General Discussion

General Discussiontips to improve laning phase mid?

tips to improve laning phase mid? in General Discussion

    I feel like when I watch streamers like sumail or any 5k+ player, my mid laning is nowhere near their level. what should I do to win mid like a better player?

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    Pale Mannie

      aggro the creeps closer to you for lasthitting them without getting harassed from the opponent

      Player 288521586

        This may not work in every situation, but I once watched a Dendi replay with commentary from Luminous, and what that demonstrated was that when you're facing someone who has better mechanical skills than you (this is especially clear when laning mid), you have to try and harass/nuke them to the point where they switch focus to surviving the lane rather than last hitting/denying. Maybe that'll work. But it's a given that mid laning mostly goes like a rock paper scissors game unless there's a huge skill gap between the two mids. Alchemist is pretty strong versus someone squishy and farm dependent (e.g. SF) but when I see an alch pick I usually instapick viper to harass the shit out of him. The most recent time I did that, he had to tower hug big time and ended up 3 levels under.


          Farm better


            practice a lot. buying infused raindrop is also very helpful
            - get GOOD at last hitting and denying the creeps
            - some mid heroes need to stack woods as well (like TA and sf or storm)
            - if u are against riki or bounty and u know they are going to gank mid, ask for a sentry from your supports
            - if going to lane will result in you dying then don't go there anymore, just jungle and go to lane when it's pushed to your tower to farm safely
            - don't tank creeps too much when trying to harass enemy
            - don't take needless harass
            - when standing in high ground in night time, don't stand near your range creep so your enemy can't see you unless he has lane ward

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