General Discussion

General Discussion4 protect 1 is dead

4 protect 1 is dead in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    This is all anecdotal but it feels like old tri lane strats and teams with 1 carry or even 2 are not as good as teams with 3 carries plus a jungler and 1 support or 3 carries and 1 hard support and 1 support that can transition to a right clicker. I've had multiple games where I'm the only right clicker and we dominate lanes but it doesn't matter cus we don't push hard enough and enemy team eventually comes back and it's like 4 carries vs 1. It's why I think puck and sky suck cus they crush lanes but offer little late and why silencer and venge are so good cus they turn into deadly right clickers late. This is for pubs only of course if you have a group you just push as a group early. But id rather have 5 carries right now than 3 supports.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      I've had this experience too. Sky is one of my favourite..


        wtf are u talking about? puck and sky are sick late gamers


          lately iget 4 ,5 man cores enmies and i always lose :(((


            and i pick sky, mostly forced to pos 5 and still solo kill enemy cores

            yung griphook

              People talk shit about the 2k bracket, but we made and perfected this strat


                Yeah, sky is sick late game. Especially with that aghs upgrade

                Chao Vritra

                  lol ugly god

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    you want 5 carries? come down to 2k bracket we have penta core lineups every game if thats your cup of tea it should be fun


                      Puck late game just functions differently than puck early game, now he is here to be an annoying shit fucker, rather than bursting people down.


                        Also it depends, u can run a 4 protect 1 fine, it just functions differently. U just use ur early game advantage with a lot of supporty early-mid game power, to transition into solar cresting, lotus orbing, kotl healing, bloodlusting, empowering, etc ur carry so he can walk up to hg and eat the towers and rax. U just use roamers to win every lane for ur team and deathball hard. Something like a lifestealer carry, leshrac support, sd support, magnus offlane, mirana mid, just have sd and leshrac run around ganking every lane, mirana gets fast aghs and makes space with magnus team fighting or whatever, win every lane, get ls fat by 20 min, and push hard. Empowered, solar crested, lotus orbed lifestealer knocking on ur door by 30 min. Its faster, more deathbally, than ur regular 4 protect a fat dusa until 60 min.


                          True 4 protect 1 has been dead since TI2.

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                          Dire Wolf

                            what you are suggesting requires a lot of coordination and if you happen to lose lanes and not be way ahead a team with 4 right clickers will come back and crush you. Thing is both mirana and magnus can transition into right clickers themselves so that's not an awful team anyway.

                            I'm talking more about shit like this


                            we had a pretty big lead but no one can push except me on dk. Weaver got crushed that game 32 min deso but eventually he started hitting hard, same with wr and her 40 min aghs. But at that point we couldn't win anything cus they would 2 shot our supports.

                            Or this game


                            we never got ahead, puck and sky get crushed late, magnus never got his items. Their team pushes so hard with right click

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^^Ya,this thread is 5 years late

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                                  puck lategame : 420gpm to farm ur team moonshards

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    talking about pubs dumb shit of course pro play doesn't apply cus you can coordinate push. Pubbers won't ever push and end early enough so enemy carries always get farm eventually.


                                      Don't mind that kr, that autistic fella

                                      Ryan Gosling Fan

                                        Its 4 protect five now.

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                                                I don't really agree Kitrak, I feel like the old 'I'm the best player in this game and I'm going to 1v9 era' is dead, so much rests on your other players using their skills/items appropriately. Ofc you can still suck up all the farm on the map and dominate as hard carries like TB but it's hardly the same as earlier eras where the only heroes that mattered were safelane/mid and the rest would just run around trying to set them up (also the game is better for it imo).

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                                                        I'm a big fan of your Nadota style multiple posts in a row. I will try TB although I already dabble with it and see if I can win enough pub games to get to 7k. Sadly you are right about AM I never pick that hero in ranked anymore as it is totally gamelosing.

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                                                          Isn't tb kinda fucked by tink tho,well its not like anyone in the low bracket can use tink properly

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                                                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                                Btw did someone watch aliance vs Cloud 9 yesterday? At least the Ace Wk game was 4 protect 1 pretty much.

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!