General Discussion

General DiscussionOpinions on Legion Commander (like/hate)

Opinions on Legion Commander (like/hate) in General Discussion

    Do you like Legion Commander in your games? Or do you hate players who use her? Why? And would you prefer your teammates or opponent or even none to use her? Tell more about your experience with this hero!

    OK I will start with mine.

    I started using her as a jungler because when not interrupted, she can get literally the highest XP and net worth 8 minutes in. That's when my initiation items usually comes out and marks the beginning of my ganks. Ganks mean damage and damage means dominance, therefore when executed correctly usually the game ends pretty quickly with me pushing the towers hard, or enemies turtled till super late game where she becomes useless along with some useless teammates (lel).

    Definitely like her, I can do things alone, farm alone, gank alone, even won some games alone by ratting their t4 towers then the ancient. Going rat is like a last resort when 1v9 situation arises and you can't rely on fights anymore.


      i hate afk junglers
      its fine if they start getting a lot of kills with that 7min blink tho


        Started lc as a jungler, same like you. But its always a fail gank. Then tried lc lane, always get the kill, not the damage. Then i decided to go mid, and max skill 1. And, it was a good game. Ill prolly stick with mid lc.

        sin blyadi

          Hate junglers but particularly lc i like

          Овај коментар је измењен

            I found lc very boring to play

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              LC is the ba3. I finished her questline so mine is the sexiest alive. :bts_lina:


                i want to kms whenever theres a jungle lc in my game

                not saying its that bad its just that people go midas and never do anything
                retard magnet similar to mirana and bounty hunter last patch

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Midas is SUPER situational. When I jungle with LC I get my blink around 8 - 10 minutes after getting brown shoes, Iron Talon, and completing wand. But LC in jungle isn't the best. Laning with her is far better.


                    Fuck legion commander she's anti fun

                    Best Treant EU

                      ez hero, ez wins
                      i jungle with her for either fast dagger or fast armlet, depends on enemy heroes escape
                      solo offlane lc is also very good
                      pls dont go mid with lc -> what a waste of position
                      and midas is never an option for that hero -> u need to snowball


                        I used to love her, have 140 games on her, i love to scream "winneeeer" after every duel 😃


                          ^ You can probably use an arcana or just the gem to keep count of how many times have you screamed "winner" after duels lol

                          Well yeah people tend to misuse her as afk jungler and does next to nothing after getting their items, it is like aimless farming which I don't like too if I were to witness someone else plays LC this way (ally or enemy alike)


                            There was sniper. Then there was lc.

                            Hatsune Miku

                              ez hero, ez jungle all game

                              Player 175043649

                                i love it when the enemy pick jungle lc tbh just pick bh and fuck him up when he jungle


                                  Hate it really Hate it


                                    Afk jungle midas 1st. normal skill story right here fam


                                      i think lc is a really cool champion, she is very versatile and can be put in any lane but solo offlane. (try to spot me triggering people)

                                      a positive player

                                        Not a particular fan of her cuz of all the dumb or toxic lc players Ive met. But as a hero I think she's good and can make impact in almost any phase of the game.

                                        Preap Sovath

                                          Like : Passive Divine Rapier
                                          Hate : When I play LC few people help me, when enemy plays LC they mostly MVP


                                            love her in lane...always go 3-1-1 and start pwnage from level 6


                                              LC jungler is good , but depending on the player , but it annoys me when they do get their item and start to farm more nc.

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                There was sniper. Then there was lc.

                                                What this dude said lmao

                                                BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                  Strong independent hero who don't need no lanes. Lul i hate this sh1t her0


                                                    Lane LC > Jungle LC. Sadly, most teammate play Jungle LC and have no impact.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I don't mind her on my teams, I hate her on opposing teams cus blade mail duels are such bullshit. She can 1v1 any carry around 12 mins with just blink, treads, blademail. You think oh I'm lifestealer or sven off farming over here, no one can touch me right now, then bam lc comes in and duels you and have the dmg is self inflicted blade mail bullshit.

                                                      Execute Order 322


                                                        My favourite kind of games, god bless afk jungling greedy asses 4head


                                                          I dislike that people will pick her to jungle as another core when the team has only one questionable support.

                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                            Dumb jungling LC's are why I pick BH. Ez wins almost every time