General Discussion

General DiscussionLYCAN best HEALER in game?

LYCAN best HEALER in game? in General Discussion

    So I have been checking featured lycan games on dotabuff recently:
    And what i found out was quite the surprise.

    Most of the games I took a look at had at least 20k player healing coming from Lycan, some even up to 40k healing.
    I soon realized it must be the bonus health from his second ability (Howl [W]) as his third ability (Feral impulse [E]) only affects units under Lycan's control as well as being labeled as a strictly regenerative ability.
    Since there were no heal inducing items across multiple games checked it is safe to assume the supposed heal comes from his Howl [W].
    Despite the bonus health buff being only temporary and lasting only 13 seconds doesn't mean that the absurd amount of "healing" should be frowned upon and neglected as a useful means of contributing to the team's overall well being and sustainability during fights even though strictly speaking it is not a heal.

    Not to mention that the ability also contains a damage buff. Both buffs affect creeps to a certain degree making it really powerful in the closer vicinity of any tower resulting in more hits tanked for free.

    Lycan was already well established as one of if not the best pusher in the game, as well as being known for setting some of the crucial cornerstones for the split pushing itemization choices in the earlier patches. Today we ask the question whether he can be considered a reliable healing source with an expected consistency over a larger quantity of games or was this just a sloppy set of fingerprints in dota's coding when it comes to labeling healing. Anyhow the ability shouldn't be underestimated.

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        I think its because vladimir


          its not technicaly HEAL - its howl pretty good ability increase your max hp and your allies - global range
          the problem is dota calculate it as healing - its like buying a vitality booster and selling it - its not healing
          if it was healing it was Way more than chen ult - its allready better than chen ult i guess

          Овај коментар је измењен

            It is not healing, it is health buff. That is why it is so strong early game - if you max it lvl 8/9, you buff in night by 400 HP (and 50dmg). For supports (CM, Lion, AA) and squishy mids (QoP, Puck, Lina, Storm) with no HP items early, you will buff their HP by 50% (for supps even more, as they dont have lvls like you).

            That is huge.

            And if you take PA, lets say lvl 12 (mid) with Aquila, phase, PMS, blight stone and 1 hammer, you increase her HP by 40% CCA and increase dmg by another 50, what means more than finishing the deso actually.

            And that is huge.

            That is why I play Lycan dual off only (he is not consistent enough for safe lane usually), but makes strong dual offlane with heroes like CM, Venom, AA (generally any slow hero), which needs to be counter by trilane and probably still will make it living hell for them.


              howl > chen ult

              Player 368673122

                its a combination of vlads and howl, majority of it coming from howl as when its maxed and used at night, it's an instant 2k "heal" as 400x5 bonus hp is just a +400 to all your teams hp regardless of them being full hp or not, it'll add a +400 to max hp as well as +400 to the current instead of a percentage

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