General Discussion

General DiscussionAm first item

Am first item in General Discussion

    A: Battlefury
    B: Maelstrom and none-stop clarity purchase
    Bf is better for farming, 0 survivability.
    maelstrom is sightly slower than bf farming, but offers some attack speed and aoe magic damage in early team fights. 0 survivability. It should allow you to get a faster manta, but everything slows down after that. You will have mana issue for the entire game, but charity op.


      Which one is more worth-it?

      mr. rabbit

        battlefury 99.99% of the time


          Maelstrom is only good on paper


            This has been debated and debunked a lot already. It was concluded that bf is always the way to go. If you're having a hard time farming bf or the enemy is pushing and ending at 20 min then you shouldn't have picked AM in the first place.

            The only other alternative to the bf build is the fighting vanguard-vlads-manta build, and really compared to bf AM that's sub-par as well


              I just wanted to analyze it in depth, and hear your opinions, not just asking a question.


                Maelstrom the poor man battlefury.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Maelstrom doesn't farm fast

                  mr. rabbit

                    mana regen is a core stat on AM but buying 10000 clarities doesnt justify it because maelstrom doesnt farm as reliably as fury and clarities are not slot efficient

                    mr. rabbit

                      with fury + raindrops + treads switching you almost never have to go home and maelstrom wont emulate that ever


                        Icefrog, please give blink 0 mana cost, I wanna play maelstrom am .


                          Maelstrom gives no sustain, unreliable farming booster
                          You can fight way better and do much more with BF than with maelstrom yasha


                            Buff am plz


                              battle fury is only core in am but still bfury farms faster but still dosent mean maelstorm is useless


                                with bf you have no reason for going mael


                                  i have tried maelstrom vs bots and honestly , didn't find it as good as it sounds , yes you have higher attack speed but it still gives 0 survivability just like BF and with even less sustain for farm , i had to return to base few times , tried to early fight with maelstrom but sadly i am very very squishy so i had to avoid fight
                                  next try was vanguard then maelstrom , better result with better fighting skills but still , feel like something is missing and i need to snowball


                                    VG mael costs as much as BF


                                      Diffusal blade for pick off


                                        Play both builds and decide for yourself.


                                          aquila raindrop sage's mask into either orchid or sabre lol

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