General Discussion

General DiscussionGood Day Great Minds

Good Day Great Minds in General Discussion

    Is it possible for yer hidden mmr to change as long as you don't play ranked?


      OFC. Hidden MMR is basically your MMR of pubs. Win games, it goes up. Lose games, it goes down. That is why I played High Skill pubs for a while, while still playing Normal Skill Ranked games.


        @Snu sir I think I don't understand the concept LOL. cause what I thought of the "hidden mmr" is your mmr which is not shown because you haven't played a ranked match yet, Basically what I wan't to do is play (hopefully) 1-3 pages of highskill games for this account first before going to rank match.


          ^^^hoping to affect the calibration


            No, hidden MMR is your MMR of unranked games. There is still a measurement of skill, even in pubs - and that is called "hidden mmr."

            You are better of just grinding your way up. You will learn a lot more that way, and wont drop like a stone after you've calibrated. You can't even maintain a 50% winrate in Normal Skill pubs.

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              I see what you mean sir! got it, thanks for clarifying that, cause I thought the calibration is being based on your hidden mmr well I guess it's not. and yeah I have a shitty winrate but that's including a couple of highskill matches


                Calibration does start off from Hidden MMR. But after your Ranked MMR is established, they take two different tracks.

                Ghastly Wail

                  So i have 1.9k ranked. Normal Skill of course.
                  But i can still get High Skill in unranked?

                  Hmmm sounds interesting.


                    ye i got a vhs unranked 2k friend


                      @Ghastly Wail, if you just chill from Ranked - focus on improving your game, your mindset, your everything in DotA; do those things in unranked gameplay, watch your winrate skyrocket (if you truly are improving - skyrocket = 60-70%), then yeah, you'll eventually come across some High Skill games. Took me about 600 pub games to do it (after trying to improve from 1.8k mmr). After then, you will shitstomp your way to 2.9k-3.2k mmr.

                      Dire Wolf

                        pubs != unranked games, pubs can be ranked. Pubs means public matches, most people use it to mean solo queue also. Unranked games are different as both ranked and unranked can be pubs.

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