they are too long!)
                                                    Anyway, since my team is usually dragging me down, I can join you guys in the 5k team because im very special and you need me so I will help you to boost your average mmr.

                                                    Thank me later

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet


                                                      I wanna join the team.


                                                        I added you

                                                        The Clock aku

                                                          5k Sea here. The main problem for Sea community is communication. Flame here, throw there and pinging when asking for tango or ward expecting people to understand.


                                                            can you play on EU? games will be on EU

                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                              Ofc. 30-50 ping.


                                                                not talking to you, talking to the SEA guy


                                                                  @El Bunko Loco
                                                                  1. He is 5.5k party 4.6k solo which is basically your mmr.
                                                                  2. Btw you got dumpstered mid, so not ez?
                                                                  3. I don't think he cared about that game seeing how he never bought a bkb.


                                                                    Get EU players only, no SEA or other regions with 100ms+ ping. Thank you.


                                                                      I don't think we have enough dotabuffers with 5k in EU

                                                                      [KR] iParty.

                                                                        Count me in, I'm a 2,7k player ._.


                                                                          No need to be dotabuffers only.


                                                                            @iParty Team 2ks matches were played last weekend, this weekend we wait for 4k vs 5k ones.. :P

                                                                            I see the teams shaping up slowly and nicely, go guys! :D


                                                                              I'm looking for some higher mmr player who wants to co-cast this with me and give some additional insight and sexy star voice.


                                                                                i think i can fit in your requirements. pm me for my tf!


                                                                                  if I get Yoshi in my team can I get a 6k to compensate?


                                                                                    no u cannot. u just cant


                                                                                      who are you anyway?


                                                                                        i. am. your. father.


                                                                                          ok so the 5k team is ready once allison adds me and confirms that he'll play
                                                                                          our team is: me offlane, MNQ support, Havoc Badger support, ?-_- mid and allison carry


                                                                                            what's the 4k team and when do we play? 8 PM CET should be good

                                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                              Nice. Who's in 4k team?

                                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                Wait... What day are we playing?


                                                                                                  On weekend, saturday I guess like last two times, ask Deadweight.

                                                                                                  About 4ks, Benao said he will manage them.

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                    the game will be saturday on 8-9 PM CET depending of the enemy team as well if they agree with the hour but we'll play in the evening regardless


                                                                                                      i can be the courier

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!