General Discussion

General DiscussionROLE: Support is real.

ROLE: Support is real. in General Discussion
Gbb `

    Any suggestion/advice for a support like me dreaming to get VHS somehow... normal skill always appearing on my matches. even though i always fulfill my job as a support (wards,roam,support heal,etc.)


      high skill starts at 3.2k mmr
      vhs begins at about 3.7-3.8kk


        dreaming to get VHS somehow

        normal skill always appearing on my matches. even though i always fulfill my job as a support

        there's a reason why, you're still playing bad

        Gbb `

          im getting normal. how to keep it up? is winning a game a huge factor on it?

          Gbb `

            i doubt is my kda. but im getting a 3+ kda

            casual gamer

              continue winning

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Learn all kinds of support. As long as you know how to babysit, ward and rotate, there's not much difference what support heroes you play. Each has their perks though.


                  report noob support ever


                    NS guy thinks every support should heal. You also think every support has Mek as a core item?

                    huehue good shit right here. NS with superiority complex towards other NS just because he picks a support hero.

                    Gbb `

                      whats NS?


                        tbh most supports should ideally have mek

                        since most supports have low armor and mek helps with that a lot.

                        better support with a mek than a dead support without mek huh?

                        Gbb `

                          mekanism? is that u saying? ya trying my best to keep my mates alive all the way.


                            Just keep spamming warlock

                            Gbb `

                              ya thats my best hero with the best records among all my heros played. why did u say warlock?


                                That's the problem. Mek, as with everything, is situational. Why would you need a Mek, when you have an Ursa who can burst you down in 3 seconds. Better get that Ghost Scepter so that you can actually contribute.


                                  I've said this before and I'm saying it again and I will keep saying it. Dota 2 is a very fluid game with millions of possibilities, nothing is set in stone.


                                    You answered your question. If you win 85% of your games with him theres no need to play anything else. And with warlock, i find Shadow Word is enough healing when you need it since standard build is pretty much arcane-ags-refresher- then mek into greaves if the game isnt over by then

                                    Gbb `

                                      so winning almost all of your games will lead you into a higher mmr possible bracket?


                                        NOT WINNING
                                        BUT PERFORMING WELL
                                        jdf lost like 8/10 of his calibration matches mainly playing support and still got 4k+ as his first MMR

                                        casual gamer

                                          you should be moving up honestly

                                          winning in ranked is everything, once you get to ranked and calibrate it will all be if you win or lose anyway. everything you do should be thinking about how you can win

                                          i can calibrate in 2k or 4k, i will end up at my true mmr no matter what by virtue of winning way more than i lose. Supports do very little in normal skill, so playing support well makes a huge difference and gives my team a large advantage

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                                          casual gamer

                                            theres some kind of tracked stats for movement in unranked/calibration games i believe, i cant win more than a couple unranked ns games before i get kicked up to vhs. ditto with calibration games, half the games my team got crushed and my mmr always went up xd


                                              Report JD for child-slaying xd

                                              Gbb `

                                                thankyou sir. i got 88 commends by doing supporting how i wish i can get atleast 3.5k because the last time ive only got 2.9k stuck with some various cancer player who letting their support die in vain.


                                                  Of course they're cancerous
                                                  It's 3k after all
                                                  But you can just do some sick rotations and efficiency and snowball your team to victory with 15k gold lead
                                                  I'm a dogshit support yet I have decent success in 3k
                                                  If I can do it, you can do it too (especially since you're mainly a support player and I'm not)


                                                    Dunno man, i dont think anyone ever has risen from normal skill to vhs.

                                                    Gbb `

                                                      hs is enough. im just hoping for it to become vhs. just to get as far as i can in that 2k state

                                                      Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                        I started at 2.1k and I'm here now. It's possible.


                                                          Esuna was being sarcastic


                                                            tbh most supports should ideally have mek
                                                            since most supports have low armor and mek helps with that a lot.
                                                            better support with a mek than a dead support without mek huh?

                                                            is this meant to be sarcasm? i cant quite tell
                                                            but fyi mek on supports is one of the worst purchase u can ever make


                                                              ok im sorry, surely if you have an offlaner who can carry it well or a mid - its not good, but isn't it best for support to get the mekanism (if the game is going well and you can perhaps afford it) if your cores would prefer other items?

                                                              like supports who purchase a midas... just mek instead of midas or force staff/dagger (if perhaps you can exploit the purchase to take objectives or win fights better).

