General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to handle going against a duel lane as a support?

How to handle going against a duel lane as a support? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Being a NS shitstain I often find myself as a solo support, laning with our carry against a duel lane. My question is how do you deal with it? I find that it's usually impossible to zone to heroes by myself, with a spec for example, farming under our tower who can't really contribute much. I would normally just watch a high lvl game to see what a support would do in the situation, but in high skill games they don't run duel lanes, so it's hard to see what I should be doing.

    I also can't pull, because both heroes will rotate over for me, and I either die or give their offlane a wave of creeps + neutrals, while I'm unable to contest it.

    So my question is, what is the best thing to do? Lets pretend in this example that I can't gank mid because its a hard kill, like a qop or puck or something. Is it best to baby sit my carry, saping exp? Should I go stack, and remain under leveled and under farmed?

    I feel like if i leave my carry alone he will die, but also if I stay I really accomplish nothing. Any feedback is appreciated guys, help me git gud.


      ur aim is still to zone them. if its not something extra tanky like timber/lich you should be able to do it. just dont wait around and start doing it the moment you arrive in lane.

      but your team still needs to draft properly if expecting dual lane

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        u cant zone a dual :/
        stack ur small camp and pull it whenever there is more than 1 stack there, and prevent enemies from pulling to the big camp. youll get exp advantage for ur carry this way.
        or if you got some weird ass carry that can actually win against a fual lane, u can just rightclick the enemies and pray for the best.

        if the lane is ultra lost, leave it and at least let ur carry get exp. help mid or off instead; their safelane gotta be weak as well cz they got 1 supp max.

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          if the dual lane isnt made out of dedicated offlaners but random heroes like it is often in NS you can surely win that lane.

          aggro 3lane in offlane is more fun

          yung griphook

            @ 魂泥棒 A lot of times I just can't zone them, or maybe I'm just not doing it the right way. In my last game for example I was trying to zone a dazzle and void. I would get poison touched and then I can't trade anymore because I'm losing too much. If the void bashes me I'm dead. Seemed like a lose lose situation.

            @tripple That's what I was thinking but a lot of times that would leave their wave under our tower, and then its two heroes and their creeps under our tower versus our carry who's alone. But yeah I was thinking maybe just saying fuck it and going to another lane, but I didn't know if it was worth it for our team, because then our carry would be having a terrible time

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              well yeah that's the reason 2 supps almost always translates to a win. if your carry is fine without trilane you can dual lane and win all lanes, or trilane and beat dual lanes.

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              Johnny Rico

                but you only get duel lanes when legion is lvl 6


                  also you could try rotating lanes. like put your offlaner against their offlaner+supp and go contest lane of their carry instead.

                  im not sure if it works well but ive seen it done in my higher skill games.

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                  yung griphook

                    I'm just trying to focus on what I can control. Sometimes I have teammates who know who to pick and how to play and its a fun game and sometimes i get 4 carries all flaming each other. I'm more looking at what I could do personally in that situation. I don't know if there's a right answer but I know that what I'm doing now is not what I should be doing. Didn't know if anyone had any insight.

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