General Discussion

General DiscussionGame is hard

Game is hard in General Discussion

    I try supporting, I get a tinker that lost mid to a lich, jungle sniper, YES JUNGLE SNIPER and a carry that doesnt know how to farm.

    I try carrying, guess what happens? I get another retarded ass tinker that has no clue what he's doing and joined a total of 0 teamfights.
    I was owning the other team with 3 ultra kills in a row, but then they caught up because I have retards(No surprise). Like look at these guys, 40 min game, and none of them have shit. How are they so bad? Lc got a 15 min blink, if not even later and he was jungling. I don't fucking get this game.

    I've come to the conclusion that playing ranked at night is a 90% loss chance, I've told myself I wouldn't play ranked at night, but here I am, and there goes 50+ mmr.
    Supporting retards loses you games, carrying retards loses you games.
    This game is becoming you either 5 stack or you have a high chance of losing.
    Game is hard.

    Ова тема је измењена

      i have this theory that the more you play dota, the more you lose


        You go double daedalus and skip bkb vs silencer/kunkka? And you say your carries have no idea how to farm while you have barely 5 cs/min as a sven? top kek

        This is now a K thread



          Well if u r losing ur night matches then someone is winning all them night matches right?


            Mostly when I play at nights I actually get people which knows how to think and winning is easier than. In your case you are just retarded little fuck with 5k matches and 3k solo MMR oh my.
            And ye fuck my english can't even type decently :/


              200 cs on sven in 40 m game + ddaedalus. Yes, u r bad. Also, u do not realize that its super ez for lich to win most mids 1v1.


                BabyRage my team is holding me back BabyRage

                141 2/3 CHANCE OF WINNING



                    Why do you think tinker would beat Lich mid?

                    M U R D E R


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