General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm scared to queue

I'm scared to queue in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    I don't want to lose man wtf do I do?
    I try so hard but even if u try hard you can still lose.


      you're an idiot


        that was harsh cookie hahaha.

        Think about it this way, in Dota 2 if you're not a pro, popular streamer, top 200, and whatever else status you have, then you are a nobody.

        I am a nobody, and you also. Who cares if you lose. Nobody will look at your profile and see you lost or that you have low mmr. Some people are happy they climb from 1k to 2k. Some think 3k is shit. some think 5k is shit. dude, nobody gives a fuck if you win or lose.

        Losing is normal, thats just how it is. I think you're not scared of losing, you are scared of losing more than winning. And losing more means you decrease mmr. But dude, who fucking cares.

        Say you have 3k mmr, what now? Like really think about it, so what if you have 3k mmr? The universe doesn't give a fuck whatever mmr you have. So what if you have 2k mmr? Nothing, nothing happens.

        It's a fucking game, don't take it personally if you lose even if you go down to like 1k mmr. NOBODY fucking cares.

        So just fucking go and queue a match thinking "I will still do my best but if I lose this match who fucking cares". You don't need to win a match, you don't need to succeed in everything you do, just go in there and learn from your mistakes. At the end of the day, what matters is you tried your best.


          Everyone hates losing mmr, but you should just stay positive and believe in yourself

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            It's like being rejected by your crush. Once you lose, you can't love Dota anymore.


              D0n7 63 4 pu55y

              Lahai Roi

                My winrate vs gmp & lh/10
                You can't not feel like shit when you are getting the exact opposite results you should be getting.

                Mr. Jin

                  Mute everyone every game.


                    play more ranked




                        if you have high gpm and lh yet you loose, you should start hitting buildings

                        biggest issue at out mmr in my opinion

                        people will dive tier 2 and 3 towers and die, just to kill the last remaining enemy hero instead of taking 2 towers barracks/buybacks

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          Mute everyone every game Best advise.


                            You can't win 'em all

                            also you learn when you lose


                              Playing ranked is much more pleasant than unranked because even if there are a lots of cancerous players, they tend to play mor seriously.

                              At first you feel a bit more anxious but it won't last.

                              Spam ranked until you feel calm, even if you lose. @LIKE A SOMEBODEE is right:

                              I am a nobody, and you also. Who cares if you lose

                              MMR is just number (typical 2k sentence but it's true).

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                on every 5 winners there are 5 losers

                                so what if you lose? someone has to lose, consequently, you are compelled to lose eventually

                                but what the point of playing if you can't lose? all the fun is by achieving something, by you winning you (as a team) outplayed the other. you achieved something, yiu could have lose but you played good enough to not. that's an achievement

                                dota is a sport, in the end it ment to practice and have fun, how can you practice without losing and learning from your mistake and the other team play, and how can you have fun in a game of which you don't even play?


                                  If your to scared to queue then don't do it and just queue next time if you feel like playing, don't force yourself to play cause you'll end up losing more and tilt more.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    gpm and lh do not win you games, and if all u focus on is those ratios, it has an opposite effect, and its kinda predictable too


                                      Gpm and Lh do not win games. But it's half the battle for newer players. Try to understand the game from a lower mmr perspective, all you TOP tier Dota gods.


                                        u dont get the point


                                          no i know what you are trying to say. but this situation is too unique to say it has the 'opposite effect' if you focus on them only.

                                          not saying those ratios win games, but as i said its still half the battle for most newer players.


                                            I suffer from anxiety, both in real life and in online games.

                                            Just breathe and stop worrying whether you win or lose. And instead queue up in every game with the thought process that you're in it to learn and improve.


                                              lol guys calm down who fucking cares its just a video game with a rating system that rewards u wit hnothign

                                              idk how u can be anxious of queueing

                                              < blank >

                                                even if u lose it doesnt matter you're 2k


                                                  Keep it pma keep it bsj


                                                    give less fucks

                                                    yung griphook

                                                      The more you play the more that feeling will go away. I used to feel like that when I was like 2.5k for whatever reason. Im around 3.2-3.3 now and I don't have that feeling anymore.

                                                      Have confidence in yourself and play to learn and that feeling will dissipate over time

                                                      Also, just tell people like cookie to go fuck themselves.

                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                        Only consistent people here are Cuki and Tripleshit.
                                                        If you had a picture of some anime boy (or girl?), literally every single post would be hate filled. XD
                                                        BTW, cute af grill, but not you, unfortunately.

                                                        In all seriousness get gud.

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                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!