General Discussion

General DiscussionLegion Offlane?

Legion Offlane? in General Discussion

    I feel like myself, being an offlane player, should at least know how to play Legion. She can be viable in some battlecup games but I don't have a damn clue how to play her effectively. I know that Legion jungle ruins games and shouldn't really be a thing, but is Legion offlane viable at all? I feel like if I were to just max overwhelming odds or press the attack instead of my passive that it would work.


      U max overwhelming odds, the PTA.
      U start with pms + tango if u know u can bully the lane, talon if the lane is rlly hard, and stout + 2 sets of Regen if it's an average lane.
      If the lane is hard stack the medium camp at 2 min and the take the rune
      Take ur passive lvl 1 and use it to bully the enemy safelaner if they're melee. U win trades with almost every hero except ursa.
      Ur build shud usually be phase stick/wand and blink, this can vary however. Early armlet is good if ur team lacks the dmg to win duels for u, but u need to be able to set up duels with fog of war and good positioning. Blink first is usually optimal, especially if u have some good nuke dmg on ur team. After blink u can build a lot of things, blademail if the enemy has some serious glass cannons like pa, clinx, sniper. However I've been favoring halberd/sb before blademail because often times carries or supports won't have the dmg to reflect with blademail. With halberd u become very tanky and with sb u can set up duels even better. U can situationally buy bkb, ac, abyssal, mjollnir. Very rarely it can be better to get Deso, but only if ur shitting on them. Also know when it's ur job to Frontline or to initiate, and what ur team needs of u. Don't underestimate ur strength either, I've won Lanes 1v2 against lifesteal and venge, ur deceptively hard to kill in a straight man fight.

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        Raj you're such a tryhard lul


          I like legion


            Why pick legion if u can just pick axe?

            Area "duels" baby, and every 10scd


              Midas + sb


                Because press the attack
                Also duel lasts longer and legion hits buildings
                But mostly press the attack


                  Well lc offlane is a billion times better than lc jungle, if someone picks lc and marks jungle, expect -25

                  Hatsune Miku

                    if u pick lc offlane, make sure u get talon asap or else ull be deadweight for the rest of the game


                      aight fam thanks for the tips )))

                      Riguma Borusu

                        You do not max overwhelming odds every game, if you really want to spam the skill you will run into mana problems unless you buy some form of early mana regen. Raindrops are good here, and bottle is okay as well.

                        The mana cost nerf on the skill really hurt OO spamming to get kills. Also people who are not brain damaged and/or ranged can easily position around OO during the laning stage, even though the skill is pretty strong in fights shortly after it.

                        A lot of the games, if you're fighting melees except ursa and mk (because... just no, go to jungle or something) you actually want to get a few points in MoC. This skill is good as a value point, but maxing it early actually lets you deal retarded amounts of damage if you stand in the creepwave. It is not as bursty as OO but it gives you mad sustain with just phase boots since it procs all the fucking time, especially if you keep getting hit by ranged creeps, so you can really manfight a lot of melee heroes. If you have a lane partner with arcanes, of course, the OO build is superior in almost all cases since you can use it to a lot of potential (though you will be getting levels slower due to exp split).

                        But if you are not seeing any mana support (or the enemy has AM and KotL or lion) and there is no way you are getting bottle and/or drops that game, going for 2-3 levels in MoC is advisable since it lets you retreat to jungle safely, too. Even pros do this on an occasion if they aren't going to need wave clear immediately after the laning stage, if they are getting rekt in the lane, if they are going for a fast blink, or the enemy had not picked obvious deathball.

                        If the enemy has shit like brood and furion or PL you want to take LC to the same lane they are in, and max OO in about 100% of the cases. If the enemy picked CK, the same applies, but you do not necessarily need to be in his lane because he won't amass units that early, though you will often face him in his safelane. If the enemy places MK or Ursa in the safelane, especially coupled with some heavy slows or shaman, you could as well go jungle, you are not going to win trades with them, and those heroes + 1 can often kill you if caught, or at least make you unable to farm. Since they are brain damaged they are probably gonna push the wave, use this opportunity to farm both the offlane jungle and the lane when it pushes in.

                        As Miku said, getting a talon is really good on this hero. Whether you are forced into the jungle or simply rotate it for extra farm, it's basically a poor man's midas which is really good on this hero.

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                          I had this lc teammate before, he rushed deso sb and blink and duels a fat sven

                          Just be careful on choosing the right target to duel

                          Riguma Borusu

                            Also don't build glass canon LC if you ever plan to join fights. You really need survivability in order to stay relevant, because lategame people will just catch you offguard and kill you since you have blood thorn and deso and no survivability. Having 600 right click damage means shit if you have 2k hp and 8 armor at level 25, but it is amazing if you also have 3.5k+ hp and about 30 armor. This hero really does not need specifically damage items and if you do, something went wrong a lot of the time. You can get a deso to wreck towers if nobody else is building it, but that's about it. Orchid/bloodthorn is good against certain heroes (like morphling), and getting halberd to wreck trolls and svens is amazing too.

                            Go shit like AC/even satanic on an occasion (ofc after your blink/sb/blademail/deso/early items in general), aghs is actually amazing, going aghs + BKB is incredible since you can push with BKB and then aghs duel someone once it is about to run out, or you can aghs duel someone and then use the BKB to retreat with assured 5 seconds of magic immunity.

                            Овај коментар је измењен

                              build a glass cannon to snowball

                              offense is the best defense, you won't need to be tanky when you're taking the enemy ancient at 20-30 minutes.

                              you should never play to go lategame, you should always play to end as soon as possible.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                Lc player is always drunk they dive into 5 hero without bkb

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  build a glass cannon to snowball
                                  offense is the best defense, you won't need to be tanky when you're taking the enemy ancient at 20-30 minutes.
                                  you should never play to go lategame, you should always play to end as soon as possible.

                                  I completely agree with this if you are 5k+. I completely disagree with it if you play at the skill level the OP is - because if he is similarly skilled to his 1.6k opponents, building glass canon will more often ruin his game than win it. If he is more skilled then them, he will take wiser decisions, and be able to split push without getting punished, so building glass canon and catching people who run in one by one at you is pretty great. But otherwise, it's really hard to close out 1.6k games as a 1.6k player, so you should not depend on it, or, at least try to improve to get to the level where you can do that, and then build glass canon LC.

                                  If you are a low skilled player playing in a low skilled bracket, you always play for the lategame, because people don't know how to close out games or wisely use their advantage. If you are a higher skilled player in a low skilled game, you can smash head on your keyboard and you will win.

                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                    changing skill/item build will only give him some increase of 100-300 mmr and then he'll float there, because his player skill didn't change, he's still as bad as he was.

                                    if you are a low skilled player in a low skilled bracket, you use the fact that the enemy is also low skill so you try to end as fast as possible because you want to get to higher mmr by playing better than them.

                                    Never play by your enemy's rules, play by your own rules.

                                    the only actual way he's getting out of 1-2k is by playing like a higher mmr player, for that learning terrible habbits of dragging the game and playing like a passive wanker only does the opposite of help

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                                    주 롄양

                                      go early win or supa late win?

                                      remember someone win lc after 4-5hours match with over 4k duel damage; thats troll anyway


                                        that guy was a smurf in captains who picked his team 4 heroes that can't finish and kept just dueling the enemies forever

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