General Discussion

General DiscussionWorst ult in the game

Worst ult in the game in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Inspired by the thread about viper's ultimate being lackluster, what do you think is the worst ult in the game?

    Most ults are good abilities, so this isn't about saying x ult is terrible, it's about relativity. Like how chaos knights is one of the best ults in the game, defines the hero, where viper is just a stronger slow with more damage than his poison spit.

    My nominees (I'll list the hero not the spell name cus most people don't know spell names including me) would probably be doom, qop, skywrath, jakiro, monkey king, nature's prophet, undying.

    Doom's just overnerfed, long ass cd, blocked by linken's rush which doom can't remove himself, doesn't do enough dmg or last long enough anymore so most targets just run away, let it wear off and rejoin fight.

    Qop, sky, jakiro and np are all just big dmg spells- each can be devastating if it hits right, but none have any utility and have positioning issues. Qop's is probably the easiest to get off but less aoe than the rest. Sky's and jakiro's you can run out of, np's is very random how much damage it deals.

    Undying's is just an aura. Maybe I underestimate how strong it is, but he has to be on top of you for full effect.

    one syllable anglo-saxon


      Story Time

        best spells are the ones that do not do damage

        Lester, Moe

          Are you guys actually retarded? Seriously


            only chen ultimate is the extreme worst in my opinion , higher CD lower heal lycan W


              i'd say undying's ultimate is worst

              Riguma Borusu

                i'd say undying's ultimate is worst

                How is Tombstone bad?

                Oh wait...


                  Undy, nyx, riki, tusk


                    Razor. literally worst spell ever

                    Yung Beethoven

                      Eldertitan imo. His ult is just too hard to hit and needs a lot of setup and teamplay. In the right team he is devistationg tough

                      Riguma Borusu

                        If you catch people in chrono it's amazing. I wouldn't say his ult is bad just because it requires setup - it deals retarded damage, but on the account of being hard to land. Jakiro's ult is kind of an area denial ultimate in a way, if you are corced to fight in a confined space it can be devastating, it's just very situationally useful.

                        Овај коментар је измењен

                          I'd say underlord's is the worst if I were noob, but I'm not. So it has to be Leshrak. His strength gain is equal to Lina's, but his ult requires him to be in the middle of the rumble. Complete bullshit ult.

                          mr. rabbit

                            disruptor if we're just looking at ults, it just isnt effective without his cage/hard cc

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              unlike eclipse which is devastating even without beams


                                It has to be tusk.
                                Support tusk:melee range physical damage dragon-slave with a slow
                                Carry tusk: a decent crit, meanwhile 3 other spells are useless.


                                  clinkz ulty :v
                                  yea yea the 90% hp seems good on paper but its not cool to keep running from fight to jungle then back to fight and back again........

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    ^you're 10000000% retarded, clinkz ult is awesome


                                      ^am 1k....... and am to lazy to go 5 time in row to jungle just to ulty + its not cool to call people retarded on thread were people simply have the right to give their opinion on heroes ulty.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ok sorry man you may or may not be retarded but your opinion is

                                        this should be better


                                          that's better now go grab a snickers that will make you feel better while handling rest of the opinions xD


                                            Old riki ult, super lame.

                                            Lester, Moe

                                              ^That's the only thing I can agree with on this thread

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Yeah holy shit blink strike was the most underwhelming piece of garbage ult in the game.

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Furion, Lifestealer, Huskar ulti would be horrible on pretty much any other hero, Leshrac ulti is not too bad, but the AoE is too small, Mirana ulti is w/e, PA ulti is just a big crit, not even reliable, TA trap is not the best, the vision is too small for it to be significant, Underlord ulti is also a big pile of shit in my opinion, it's very rarely actually useful, Tiny ulti is also boring and not very effective DPS-wise


                                                    Beastmaster stun is really sad. DKs stun has the same duration and like one seventh the cooldown. Oh it does some extra damage to people nearby. Big woop.

                                                    Only thing going for is it pierces bkb, but since it doesn't piece linken's sphere all the enemy has do to is go linkens and beastmaster has no way to break it. Should go through linkens too imo so he could be picked as a genuine counter for targets you absolutely need locked down and blown up like weaver/slark.

