General Discussion

General DiscussionPlanning to spam Timbersaw to raep 3k autistic kids. Any tips?

Planning to spam Timbersaw to raep 3k autistic kids. Any tips? in General Discussion

    Bloodstone, Euls, Dag? Is aether viable? When to get aghs?


      How did you get this idea when you don't even have your own ideas about itemization? :D I suggest you to play timber many times in normal matchmaking. Learn his both sides, weakness and strengths. What does he need? More mobility? More mana regeneration? More tanky items? Think and build your own Ego-destroyer-machine.


        thats why im asking.

        Rektdalf the White

          bloodstone, travels, blink, then pick what you need according to situation: shiva, hex, blademail, agha, etc


            I suggest you to never get euls unless is necessary .


              if you are against an agressive trilane, eg. lich, abba, skywrath. is it ok u will get bloodstone in 25min mark? given the fact that you can't get any farm and supports don't gank (3kmmr)


                ^ you normally cant gank a lane like that. And bloodstone min 25 isnt horrible on timber. Go for bloodstone into blademail then octa/ shivas / aghs mostly with hex/ abyssal / heart / lotus orb / bkb / heavens halberd / blink as situational items.

                Free 2 Play Scootz

                  As a 3.5k timbersaw spammer myself, I suggest wand, bloodstone (turn ur arcanes into a soul booster), aghs, oct core, heart. The only time I stray from the build is like against kunkka where I'll get euls or heroes with silences where I'll get bkb.

                  Basically once you get bloodstone clear creep waves with ur skills and aghs makes it faster. Mid game you should be in every fight. Takes a few games to learn how to maximize his skills but it's not too hard.

                  Овај коментар је измењен

                    now i fking lose. retarded peenoy sniper

                    ASSESS Product

                      i go for this: arcane boot > wand > bloodstone > blademail > aghs > any situational item. Its quite ez to clear creep wave when you have soul ring + ulti. Skill build 2 > 1 > full 2 + ulti > 1 > 3




                          Why do you have arcane and bloodstone, disassemble.

                          ASSESS Product

                            You dun want to waste another 900 gold mana booster.

                            lm ao

                              if i see u in queue ill instantly report you


                                normal skill arguments. popcorns are ready. -.-


                                  "And bloodstone min 25 isnt horrible on timber"

                                  yes it is. go to the guides page, people are getting 14 minute bloodstones in the offlane, and about 18 mins if they're not doing so well.

                                  Testicular Torsion Enjoyer

                                    Max e, w 2nd, enjoy your 1vs5 rampage and 10min bloodstone.

                                    Swap Commends

                                      ask tipple steal

                                      Johnny Rico

                                        go against unfair bots, if you can get a rampage against those perfect stuns ( without a bkb) you are good to go.

                                        rice cake

                                          GO SPAM TIMBERSAW!! All of U reading this, spam timbersaw pls.. and cut all the f* treez. do the global challenge guys. I need the lina-fire-ball battle-pass point thingy to lvl up further.