General Discussion

General DiscussionPracting up my invoker.

Practing up my invoker. in General Discussion

    Since the new immortal set made me cream my pants about five different times, now I think is a good time to practice up my invoker.

    Any advice of what's good on him at the moment? Kinda stayed away form him last patch so I need to know what's good for him now.


      Mid ain't my best thing (probably the worst role in DOTA for me rofl) and especially invoker
      I'll just bump

      Livin' Real Good

        The difference between a bad Invoker and a decent Invoker is small compared to the difference between a decent Invoker and a GOOD one, so don't be useless and AFK farm, and only end up playing Invoker just to do the shitty Euls scepter combo, but being garbage at every other spell.


          play QE for ez play


            think of all the good combos of his spells and their synergy, remember what spells of yours are on cooldown and when they come back up again so you aren't wasting time in fights invoking spells you've already used.

            Make sure if you're idle you've got forge spirits doing farming, scouting, or pushing.
            Check all lanes early for good sunstrike opportunities.
            You can kill people easily with a variety of combos (meteor+blast, meteor+coldsnap, meteor+icewall, forge+coldsnap, coldsnap+alactrity, etc)

            And for god sakes, don't build a blink dagger every game if you don't know how to use it


              Alright, got it down for right now:

              "Don't be like artzeey on a binge winning streak."

              Anything else?


                you're dying way too much in all of your matches. Hence why your kda is so low.

                it's much easier to play invoker when you're ahead in levels because you're not dying.

                positioning is very critical on this hero, and your abilities all have the ability to manipulate where the enemy moves in a fight. use that to your advantage


                  the rest is pretty much situational since u have 10 freakin skills and thats pretty versatile
                  just match it up with ur playstyle


                    2 general types of invoker : QE ( damages & tower-ing ) and QW ( crowd control )
                    when to use QE and QW :
                    go QW if your team composition lacks disabler, go for tornado emp snap combo early on and always buy urn and use it to trigger cold snap on the enemy u r focusing. Normally I always gank around other lanes and bring tp to counter gank enemies when they dived my towers, buy smokes and initiate the gank if your teammate are too passive, go for euls or orchid then continue making spaces for your carries.

                    go on QE if your team have enough stunners and disabler ( sven, void, bara, lion, venge, es, etc ) and be aware of your minimap when the war commences to land a sunstrike. If u dont think you can help during the war or you are too far away try push a tower using ur forge spirits, use 1 to take away 1 wave of enemy creeps and another one to hit tower, also use alcrity on urself to hit tower. If u can help besure to tp to the nearest tower and help the war using ur forge , snaps and icewall. Aim for early midas and then blink or force or euls or drums then travelboots and aghs.

                    another constructive advices are appreciated, ty.

                    Mode : TOPSON

                      303 match using invoker still dont know how to use it ?????. wow man you amaze me

                      sumail fan

                        i'm a 2.2k so take my advice with a pinch of salt. Null and 2 faerie fires to start, basi ASAP, brown boots and then rush drums. Forcestaff/Blink next and finish up your BoT.

                        The drums rush helps in spirits+snap combo. Activate drums, do that, throw in a deafening blast. You'll rout early midgame fights, from then on its all about abusing BoT by splitpushing as QE. Melting towers and helping teamfights from way afar is an advantage QE has. It'd be a shame to not capitalise on it.

                        I'd recommend not playing QW, as it requires good team coordination and cannot solo carry the game unless the opposition is really so bad it hurts. It does have a very strong early and midgame though. Whereas QE is strong in all stages of the game.

                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                          the new immortal set made me cream my pants about five different times


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