                                                    Also has imo one of the worst aghs upgrades. The extra range is pointless since the hero always goes blink dagger anyway so you will be blinking on top of the target. The cooldown is neglible because 70 seconds is short enough to use in every fight he is involed in already but decreasing it to 45 seconds doesn't mean he is going to be casting more than once a fight anyway. It's not like a black hole or ravage which you might need to hold onto and for which having a 25 second shorter cooldown is good because it means you can be ready to take teamfights that much faster.




                                                        You can buy force halberd on bm


                                                          you know what is the meaning of a 4 sec bkb+linken piercing disable on a hero that can build refresher without much problems , you really wanna see beastmaster every single fucking game


                                                            ^better than seeing PA every game :')


                                                              actually no , PA is a hero that heavily reliant on pick offs and snowballing to get the work done , the hero is awful or at least sub optimal against people who know how to position correctly and itemize correctly , beast master on the other hand is a very strong offlaner that can jungle and have a high skill cap and do well the more your team understand the game aka the higher you go in mmr , a buff like this will make him a on-release-monkey-king tier in every pro game and in at least half of our pub

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                Focus fire, laguna blade.


                                                                  The most retarded ulti in game is for sure cup de Grace.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Umm, primal roar to dragon tail isn't comparable at all. The durations aren't the same, dk's is 3.25, bm's is 4 seconds, 23% longer. Bm's has a default range of 600 and is instant. Dk's is only instant in melee form, in dragon form range is only 400. Bm's does 300 dmg, 3x the dmg of dragon tail. Oh and roar goes through spell immunity.

                                                                    Sure it's a tad bit weak as far as ults go, but it's still like twice as good as dragon tail and not that comparable, plus it has some aoe knockback and slowing stuff.

                                                                    PA ult is not weak at all, overall increases her dps by 52.5%. That's a ton of damage. It's just streaky.


                                                                      Tinkers ult doesn't do shit


                                                                        Earthshaker's ulti is pretty weak when you consider Aftershock is doing most of the work.


                                                                          I would say ogre multicast is shit. But i just recently got triple stun for 2 straight time by ogre so i have no choice then. Welp somebody says pa ulti is useless but i got a bash and a crit in 2 hit or double crit in 2 hit. Guess what if your luck is like that go to casino dont play dota


                                                                            I talk english btw haHAA


                                                                              Nyx, how can invisibility could be an ult? Lol, worst ever.

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                bristle has the worst ult ever I press r and nothing happens wtf

                                                                                low prio master

                                                                                  No one said WISP relocate,its at least very strong,they nerfed hard that spell few patch ago as a saving ability when you need asap pick up someone and save him,but as core pos. Io you dont really mind about that long delay.

                                                                                  Many said suprisingly undying while is he so underrated,but i would be same his ability set is amazing

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    RIP English.


                                                                                      axe anyone?


                                                                                        I would say Troll warlord ultimate. (Not cuz it is bad or anything, just because it doesn't feel ultish imo.)

                                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                                                          invokers ult coz it does no damage XDDDD


                                                                                            doom can't remove linkens?

                                                                                            Fee Too Pee

                                                                                              Oh wow. Only one mention huskar ultimate . Really?????

                                                                                              Lifebreak does not worth hold a title being an "ultimate"


                                                                                                @dire wolf

                                                                                                Ok yeah an ultimate ability is slightly better than a base ability.

                                                                                                A base ability which can be used 7 times in the duration of the ultimate cooldown.

                                                                                                So really instead of 23% longer stun really it's 83% duration shorter total lockdown time (4 sec vs 22.5).

                                                                                                Cast range is mostly negligible since in many cases DK can and does just buy a blink dagger or shadow blade. Damage is also negligible. The value of those stuns is their duration rather than their damage.

                                                                                                Keep in mind this is meant to be an ultimate. As I said the only thing going for it is it pierces bkb - but then to be honest so does RP, Blackhole and Fiends grip and the only thing it has on them is the shorter cooldown and it's easier to cast.

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                                                                                                  Remote mines..

                                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                    Gyro's uh Call Down or sth
                                                                                                    Worse than Sniper's sharpnel


                                                                                                      ITT - Bunch of 1k's

                                                                                                      주 롄양

                                                                                                        reincarnation coz if u no mana u no reviv :[