General Discussion

General DiscussionSiltbreaker knowledge centre

Siltbreaker knowledge centre in General Discussion

    There's quite a bunch of things I don't know, and I really welcome any posts about missing info.
    Only major points are mentioned; common knowledge, e.g. attack sequence and animations of different creeps and bosses, suitable picks, etc. are not included as u can find it by urself anywhere.
    Correct me if anything of written below gets patched.

    -one of the two zones, num. 3 (cannons) and 4 (ogres), can be skipped entirely due to a bug on the gates to zone 5 (spiders): when a hero with the opening sphere stands on the corresponding circle and there is another one standing there, u can pass the orb of passage to ur mate, and the system will think u got 2 => the gates open

    -zone 3 (cannons) can be done with sb, glimmer, or phase boots (in case u r insanely good) by just 1 player in about a minute and a half; rest can afk at the shop or farm. however, if u enter the zone as 4, the exit gates will not open unless all the 4 heroes come there; so if u decided to farm this zone while ur teammate rushes to the orb of passages, you 3 have to suicide before he gets to the checkpoint, or just run normally after he gets the orb. However, the latter variant is potentially dangerous cz this zone is subject to minor bug occuring when its completed or when the game is paused, making the cannons to shoot simultaneously, which will make it impossible to pass.

    -in zone 4 (ogres), u can open the cages when invisible without breaking the invisibility. to complete the zone and get the orb, u still need to bring down the final boss, though

    -zone 6 (temple) can be completed by 1 hero running through creeps till the checkpoint and the rest suiciding in advance and resurrecting at the checkpoint when its reached by their alive comrade. creeps can be ignored.

    -zone 7 (bb escort) is completed faster if u provide any sort of ms buffs, including items (boots, in the first place) to bb. when glimmered, he moves forward without attacking any1, which helps to save time in the very end of the zone

    -rhyzik can be attacked during the tornado phase by manually a-clicking the ground around him. however, tornado dmg is massive, and the only way to survive it is to have physical lineup with massive lifesteal, including both unhallowed icon and vlads. abaddon's aghs ultimate helps, too.

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    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      I don't think you actually need to kill the ogre boss to get the orb. Besides, you don't need the orb anyway.

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        In zone 4 ogres, you can speedrun with shadowblade too, then use boots of travel to tp to final chief soldier, then tp out.


          bots are banned since aabout a week ago
          i mentioned the sb thing alrdy

          i havent added anything related to the top speedunners so far cz we never tried it yet
          i guess the boss is only skippable if u drag him out of the final fight zone, but im not sure


            Ah sorry, didn't know that.


              run and dodge. the only way to play siltbreaker


                you need satanic on everyone too for sandstorm but it's definitely doable (at least we've beaten the boss with this)
                but EVERYONE needs to hit boss, if just one person doesnt hit it then the aoe lifesteal from hallowed is lower and you're going to fail

                also 30 star run is the goal atm

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  u dont need satanic on everyone if u have carapace

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    also im not sure how carapace interacts with aoe lifesteal artifact, maybe u can even slap them on ur tank and then noone even needs lifesteal


                      isn't satanic generally better to have than carapace

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        I still think you need satanic. Not necessarily for the active, but for 25% lifesteal.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          carapace doesnt cost 6k gold, gives u more hp vs ANELE bugs in desert good vs centaurs and gives u more hp to survive fissures if ure unlucky/lag spike/retarded/etc; not tested yet but if regenration input affects lifesteal artifact before its distributed then u can probably not get ls at all

                          the gold cost is the main selling point, especially when u speedrun and skip stages

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