General Discussion

General Discussionliterally impossible to claibrate under 2k

literally impossible to claibrate under 2k in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Idk, i rly tried.

    I fed every game 20+ deaths. can't calibrate under 2k.



      ask janda crispy

      Giff me Wingman

        The the hell is that LuL


          G I T B A D

          Hatsune Miku

            u need to afk jungle as necro and keep buying sentry


              janda crispy is 1k mmr boss


                The trick to calibrating below 2k is not really mass feeding.

                10 to 12 deaths is sufficient. basically for a 40min game have 0 impact. preferbly below 5 last hits and just spend ur time exploring the jungle

                Cancer Malaria

                  nope it's possible, i calibrated back at 800 mmr

                  Giff me Wingman

                    I see might have to try that


                      Dual tranquil dual wand dual windlace rizky riki build with 0-40 average with no impact
                      I guarantee you
                      It's gonna be sub 500


                        Also play with mouse only


                          preferbly below 5 last hits and just spend ur time exploring the jungle



                            Click less, APM is calculated somehow
                            Maybe you can do it with NP for max TP cd efficiency

                            Giff me Wingman

                              Tha'ts what i did, went mid and fed.

                              I actually gave up on calirbating low, guess I'ts impossible for me, so I'll go buy an account xD

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                See my ranked and that how i caliberate below 2k


                                  maybe your unranked was really high and you couldn't drop too much

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    Nah i started at 2.4k, but only dropped 50-100mmr per game, hell i even gained mmr on some games, with 20+ deaths, no impact.

                                    Ghastly Wail

                                      Just play support.
                                      Picking support is like auto < 2k calibration :D


                                        20 is meh
                                        40 is guaranteed drop
                                        I even denied my creeps and controlled the lane equilibrium to make their wave doubles when the enemy team is just way too retarded to end the game


                                          xd get me some 200 mmr acc too pls i will leave this one xD


                                            You under estimate my power!


                                              I dont have time to make myself a sub 2 digit account
                                              Let alone for you guys


                                                I calibrated at 1.6k mmr FeelsBadMan


                                                  PLay in SEA. Ez

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Let me play your account, I calibbed at 1.4k ez


                                                      Im bad enough to drop it surely


                                                        Had an account ages ago when I had 850+ ping every game, callibrated at 2k... I think it's impossible fam


                                                          I just bought my first smurf as i have no time to feed x games, and i bought that one with 1mmr and that acc was calibrated on 200mmr 😃


                                                            valve might use other metrics. it's best to behave like you really have no clue on whats happening in the game. low apm, gpm, xpm, hd, td are standard. dont just look at kda. but even then, get rid of your high 3k habits.

                                                            dont buy tps, dont buy boots, dont do anything a decent person would do. dont check people's items. stop clicking around the map. noobs dont do that.


                                                              I will show you how to do my legendary riki


                                                                dont buy boots

                                                                No, you buy boots as much as how many feet your hero has


                                                                  Why does tiny like the iphone?
                                                                  It has IOs inside


                                                                    play like the great hero phantom riki

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!