General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to strike back Meep(r)o

How to strike back Meep(r)o in General Discussion
Preap Sovath

    He is the fastest growth heroes I think. When my team haven't get tier 3 ultimate, he's already maxed level.

    I want to ask 2 questions.

    1. How to prevent his obesity with non-advantage heroes ?

    2. If he fat already, Who can stop him ?

    doc joferlyn simp

      so from your ancient, forgotten languange i have pieced together some sort of translation. forgive me if i get it wrong but i want to inform the general populace:

      "He is the fastest farming hero I think. When my team hasn't even reached level 16, he's already at level 25.

      I want to ask 2 questions.

      1. How do I prevent him from outfarming us using heroes that don't hold a certain advantage against him (i.e, Sven, Lich, Ember)

      2. If he is farmed already, which hero can stop him?"


        1. aoe heroes or just gank him early on
        2. aoe heroes or all coordinated single target burst


          Hunt his clone in the jungle early game. Slow down his early farm and you can drastically reduce his impact.


            just deal with it you will have a hard game ,meepos on 2 k are rare ,try pick luna or lion or lina high burst insta magics bh too

            doc joferlyn simp

              1. You can't. Meepo can and will overtake your team in terms of GPM and XPM. Even if you do have some counter picks, it's not assured that you'll be able to stop him from farming the whole map.

              2. In a scenario where all heroes are available, Ember and Sven have the upper hand on Meepo.

              Ember can beat up an equally farmed Meepo, but once Meepo gets his Scythe of Vyse, things can easily fall from your favor because Meepo has the capability to burst you down with a full Poof combo and some right clicks. But that's what BKBs are for.

              Sven, in any stage of the game, can defeat Meepo. Early game burst in the form of Storm Hammer + Cleave. Meepo can't solo kill sven. Too tanky to Poof down, can just walk off Meepo's right clicks with Warcry and heal up in the jungle. Mid game where Sven gets his Crystalys Meepo's even more fucked. idk late game maybe Meepo can kite Sven with a Skadi + Eblade + Vyse, but then again, BKB.

              This is in a 1v1 scenario which means maybe the other 8 are clashing somewhere and the both of you just happened to run into each other. Whatever reason there's only you and Meepo.

              doc joferlyn simp

                also since Meepo is all over the map taking farm, take advantage of that and try to pick off Meepo's *EDIT* underfarmed *EDIT* teammates and slowly but surely accumulate gold so that Meepo can be brought down raid boss style by your team

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                  Was recommending by a blue star to get diffusal to purge off warcry. Warlock is another hero that is a pain vs meepo. Fatal bonds, upheaval and cleave from golems is nasty.

                  Giff me Wingman


                    So much bullshit. Nice N O R M A L S K I L L KNOWLEDGE


                      You know the Internet is a big place right? Why not fuck off and be a twat on a different forum rather than wasting bandwidth here?

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Trying to contribute to the community, sorry if I missed something just say so. No need to be all sarcastic and act like a dick.

                        Preap Sovath


                          Your repharse is nothing wrong. But about my RIP English, I only want to communicate with other with the least problem.

                          @Son of a bitch

                          My problem at 2k now is Techies and 3 lines carry like Sniper, Anti-Mage, Medusa, Arc Warden, Terrorblade, Tiny Etc.


                            1. gank him repeatedly, constantly
                            2. Sven, Wyvern, aoe disables, silences/orchid


                              @aether, his english is pretty understandable. Mine is worse.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                My translation was for people who excel at English, since to a guy who knows English a lot his statements seem a bit unintelligible. Just put it there for clarity and avoidance of confusion. My intention was never derogatory, sorry if it looks like that.


                                  luna is a terrible choice versus meepo

                                  Preap Sovath

                                    I agree because Luna with 6 slots lose Meepo 6 slots. Her SS is useless because it's can share to each Meepo lightly.

                                    Last night I'm useless ATM with that Luna which can't farm cause fucking Techies pressure me with obesity Meepo. He is smart that pick second after they team pick Techies 1st.

                                    Luckily Meepo isn't good for Divine.


                                      go 5 man, draft big teamfight spells, dont let him take roshan

                                      M U R D E R

                                        I had good success using Riki -- Ulti hits all the meepos, smoke prevents clones from running away if ganked in the jungle, you can camp his mid early game and constantly kill him too.

                                        However it does work both ways as a good fishnet and Poof combo will instagib you.

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                                        Preap Sovath

                                          Just lose latest Meepo match because Riki Trick of the trade.

                                          He is only invisibler skill who can kill Meepo while other is piece of cake for him (I don't sure about Treant)


                                            i haven't played meepo in a long time but back when I spammed him, tbh I think the BEST way to shut down a meepo is to pick EARLY GAME ganker heroes. you only really need 1 "counter" pick to him. like a sven in the safelane so if the game goes late you still beat him. but the rest of your draft should be early game highly aggressive pressure heroes.

                                            meepo is a 100% a snowball hero, if decimate him in lane and shutdown/totally deny his jungle comeback farm he will be useless without his core items/levels. break the snowball and you break meepo.

                                            if you can deny his aghs timing what is he gonna do? That's cool u got a 2k HP prime, we will just snipe ur 1000 hp clones lululul

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                                              enemy meepo last picks

                                              single-handedly carries team

                                              i cry :(


                                                btw if u don't heed my advice ur a 4head

                                                Preap Sovath


                                                  This is my latest game with enemy Meepo. I play as Ember as support like but other four help me shutdown Meepo even they aren't Meepo best counter.


                                                    I don't think I've ever seen a Meepo with 162 LH at 40mins!

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      play ember spirit win game


                                                        winter curse clone - easy kill

                                                        Preap Sovath


                                                          Because Shaman and Pudge completely shutdown this Meepo, so he has only Scepter maybe his teammates hasn't pause the game immediately Meepo dc.

                                                          I have never join war with including Meepo till I have Desolator. Mostly I come for Lancer.


                                                            Yeah WW is the easiest way to deal with Meepo. The fatter he gets, the faster he kills himself lol.

                                                            Sven is n1 counter. Ember is much ezier to cope with, sice u farm a lot faster than ember. Earth Shaker is annoying but pipe can do the trick.


                                                              0 slot winter defeats 6 slot meepo easly . Also sven rapes him in any stage of the game. 6 slotted ember one shots meepo using sleight of fist. Dont pick earthshaker to counter meepo. a skilled meepo player will toy with es :3

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