                                                              ofc i counted bounty hunter for support as well so that is my bad

                                                              im legit a noob so tell me if i am wrong

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                              casual gamer

                                                                meks a timing based item

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  moreso than other items i guess


                                                                    well perhaps a position 4 can get it then if his other support tries to enable him to do so and hes maybe getting kills of some sort

                                                                    but youre not going to put mek on an offlaner like void or mid like sniper/invoker and same for pretty much any safelane carry

                                                                    so either the support gets in such situation or you play without any mek whatsoever

                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      250 hp wont save a support from death unless hes a ogr eor some shit

                                                                      force glimmer ghost just offer more for less, dont cost as much mana and dont fall off like mek does


                                                                        thats true but mek gives you 7 armor, it makes a huge difference if you play like a very squishy support like lion who normally has like 3 armor by the time he could supposedly be getting a mek if given some kills and bounty runes and someone else can be buying wards

                                                                        basically if you're not ghosted, you die in seconds

                                                                        or is it really better to just go for other items (and more support) and play without mek

                                                                        yeah, i can see it being useless if you play at a very high level of dota, since you're not likely to even be focused first as support if you're not out of position.

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          ur overrating armor and underrating the ability to push 1 hero 600 units every 20 seconds


                                                                            k thanks

                                                                            is mek still situationally good? im never buying it on lion btw

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              its probably a 50% or greater increase in physical ehp, but you still will die if jumped. many heroes like lion cannot sustain the manacost. it is very difficult to get it in time for it to be high impact (12-25 mins i guess). you have to play much better because you have no repositioning item, and it becomes less effective as the game goes on which can be a huge issue. GG upgrade is the same cost almost as aforementioned ghost glimmer force aether and does less in many many cases




                                                                                  i cry

                                                                                  jk happy new year

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    if you have to push and you have no mek/sustain guy consider it. urns usually the game winning choice though imo


                                                                                      ok its not awful on all supports, like its fine if u can get it <20 min, which is very possible for bh, and/or your support is naturally tanky, stuff like abba /und/warlock can be ok since at least they can use the stats and can be in a position to mek people.

                                                                                      usually why its awful its because
                                                                                      - quite often supports are the first to get jumped, so when you blow the mek its just a 1 person heal
                                                                                      - expensive item that shines most in early game
                                                                                      - to even use it effectively in a teamfight you need to put yourself out of position sometimes
                                                                                      - armor is garbage in keeping supports alive unless you are already naturally tanky, if u want to stay alive you get shit that makes you kite stuff, ghost/glimmer/force/blink etc, especially when you are picked for your catch (lion). even tranq windlace helps you stay alive more than mek
                                                                                      - if you want to push urn is way better (if you havent gotten it alr.) stuff like solar crest/pipe is also really good, if its >25-30min alr

                                                                                      also pipe scales better than mek IMO

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                        ^Not to mention the mana cost.


                                                                                          support in 2017 lol

                                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                            How to GIT VHS count : 111011!!!

                                                                                            What if I told u there is 1 player who only played support in high rank and he once hit 9K?

                                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                              meks good on supports depending on lineups and how early u get it.

                                                                                              Johnny Rico

                                                                                                if you want to climb on unranked, without the smurf detection it takes hundreds of games.


                                                                                                  I believe you will get there eventually. Think of it that you are on the border between hs and ns. I read plenty of stuff regarding this skill bracket and here's my finding. Correct me if i'm wrong guys:-

                                                                                                  -play hs and vhs support - visage, oracle, ogre, rubick, phoenix, earth spirit, warlock, lion, omni
                                                                                                  -try to buy smoke to gank even if just once in every game
                                                                                                  -push tower after a successful fight to get the money ( and smth about the tower damage)
                                                                                                  -have decent GPM/XPM - for me it will be >400 for both
                                                                                                  -decent last hit depending on the hero
                                                                                                  -less death than 4 - i find it hard to do it in hs

                                                                                                  basement :)

                                                                                                    If you support, only play one that has high impact, i.e. can semi-carry, throughout the game, e.g. Pudge, CK, Warlock, and Shadow Shaman. 3ks just throw once your hero scales off.

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                                                                                                    let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                                                      Play Abaddon Kappa


                                                                                                        Help Guys My VHS doesnt maintain it goes HS when i got lost most of my games and back to VHS again.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!