General Discussion

General Discussionpls help me! I wanna get better at Dota

pls help me! I wanna get better at Dota in General Discussion

    Needs someone to coach' me for free pls

    . . . ?




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          . . . ?

            great low smurf^ wished i had the patience like you to throw some games xd


              Seriously tho this horsemen nig usually coaches people in hia free time
              But he didn't coach me
              So he's a feggot

              . . . ?

                @bws cause u need to privately msg me a coaching schedule lmao


                  Dude now you're spamming pugna?
                  You're hummiliating us too much :(


                    If you are good at something , never do it for free. -The Joker

                    . . . ?

                      @bws i spam what i like depending on my mood xD you don't see me playing ck anymore cause i don't want to waste my time farming when i can 1 shot nuke everyone with pugna LUL.


                        free coach - youtube

                        . . . ?

                          pls predik my memer sirs

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            i predikt rmm at 1968, perhaps you will reach 2k but with the way you are now you are hopeless


                              Seeing a CK outfarming a morphling hurts my eyes


                                Remove your profile pic, it's homophobic


                                  Be a trash like me :)


                                    I'll coach for free. I have said this for awhile. A lot of ppl coach for free. But I guess u don't want my advice and I understand..

                                    . . . ?

                                      @bws literally everything in low mmr wants to make me rip my body in half lmao especially those cringey lc pickers who have less than 50 duel points at min 30.

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                                        ^ I duno what low mmr matches u been to. But lc dominates in lower brackets. She gets like hundred dmg easily while the scenario u describe is more common in high mmr games where it's hard to get dmg cuz ppl aren't dumb

                                        . . . ?

                                          if you have the time, download this replay and enjoy seeing braindead lcs who farms for 20 mins with blink lmao


                                            Lol. Because your 2 matches are representative of reality

                                            . . . ?

                                              got way alot of games im too lazy to find, they just continue farming even with blink ends up 50< duel at 30 min


                                                Weere u smurfing? Raping the enemy too hard usually might produce a crowding out effect. Ur own lc can't rape shit if u take all the kills


                                                  Because LC either wrecks everyone or becomes completely useless trash

                                                  . . . ?

                                                    i am smurfing and i was being generous, was offering to offer some support when she duels gets ignored, oh wells 2k things lmao.


                                                      An LC with at least half a brain will follow zero 24 7 for free duel damage

                                                      . . . ?

                                                        exactly lmao he rather farms than gets duel points


                                                          Tbh those pub hero pickers are mostly braindead anyway who plays DOTA2 like its aome sort of single player game with a very narrow perspective
                                                          Me and my IRL friend who has quite some game knowledge grinded solo MMR while the rest of our classmates are still giggling on NS pubs then brags about them in the class like some emo nerds or shit
                                                          Needless to say we improved way faster than them


                                                            How to reach 2k mmr.
                                                            I'm at1.6k mmr.
                                                            I was below 500 mmr before.


                                                              Play with discipline (thread switch? Stacking? Lane equilibrium? Efficient item and skill builds? Positioning? Etc)
                                                              Ask yourself everytime you do something, "Why am I doing this? Are there any better decisions? Will I get punished if I do this? Should I fight or should I farm? When does my hero's power spikes?"
                                                              Also play like you're the only one who can win the game

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                                                                Ive steadily gotten up to 3800 and drop down to 2800 etc. 2700, so on so forth. Mainly cause I start getting relaxed and quit playing as well or I start trying out new heros etc.. or take time off dota and come back. Whatever the case may be.

                                                                Or, my biggest mistake is knowing that i am best when I play support/offlane instead of mid or core. Sure I have those good mid/core games, but majority of the time I don't. But when I play support I normally play really well.

                                                                So when I stick to support(i started playing support when i started dota, most understanding of this role) I win more games, climb more MMR, and have more fun naturally.

                                                                I only play mid/core because too often you get mid cores in this mmr who are just total garbage. Can't CS, have no idea how to play the core their on, and throw the game. The good news is when me and 1-2 others play a solid support or offlane role we can normally still win the game. Even with fail cores...

                                                                So with that being said, pick a role you want to learn the most. Whatever it may be, and focus everything into learning it. Don't pay attention to the "meta" because we dont play the meta in this bracket. Your only goal needs to be getting good at that role. That means not flaming ur supports because you missed a LH, or because you BKBd before your Aegis, or because you got ganked mid. A good core player knows how to farm safely.

                                                                I could go on and on, and I am by no means a pro. I tilt often and make a ton of mistakes as well. And from my experience, when I was at my highest (3800 mmr) the only real difference i noticed in the gameplay was farm efficiency and players knowing when to be at fights, when to push after a team fight, or when to fall back and farm. Etc.

                                                                That's really it. They dont have any insane understanding of all the items, they dont know the mana cost of every spell in dota, the range of every spell, etc.


                                                                  "The best carry players are the best because they will always find safe places to farm no matter what, not because they know how to last hit" -Tsunami

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!